
Look Away There's Nothing To See Here

Vincent Gate, A Middle-Class man with a below low-class life. His mother was a rape victim in coma. To bring his mother out of her coma, He tried all he can but one day all his efforts went to nought and not too long after he followed. He expected to find himself in Satan’s embrace or God’s grace, instead he woke up in a queue of long souls with an Identification No [77777]. He was judged to be passed on but had complications so he couldn’t, hence he had to be reincarnated but with an ability only . By why does he find himself with an overpowered ability and a system to boot? In a new world, new dimension, new danger. How can Vincent Gate expect to survive with an ability to make all that exists his [Sandbox]? ‘’By the Power of [@#$@!], [Devour].’’ ‘’By the Power of [@#$@!], [Rewrite]’’ ‘’By the Power of [@#$@!], [Kill Yourself] Read and find out. /// A little Authors Note I'll also be posting on RoyalRoad and scribble hub. You guys should check it out since the Chapters there have less mistakes. Also Polls will take place there

God_Is_With_Me · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs


No, I'm not canceling the novel.....well in a way I am

I mean, If you search for this novel's name on the webnovel you'll see 2 books with the same name.

You see I've been contracted so the other book would allow me to lock and paywall.

So what I'll do is transfer the chapters here to the other book, then delete this one.

I do need your help though

I would love it if you all could add the other book to your library and maybe drop a few reviews so that I can get ratings activated again

Thank you all😊😊

Note I'll do the transfer throughout this month, I want to re-edit as I'm transferring and also give me time to stockpile my chapters.

Also, the other book has about 24 chapters, so you should be able to identify.

For easier identification search for the book under recently updated or just search for my username God_Is_With_Me

Thank you all for your help