

“ Hey stop there,” I said with Noah and Solomon by my side as I walked towards a blonde petite size girl while closing the big black gate with a bang , she was actually pretty So I won't be surprised if Noah do likes her, she froze at the spot looking down at her feet,

she did remember what she did yesterday, who even drinks on Sunday and get drunk by 2 am, okay everybody minus me. after calling Noah last night, I called Natalie who was more like the school's queen bee as everybody thinks, tho she actually likes me but to me she's just a tool for my satisfaction and nothing more, but she still doesn't get that and that is obviously her problem, I called her to get me some of her clothes and makeup, I asked her to bring different colors of cloth, like as if we were dressing someone in a color combo style, and Clara's house address, which she did, then me, Noah and Solomon, went to her house before going to school and fortunately, I saw her outside the gate of her compound

“ Good...Morin. ing...hee…llo " she stammered, and I rolled my eye, yesterday when she disturbed my sleep, she was bold

“ Can we drop the act?” I said making Solomon laugh and I know Noah was pissed about the whole idea, but he didn't say why, she bit her lip while looking at the floor.

“ Why did you call me yesterday, how did you even get my number, and do I look like Noah,” I said

“ It was a mis....”

“ Take, right, a mistake, well I can leave you, I'm so pissed that I want to punish you, " I dropped the cloth Natalie brought " take, they are color combo wear it before coming to school and when I see you in school you must dress in a color combo like a clown and I must be satisfied, or I will make your remain years in high school hell,” I said smirking wickedly

“ Dude we are in senior year, so it's months,” Solomon said laughing and Noah tapped his head

“ Whatever, and we must see you before you clean it,” I said and enter the car, and we drove to school-leaving her crying


After spending time in the car playing a game with the guys, we came down and headed to our locker but for some reason, people were gathering in the hallway, and we walked closer and saw Clara from this morning, I had so much urge to snap her and use her picture as wallpaper because she looks so hilarious

“Wow looks like Clara decided to dress for me, “I said as people cleared the way for us and I walked towards her

“ Justin she looks hot, just the way you told her to dress,” Solomon said trying not to laugh

“I know Solomon you don't need to tell me,” I said smirking toward Clara, and we went on teasing her until a new student walked to toward me then I turned and faced her then studied her a for few minutes then the spoked out

“wow,” I chuckled,

“ well looks like a new student have something interesting to say”, I said then fake yawn, then she came a bit closer looking intimidating, was she just trying to scare me

“Justin all what the fuck you call yourself, you're sick ", she snorted then I laughed, she looked frustrated

She moved close to me and whispered in my ear,” dude you mess with her, you mess with me “, then she dragged Clara out of the hall

I and the guys burst into laughter, that was silly, she was slim, and she is acting like she could beat me up

“ Okay who was that, Noah said trying not to burst into another set of laughter

“ She resembles someone tho " Solomon said

“ Nah, she doesn't, " I said then we left for class but for some reason, I kinda found her interesting

After that day everybody knew she was my enemy, I disliked her but she the way she acted remained me about nyinna which was weird


“ Dude guess what, we've found her Justin,” Solomon said

“ Serious dude,” I said happily

“ Yea, she is in California,” he said

“ Dude really, she is over here, where, "

“ Emmm... You know when I said that, the new girl resembles someone " he said dragging the words, immediately he said that I had to block my mind from whatever thought was entering!

“ Wait dude I don't get it, " I said hoping it's not what I'm thinking

“ Emm ... You know she said her name was ....wait let's put Noah and the two of us on a conference call he cut the call, I sat on the couch trying to block all the thought from my mind, she can't be the one, my phone rang again showing Solomon is calling back.

“ Hey dude any girly gist " Noah said

“ Dude it's not the time for girly stuff,” I said

“ So like I was saying Justin, the new girl is actually nyinna,” Solomon said

“ wait you've found nyinna, " Noah asked Solomon

“ Yes "

“And she is the new girl”

“ Yes”

“ The one that has an issue with us "

“ Dude fucking yes” Solomon shouted, and it's caused Noah to laugh, I was quite, how did I not remember her, how

“ You know when she told me not to call her Nickname, she mentioned her name was nyinna, but I was so carried away I didn't pick the name, “I said

“Totally witchcraft, " Solomon said laughing

Dude this is so fun,” Noah said puffing air into his cheeks preventing himself from laughing, and even making sounds with it, serious why is Noah always so foolish, sometimes I wonder is actually more foolish in Solomon and Noah

“ Can you keep your suggestions to your self Noah?” I said, clenching and unclenching my hand trying not to get angry, and I put a lot of work into that.

