
Looking Down On The World: Attack on Titan

A man in love tortured by his inability to save the woman he loved dearly despite his unprecedented skills and resources reincarnates in a world completely different from the one he knew. Equipped with his AI assistant and his frightening mind, the world shall bend before his sight for none can compare to him. ... This fanfiction is a re-telling of Attack on Titan from the perspective of a person who reincarnated into this world without the knowledge of anything that transpires in it carrying only his superior academic knowledge, an AI system, and his ambitions to continue seeking immortality. Since it's my first fanfic don't expect much from it. Also, if I can get to the end of this world's story, I may or may not hop the character into another universe or I might just start a completely new story with the same protagonist but in another universe. PS: No harem.

SwordDomainGod · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Eight - Can she see me?

Everything has a beginning, be it the universe itself or just about anything. Nothing can pop out into existence without reason or logic. Humans are what they are because of the environment that shaped their upcoming. Destroying suitable predators, favoring certain aspects over others, accidentally mutating the brain so that it can grow larger and more efficient... Far too many things allowed humans to become the Apex predators of the planet.

Richard himself thought that he was a cut above others and there were a few reasons for this. A gifted mind that was pointed in the right direction early on and also received the blessing of technology way beyond its time was among them.

Coming to this world was not only a chance at redemption, but it was also a chance to make things right.

As much as he prides himself in his accomplishments and individual capabilities, even he isn't capable of everything although he may seem like it. Learning new tricks? Sure. Fighting? He can do that. Solving all problems? No, unfortunately, he can't.

And so it was in his childhood that many troubles followed him until that one girl saw something in him. 'I'd call it... a spark. You shine like no one else, and that's why... I was interested in you.' Those words changed him entirely, but it took almost 18 years before that happened. Prior to this, he was a worthless and useless worm with almost unlimited knowledge but no proper way or will to use it in any meaningful way. She was the one who changed the core of his being into something better. Digging up all the buried potential lying in plain sight inside his mind that stank of a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem.

That's why when he came back to life, the first thing he did was take the reins of his life. He wouldn't allow anyone but himself to be the writer of his destiny.


Richard reminded himself of his goals and motivations. He needed both the strength and the courage to deal with that strange and unknown equation that suddenly intruded the formula that was his life.

"Are you sure?" Richard asked. Not fully believing Diemut. Despite the spur of growth the organization has gone through since taking over the Thorns Gang territory and business ventures, they searched everywhere for almost two years and never managed to find a single trace of their existence.

He was beginning to think that they had died and were buried somewhere in the woods.

"One hundred percent! With the drawings you gave us, I couldn't be mistaken unless the two of them happen to have identical twins." Diemut patted his chest with a smile on his face.

"That's right. When I heard Diemut talking about it I also wanted to confirm everything before allowing him to tell you about it. There's no mistake that they are the ones we're looking for especially because that girl is really a freak."

As Tobias spoke his legs shuddered a bit as an unpleasant memory resurfaced in his mind. May the gods save that man's balls.

Richard ignored Tobias' antics and focused on everything else that had any value.

Creasing his brows, he once again felt a strange feeling regarding that. Every time he thought about that girl in the last two years it made him feel unwell and somewhat sick. The scene of her awe-inducing strength repeated itself in the back of his mind making him feel naked and vulnerable as if the whole world was an endless giant forest and he was a mere ant alone and without anyone to help him.

No matter what he thought or how much research he did all this time. He still couldn't figure out the truth behind her especially because nothing made sense.

Although he could say with certainty that there was some kind of irregularity with the humans of this world, especially the adult ones who seems to have a much higher limit for physical prowess compared to the humans from his previous world... it was still not enough data to help him in understanding that girl's circumstances because her strength should have been impossible from a scientific point of view.

It could be said that at that moment, she demonstrated a strength double that of what humans can naturally achieve in this place. Then, there were all those crazy warnings coming from Alf...

