
Look After the Moon

[Original Work] Originally named: Even If the Moon Shines Brighter A happy childhood came crashing down like a meteor for Bai YuHan. Losing his parents and older brother due to an “accident” in the Bai Sect changes YuHan’s perspective on life. A pent-up fire built in him and a pessimistic behavior formed. A child with a smile soon faded. Walls were built taller than the mountains that surrounded him. Everyone called him a genius, but being mature at a young age came with a price. Everyone knew and he knew that that one day would come when he would meet the Yin Sect’s eldest. The person he was determined to keep a distance from, was Yin ZiNuo. Life or death is the only way to determine the ending for the two. What kind of sparks would come from the free-spirited young man and the young man, whose words bring thorns? What ties and trust could be built before it ends? Whether with a sword and a broken heart or a never-ending fight A/N: Beware of grammar mistakes and any other mistakes.

HeChaShangYue · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Sweet Talk Doesn't Work

YuHan Pov:

Why does he want to lean that close. "I'll be taking ZiNuo, back to the room," I said.

"Are you going to come back after putting him down?" Mei Jiejie asked.

"No, I'll go to the room and rest for the rest of the day, but thank you for the meal, Mei Jiejie," I said as I got up. I wrapped ZiNuo's arm around my shoulder. Why is he so light? I lifted him in my hands, carried him back to the room. I placed him on the bed. I took his shoes off, placing them on the ground. I covered him with the blanket before I went to sleep on the ground.

The next day I got up from the ground, took my sword and bag with me. I fixed my hair and clothes walked out of the room. I could smell the faint scent of breakfast. On my way to the kitchen, I saw Mei Jiejie, "Bai Gongzi, good morning, how was sleep?" she asked.

"Thank you for asking. I've got decent sleep, is there a place where I can wash up?"

"I can prepare a bath for you," she said as she placed plates of food on the table.

"I can do it myself. I'll take my bath, and take a bite of breakfast before I leave for the capital."

"What about Yin Gongzi?" she asked.

"Don't worry about him. He'll know where to go." I walked away.

Third Pov:

By the time YuHan finished bathing and eating, he had already left, and ZiNuo had just woken up. Mei Jiejie went and knocked on the door, "Yin Gongzi, did you wake up yet?" ZiNuo got out of bed and fixed himself, opened the door to see Mei Jiejie.

"I just got up," he smiled.

"Bai Gongzi already left for the capital. You should get going too. I already made breakfast. It is a bit on the light side, steamed buns and porridge."

"I'm pretty sure, Bai Gongzi enjoyed it," he laughed.

"I also prepared a bath for you to get going." ZiNuo nodded in response.

When ZiNuo finished everything, he thanked Mei Jiejie and Er ge, and continued his journey to the capital.

When ZiNuo finally arrived at the capital, the sun was at its brightest time of day, the evening. He looked around and wandered from shop to shop. He ended up in a clothing shop, where he got himself a new set of clothes, mainly white, but it consists of dark blue patterns of water lilies.

"Gongzi has a unique taste, most people here don't choose this fabric, I thought I would never get this set of clothes sold," the boss said.

"Well, I find the patterns and colors perfect," ZiNuo smiled as he paid and took the clothes with him. Then he started to look around for a hotel for him to stay in. He ended up getting a room for himself, at a hotel with a bathhouse, and a massive dining area. ZiNuo walked up to a waiter, "Ay Xiao er, where is the bathhouse?"

"Gongzi, please follow me," the waiter said and guided ZiNuo to the bathhouse that was currently empty. The waiter gave ZiNuo a towel and left, ZiNuo stripped his clothes off and wrapped a towel to cover everything below his waist. He walked into the hot water then sitting down.

After his bath, he wore his new set of clothes. The clothes were a bit on the tighter side since it was premade clothes. He got out of the bathhouse that was starting to fill up with people. He waited for his hair to dry as he walked around the hotel. He looked around and many females were looking at him. Then one of them came up to him, "Gongzi, hello," she bowed and spoke.

"Oh hello, Miss."

"I've never seen you around, your clothes look rather unique," she smiled.

"Yeah, thanks, but I have to get going now," he said before he left the hotel, walking into the streets of the capital. What he left behind was a group of speechless females, the one and only Teng Sect's most treasured daughter, Teng XiaQing was rejected.

ZiNuo walked the streets, the streets had all different kinds of stands, different types of stands were placed in different parts of the huge street. The one closer to the huge gate of the capital had things only the capital sold, it was a way of marketing the capital. Then you'll find all your basic needs in the middle of the street, walking down the street you'll find the pretty things where you'll see most ladies shopping, pretty fabric for new clothes, jewelry of all sorts, and makeup that enhances your look. ZiNuo ended up at the end of the street, where he found himself surrounded by ladies, status of all sorts. The ladies were looking at him and one approached him.