“ Guys what do I do, shit I'm so fucked " I groaned

“ There's a party today by some football jock,” Solomon said

“ Sooo”

“ Possibility that she might be there, Clara likes a party, and she is Clara's friend”

“ Dude that not the issues, that girl hates me now "

“ Dude bye, I got to go, I need to prepare for the party,” Noah said in an exciting tone, I almost thought they were sharing cash there because Noah doesn't play with cash

“ What's the rush,” Solomon said

“ I was just thinking about that,” I said

“ Noting, I just emmm…you need to look good for the party,” he said stuttering a bit and I pictured him scratching the nape of his hair and probably blushes, I cringe at the thought of it, but that how he sounded

“ Dude you're whipped, it's because of Clara, you couldn't even take your eyes off her today, I saw you,” Solomon said

“ Byeeeee " he shouted and cut the call

“ So I'm the only guy who isn't whipped, wow,” Solomon said, and I chuckled, what is with the dude

“ I will go prepare also, I think I need it, I have to act sweet with her, " I said with my tone down, I feel bad, I already planned things with her once I meet her, but here I am struggling to fix my already bad impression I had with her


“ Hey Justin, Natalie isn't around, you might want to go down with me,” one of Natalie's friends said licking her index finger and rubbing it on my neck, she wishes, I pushed her away from me, these Natalie's friends disgust me sometimes, with their antics of wanting to sleep with me

“ Sorry will never be interested," I said walking out of her, waving to people and those crazy stupid jocks, and some wannabes bimbos, Is that not what they call them

I just got into the party about 20 minutes ago, people were dancing and rocking and shit that goes on at a party, I looked around looking for nyinna and making face at those flirty looks, then I saw her by the community tables where snacks and pizzas are kept, she was wearing a short shoulder-length blue grown with a black lace-up booth and a long black leather jacket, with a straighten long hair flowing down her ass

I gulped at the sight of her, how can someone be so perfect all these days we have been seeing each other, I really haven't admired her, tho I find her feisty part amusing, but looking at her now, and knowing she is nyinna, she really is an epitome of beauty, she was beautiful than all the white girls here, I mean every girl here, then I remembered Solomon's word earlier today and I just realized I'm really whipped, I was really blind not to have noticed she is the one, looking at her now I remember her very well, she looks more pretty in person than those pictures Solomon do send to me, she grew taller, more pretty and her curly are still full and long as ever she really didn't have many hips and ass, she looks a bit okay, but she definitely had boobs than her ass and hips and that was definitely my specs, I cleared my throat thinking of how I will approach her

I turned and searched for my friends, I saw Noah dancing with Clara, I rolled my eyes,

whipped number #2,

I turned to look for Solomon, when I felt a strong force from a hand hit my head, I turned

“ What the fu... " I stopped when I discovered it was Solomon " Dude seriously, I was looking for you tho”, I said, but he kept on grinning widely at me

“ Ok dude that is creepy,” I said giving him a look that screams Guy you're weird

“ I saw you devouring her with your eyes, now that I look at her well she hot, no wonder you're obsessed,” I said, and I rolled my eyes

“ Be going, I want to make my move now I said pushing him

Then I turned to her, she was seriously eating the pizza from the table, and was seriously moaning to the taste of the pizza, and If I stay here listening to her moan, she is going to make me cum hard, no kidding, then she did it again, I snort, bringing her back to life, I leaned on the wooden table, has she turned to look at me then turn to ignored me, wow Justin what a good score, I came close to her and whispered in ears

“ you're hot apart from being feisty which Is hot too "

She turned and glared at me and I prayed silently that at the end of today she doesn't hate me, I winked and smirks at her, she groans and turned back to the table, picked two more slices and left there, she took out her phone from her bra and I couldn't help but laugh, she is so fucking natural, she kept on pressing it while her lips parted to take bites and each time she does it, I could help but licking my lips, her lips was definitely strawberry,


I sound like a dick

Then a dude pretending to me drunk hit her, don't ask me how I know he was pretending to be drunk, I'm a guy, so I Know those strategies, she said sorry and was about to move, but the dude looked at her again, I swear I could read his mind now and or should I say I already know it was a planned act, he came close to her, slowing, as he moved towards her, she moves back making her back hit the wall, fucking asshole, if he thinks she is like other girls then he is a fool because I will fucking punch him, I clenched my hand

“ Hey sweetheart,” the drunk guy says licking his lips in lust,

“ I will fucking punch this guy " I muttered, then my phone buzzes, I brought it out from my pocket and Solomon's name showed on the screen, I turned back scanning the crowd for him, I saw him looking at me and the incident going on, I turned back to my phone, unlocked it and read the message

Solomon:” don't interfere, she's good trust me, wait till she can't fight "

“Back off dude don't touch me " she snares angrily, interrupting me from my phone, I saw her trying to struggle with the guy, I watched her waiting for the right time to strike

“Relax it's going to be fun trust me,” he says flirty trying to put his hands on her thighs and I clenched my hands

“Fuck I will stab you, " she said hurriedly as she bends down to take something from her lace-up boots, he laughs assuming she was playing with him and watched with an expectation to know what she had in her lace-up boots, she brought a knife out and point it directly at his throat

God, that was hot, I smiled,

“Get your hands off me, or I swear I will kill you,” she says threatening him, and I smiled hard realizing how smart and prepare she was, who even keeps a knife in his or her shoe, I made a mental note to always be prepared, speaking of the strange stalking that has been happening to me,

The guy kept on touching her, but then without fear, she placed the knife on his arm, pressing it on his flesh with pressure and dragging it vertical tearing his arm, as blood gushed out, the guy placed his hands on it covering the blood that gushed out the deep wound and her lip parted as her words flowed out her mouths, but I was already in another cloud, my heart melts, I was so happy that she was confident on taking care of her self, by the time I got myself she was looking at me furiously, and I knew all wasn't well, I but like I promised myself, it will be better before we bid goodnight.