
Looking For The Beginning

Mae's been having vivid dreams ever since she was very young. As she grows up, they seem to be getting worse. As she tries to sort out her state, she forms a relationship with a familiar figure from her dreams. The truth begins to unfold as she confronts her fears. Are they just dreams? Or are they memories from her past life?

Everheart · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 05 - A familiar face

Doctor Taemin's consultation was in the afternoon. I was as usual feeling really stressed. The only difference was that I slept.

I hugged both my paintings to my chest and clambered out of the car.

'Mae, don't forget to say thank you', Dad said.

I mumbled an ok and walked towards the clinic.

'Maeee!', Doctor Taemin drawled out as I walked in. I managed to put up what I thought was a winning smile.

'I'm glad you decided to continue your treatment with me', He said, gesturing to me to sit, 'You can't trick me with that smile'.

My face fell and I sat down and let out a very long sigh.

'What is wrong with me….'

'It's good to let your frustration out before everything, Mae', he added.

'Um, I brought two paintings for you', I said, reaching for my bag that was still strapped onto my shoulders, 'I'm not sure if you'll like them, but I kind of summarised certain characters I see'.

'Oh', He raised a well groomed eyebrow, 'I actually didn't think you'd bring them, most patients tend to be….. Stubborn'.

'What for?' I said as I handed him my paintings, 'Isn't it supposed to be good for them?'.

'It is Mae, they just give up'.

He got onto the floor and rolled out both paintings and kept a paperweight to stop them from rolling back. I sat down next to him as he admired them while muttering to himself. His fingers paused over Jae-Sung's eyes. He looked at me quizzically.

'Uh, that's the boy I told you about', I said, 'The one with heterochromia'.

'Ah', He smiled, 'Quite the handsome guy isn't he?'.

'Mi Cha thought so too', I said without thinking.

'I'm sorry, who?' Doctor Taemin asked.

I paused, 'I-I can't remember'

Why can't I remember? I know that name. Something's wrong, I usually remember everything.

'Mae? Calm down alright?' Doctor Taemin reached over and took hold of my hands.

I looked at my hands and realised that they were trembling all over.

'Isn't it good?' I looked at him.

'Doesn't that mean you're getting better Mae?' He inquired, 'Maybe you'll eventually forget all these things, bit by bit. After some time you might even not see such dreams again'.

'Y-yeah, it's a good thing', I said. But why do I feel a bit upset? Like I'm missing something.

And then we spent the entire afternoon discussing the various figures in my paintings. Till it got dark….

Dad had something in the school so I was supposed to go home by myself. Doctor Taemin's clinic was in Seodaemun-gu. So I had to travel almost six kilometres by bus. It's not like I haven't travelled by bus before but I just don't like to travel that way. I find it uncomfortable and crowded. But I can't wait for dad, it'll be too much trouble for him.

On the way back I decided to buy some groceries at the supermarket. Fresh milk was almost over and so were the vegetables. I need to ask him for the money when I get home. For now, I'm going to spend my allowance. I got out at the station closest to our usual supermarket. The streets were crowded again. Not only with office people but also with tourists. A fresh breeze of air conditioned air greeted me as I walked inside. I wished it was a bit warmer after spending almost an hour and a half in a freezer bus.

Selecting the things was easy, same brands. I walked to the cashier, rolling my heavy trolly to the queue. After the man in front finished billing his things I started setting the yoghurts on the counter. The cashier was a young girl with two braids and a NY cap.

'Hello ma'am can I have your credit nu-' She froze and I looked up inquiringly.

With a flash she pulled her cap further down covering the upper half of her face. I stared at her in shock.

Do I know her? Did she just hide her face from me? I couldn't even see her face….

I too stopped with my hand hovering over the fresh milk till the lady behind me cleared her throat.

The girl returned her attention to the yoghurts.

'M-ma'am, can you please put your number into the tablet please?'

Her voice was mechanical and completely fake. What's she trying to hide? Her fingers were shivering like nothing. She was obviously rattled to the core.

'Um, sure', I replied curtly and proceeded to input my dad's number.

As I picked up my loaded bags she touched the tip of her cap and turned slightly to watch me leave.

'Good day'.

'Same to you', I said slowly, 'I-guess'.

I walked out feeling curious about what just happened. I wish I'd looked closer, maybe I'd have been able to recognize her. Maybe she goes to art school like me. That was the strangest encounter I've ever had in my life.

I halted on the road wondering if I should call a taxi or if I should walk home. I shook my head and decided to walk home. Can't be wasting my money anymore.

I walked while humming and counting the number of traffic lights on the road.

Suddenly I felt a hard tug in my chest as a man in a dark overcoat brushed past me. I let go of the bag in my right hand and clutched my chest wheezing. I felt like something was trying to pull my heart out. I gasped as my breath came back to me. Instinctively I turned back to look for the guy who passed me. My mind was blank as I raced past people and shops until I spotted him. I ran up to him, grabbing his sleeve. Amidst the jostling crowd in Seoul, he turned and my heart stopped. I stared into his two toned eyes-


He cocked his head, 'I'm sorry, do I know you?'.

That question jolted me back to reality and I let go of his sleeve.

'It's you', I gasped.

'I don't think we've met before, you've got the wrong person', he said curtly.

With his long fingers he carefully brushed out his sleeve and focused back on me.

'Listen, if you dropped something I can't help you'.

'Wha-no! I remember you, in my….in my', I stopped. In my dreams?

'Are you lost? I have a lot of work to do and I can't be wasting that time with some crazy girl alright? I don't know you. So stop following me', He said, stepping away from me.

I watched his back as he walked away. Jae-Sung. That's him. I know it's him. He had long hair and heterochromia. The only difference with this guy, is that his hair is shorter. And….his face, so cold and expressionless. The Jae-Sung in my dreams smiled a lot, he laughed. He was playful….

No, I need to find out.

'No! Wait! Don't go', I started.

His figure was already blending with the other crowds. I was right in front of the supermarket again. I looked back at the grocery bags I've left on the floor. I decided to go after him.

'Hey! Wait!'I ran even though I'd lost sight of him. I couldn't hear anything but my own breath. Just as I caught sight of his black overcoat-

'Ma'am!' A female voice. I didn't stop.

Not again, I don't want to lose sight of him again.

The person behind me didn't stop either.

'Ma'am, wait! Stop!'

I kept running until I was just a few centimetres away. I reached out a hand to grab him-


I stopped in shock. The patter of running feet came to a halt behind me.

I've lost him….again.

My eyes filled with tears and took a step forward.

'Stop it!' screamed the voice behind me, 'Sun-Hee'.

I turned and my wet eyes widened in shock. A girl with orange freckles. I fell onto my knees and she held my arms in support.

'Jiao Jiao', I whispered.

'He can't remember', She looked me straight in the eye, 'Some of us- some of us don't remember'.

After a long time, His guys! Keep reading, the interesting parts are just about to begin.

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