"Hello there gongzi, can you tell me how you've got glowing skin and luscious hair?" a xiaojie in her early 30s asked.

"I don't do much and my hair is naturally like this," ZiNuo smiled.

"You remind me of the beautiful ladies and gongzi from Yin Sect, they're really pretty," she giggled.

"What made you think that, Miss?"

"You have some very dark black hair and pale skin, your face just says everything," she smiled.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I must get going," ZiNuo said before bowing and walking away. He walked towards a crowd of people surrounding a particular area. He walked through the crowd to see a young man wearing white, looking at flowers. When the young man turned around, ZiNuo immediately knew who he was, YuHan. "Ay! Bai Gongzi, It's really you," ZiNuo shouted. YuHan looked in his direction, his expressionless eyes stared into ZiNuo's eyes. ZiNuo walked through the crowd and grabbed YuHan's hand, walking away from the crowd.

"You know I could get out myself, right?" YuHan spoke.

"That crowd of ladies are scary, you'll need my help to get out of that place. You might end up being trapped there forever and starve to death," ZiNuo said.

"Let go."

"Oh your hand," ZiNuo said as he loosened his grip on YuHan's hand. "What were you doing at a flower stand?"


"Oh...I know what you were doing there," ZiNuo smirked. "You were buying flowers for a xiaojie you found in the capital," he laughed.


"Anyways, doesn't the capital have the best type of wine there is in this nation." YuHan looked at ZiNuo and nodded. "You know where to drink it? I'm quite interested in drinking at least a sip of it. I also heard they serve delicious peach flavored shave ice, thinking about it makes me hungry."

"Follow me," YuHan said. They walked to the hotel ZiNuo was staying in.

"You got to be kidding me, the hotel I'm staying at is the place that sells this famous wine?"

YuHan walked ahead of ZiNuo and found a table for them. The waiter immediately went up to YuHan, "Gongzi, how can I help you?"

"Two bottles of your famous wine and a plate of spicy chives with tofu."

"Is that all?" YuHan nodded in response and the waiter stormed off with the order. ZiNuo sat down next on the opposite side of the table.

"Why did you order something spicy?" ZiNuo asked.

"It's not for me."

"You ordered it for me?" ZiNuo smiled. YuHan didn't respond, they waited for the meal to arrive. YuHan saw the waiter running over to their table.

"Sorry Gongzi, our hotel is quite busy right now so the food is a bit late," the waiver said while placing the plate of spicy chives with tofu on the table beside the two bottles of wine. ZiNuo immediately grabbed a pair of wooden chopsticks from the container that held them.

"Don't mind if I start eating right?" ZiNuo started eating the delicious chives with tofu. He opened a bottle of wine and started drinking it. "Are you sure you don't want any wine?" YuHan grabbed his sword and got up from his seat, walking away from the table. YuHan ended up on the other side of the hotel where a quiet library was at. He got himself a basic cook book and started reading it, in the middle of his reading he was interpreted by a high pitched scream. He immediately got up and ran towards the direction of the voice. In front of him was a group of guys surrounding two females. One without a hat and in fear, while the other one had a hat with white cloth that covered her face standing still. They were both wearing white and different shades of purple.

"Stop," YuHan spoke. The group of guys looked at him and stared at him with a smirk on their face.

"What is mister shining armor going to do?" one of them spoke. Before they spoke any further, YuHan took his blade out and put it against the neck of the one that spoke.


"Quick, leave the young miss alone," the guy shocked in fear. The others ran out and YuHan let go of the guy. The guy immediately ran out.

"Thank you Gongzi for helping us," the girl without a hat bowed.

"It's nothing," he spoke. The xiaojie with the hat, took off her hat and looked into YuHan's eyes.

"Thank you for saving us," she bowed before she took something out of her pocket. She took out a golden squared block with words carved on it. "Please take this as a token of thanks." She handed him the block.

"You should take it back, Miss" He handed it back to her. "Judging from the colors of your clothes, you must be from the Feng sect. My fiancée is from the Feng sect, helping you won't be a bother," he said before walking away.

"Whoever his fiancée is, she's sure lucky," the young Miss smiled.

"Don't worry, Miss. You also have a fiancé! I heard he's very good looking too!" the female servant said.

"Maybe in another lifetime." She walked out of the library.

A set of dialogues in my head again!

ZiNuo: YuHan with a Feng Sect fiancée? You never told me about that.

YuHan: You never asked.

ZiNuo: At least should have told me, we are friends after all.

YuHan: Never said I was your friend.

ZiNuo: Hmmh, a fiancée you're hiding and we're not even friends apparently.

YuHan: Never asked for a fiancée and you never said if we would be more than friends.

ZiNuo: Bestfriends?

YuHan: You're clueless.

Sorry for any mistakes, I tried reading through and editing parts I disliked, hopefully it didn't misrepresent what I was thinking of, and thank you for reading!

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