
Look around - it's hidden in plain sight

Mother Nature created us equal. There has to be two for everything, even once alone. These stories talk about a love lost, the frustration and the healing from a lost love. Some stories might be real. Some stories might be in my imagination. Some stories, a scape from reality. You judge. Share your thoughts....

Chacha_3290 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

CHAPTER 15 : Tempted by the fruit of her lover

Winter grey day. Yep.

Just past over Christmas.

This year is about to end and give way to the New Year.

It's a great time to reflect and rectify bad experiences, bad encounters and interactions that might've interfered; in any sense, in any way, in any possible impossible way.

And there were; like many other, an opportunity in place waiting to be taken, waiting to be discovered, waiting to be abused.

Cree had a plan he's been carefully studying. And it was going to be a surprise for Ada. They both loved and enjoyed this free-out-of-extraordinary-casual meetings they both orchestrated and for their luck, incorporated to their busy schedules.

Many times they had wondered if their lives were to be together for ever, but their busy schedules transformed and last minute changed their plans.

Hopefully and as usual, this to be another coming out flying with living colours. Every moment they were together; every second, every moved was carefully carved to be enjoyable to an unbelievable experiences of the senses. Two bodies becoming one, turned on, then both addicted to their own love they professed to each other. They both looked forward for the next available time.

Shared feelings, tried new things, explored themselves, getting to know each other deeply, made them addicted to each others love and affection.

Every corner, every curve, every wrinkle, every freckle, every mole, every whisper, every breath, every moan. Every flaw. Every sin.

Every time, time stopped for both to allow them sin, no witness required.

Only two addicted souls looking for a moment to bond and make their relationship stronger, submerging themselves in a world of lush and deliciousness.

Cree had every detail covered. He had scheduled to visit one of the wineries he had administered before, the Beringer Vineyards.

There, the both experienced another wonderful encounter. They both felt in love again. They both enjoyed themselves again. He wanted to comeback again. He wanted to feel red my

her again.

He wanted to taste her again.

Feelings and desires and hunger to create and experience each bother became a vice, hard to satisfy.

If the saying 'curiosity killed the cat', was true, they both would've been killed long time ago.

But this was an everlasting never ending love.

To tell you the truth, as I'm writing this story, I have become envy of this couple.

I'm pretty sure there must be a real couple going through this in real life!

Who knows.....

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