He took a deep breath and rested his back on the wall. After a moment of thinking, he looked them in the eyes. "Prepare a squadron."

"Any specialty, Commander?"

"Infiltration and espionage."

Diemut and Tobias watched his back as he left.

"Well, it's done. Still, don't you think it was weird?"

"What?" Diemut questioned.

"It's just... I feel like that girl looked at us when were spying on them."

"Are you crazy? That's impossible. Not only was she occupied with those goons, but she was also even carrying that firewood basket and taking care of the kid while we were hiding on the rooftops. No way in hell she noticed us."

"Tsk, you are the dumb one." Tobias shook his head and left. In his mind, he could only remember the shill that he felt on the back of his spine. 'She must have noticed us... otherwise... why would I feel like that?'


Under the cover of the shadows. Richard and his subordinates slowly made their way through a subdistrict of Zhiganshina. The smell of shit was rich in the air around these parts as horses were very common on these streets. Feeling somewhat repulsed and sick, Richard felt like cursing but he still managed to hold himself. He couldn't be showing weakness in front of his subordinates.

Although sacrifices were needed, it didn't stop him from continuing to follow Diemut through the alleyways and rooftops. As they waited till the evening to depart, the position of the sun allowed for many covers and hiding spots that would stop the common people and even the soldiers from noticing them.

After so many years, Shattered Heavens had developed quite a few techniques to stay under the radar. Not many have seen them directly, and most that did was because a grave was already waiting for them.

Approaching the residence of Grisha Yeager, they stopped at a nearby house at the end of the street.

Silently staring at the house of the Yeagers, he sat down on the edge of the rooftop and turned on his hud.

Numbers showed up in front of him and so he started scanning the house without much care, almost feigning a complete lack of interest. Meanwhile, the others separated from him and went to hide somewhere else.

Lying on his back he took an apple from his bag and watched the clouds in peace while munching on the fruit and staring at all the data he was gathering.

Although the scanning function of Alf wasn't as convenient as making a 3d map of the place. It could still do some useful things like picking up anomalies in the air. For example... Dr. Yeager seems to be fond of doing research and experimentation in his own home. There were traces of ammonia, hydrochloric acid, benzyl chloride, and many other chemical compounds that could be commonly found in many types of medicine. Soon though a strange compound appeared in front of his eyes.

[Anomaly, unknown chemical compound detected. Only part of the formula could be reversed-engineered due to not being cataloged in the database: CH3-CH2-CH2-COOH... You need to be at least a meter away from it for it to be fully analyzed. Warning! A large amount of energy has been detected near or in the target, caution is advised.]

Hearing those words made Richard raise his brows in surprise. 'What?! This again?!'

Feeling like the universe was playing tricks on him, he raised his head and turned towards the house. At that time though a strange scene occurred. Despite there being a large distance between them a girl was staring directly at him.

The moment he saw her face his heart tightened and he immediately dunked under cover.

'Did she... Was she staring at me?!' The mere thought was absurd but he couldn't help but consider the many supernatural feats of the girl. Who knows, perhaps superhuman strength was just one of her skills. What if her senses were enhanced too?

Making a decision, he whistled, calling the others over, and left. It wasn't time to be exposed. If an opportunity ever appeared, he would search their house at a later date. He doesn't believe that she will always be there, staring ominously in his direction.


"Mikasa, what are you looking at?" Eren looked confused at the girl who suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Nothing, I was just wondering something." Staring under the horizon, she watched as the figure of the cloaked men disappear in between the houses. The same cloaked men that were tailing behind her for the whole day when she was kidnapped.

'It was probably them. Who else could have done that? There were so many. Father had warned me about some weird people that appear at night before too. And they were there that night. If they were enemies, they would have attacked us but they just left...'

Feeling a bit of a headache, Mikasa creased her brows and turned around. No point in pondering on this matter for now. But one day she would seek answers.