

Longwei is a child with great beauty. He was born in the cultivation world but unfortunately he couldn't cultivate because his dantain was sealed since birth. His mother was always abuse by his ungrateful father. Longwei's hatred against his father grew as days go by. He vowed to get stronger and protect his loved ones from danger. One day he unsealed his dantain and began his road to cultivation. Watch as he reach high in the world and became the Next emperor. The book cover doesn't belong to me. All the credit goes to the wonderful artist

Xghoul · History
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13 Chs

Heir's birthday ruined [3]

They entered the forest and went back to the waterfall. Longwei and Xinyi got down from the panda as they made their way to the waterfall while walking on the water.

"Hm... Xinyi.. Here! Use my bucket too! I want to check something out!" Longwei gave his sister his bucket. He pointed his hands towards the water and a big bubble of water was seen floating in mid-air "Cool!!" Longwei and Xinyi both said, looking at the bubble in awe.

"Xinyi use this method to bring water back home , pour the water inside the big buckets at home, I'll be here.. Oh.. and keep the buckets after this then come back with a basket, okay!"

"Yep! Got it! " Xinyi created a bubble of water but it's not as big as longwei's. She carried the two buckets by their handles and hopped onto the back of the panda as they left the forest while the bubble of water was still in mid-air, following them.

Longwei looked at the water, he gently set his foot down, he still felt the invisible steps that keeps him balanced in the water. He imagined it disappearing and it disappeared and he fell into the water.

The Mystical creature hidden in the water swam up to him, it was a hippocampus. It bowed gracefully with full of elegance as it said, "What can i do for you. Your majesty?"


Longwei couldn't speak because, hey.. He's underwater.

"You can speak and breathe underwater, your majesty!"

Longwei looked at it surprised. He has to try one way or another so he inhale and exhaled and nothing happened. He smiled at the hippocampus and said "I want to talk to a clam.. Can you please lead me to it!"

The hippocampus bowed before it said "It will be my greatest pleasure to serve you, your majesty. Please hop on my back, I will take you to the cave where they live"

Longwei nod. He hopped on its back but he couldn't sit properly on him because of his slippery body. He hugged the hippocampus by the neck as it swam at a high speed.

The lake was not a lake at all. It was as big as an ocean, it's a tunnel under the water behind the waterfall , leading to the other side so because of the waterfall, one might think that it's just a lake.

If it was someone instead of longwei, even if it's the king, the hippocampus will not surrender to him/her or even let him/her ride on it. And to actually held its neck, this shows that the hippocampus is loyal and respects the person because allowing someone to hold its neck, its the same as giving its life to that person.

In the water, whenever the hippocampus passed other animals in the water, they will bow because its like it's their master and it will protect their precious home but today, all of their attention was on Longwei.

The hippocampus didn't stop, he swam until it reached a beautiful cave full of bright and beautiful light. Inside the cave is a small lake in the center and lots of rear clams playing in the water.

When they saw the hippocampus they bowed because its rear to see it approach their cave but seeing longwei and the small golden dragon that's sleeping in his body surrounded by a bight golden hue, they all froze.

A golden dragon. Animals know their kind and even though they knew of a golden dragon, they didn't expect to see it in this world and also in a small city like Baijin.

The way clams boy is by facing their mouths downward and bow deepened when they saw longwei. Longwei got down from the hippocampus because the place is a cave and the hippocampus can't go any further.

Longwei walked on the ground as he approached the center of the cave that has a little lake. He was astonished by the beautiful lights in the cave as he keep turning his head here and there.

He saw the lake glowing in an electric blue hue, the leader the rearest clam swam up to longwei and "Your majesty, How may I serve you?"

Longwei has really had enough of the way they address him but what can he do, he can just let them be. The golden clam looks at longwei with excitement in his eyes.

Longwei fiddling with his hands as he asked with his head down" Can I please ask a favour from you? "

The clam was shocked, a great being like him is talking nervously in front of him as if he's the great being.

" Anything you want. Do you want pearls, your majesty! "

Longwei nodded his head as he blushed a little, he feels like a thief, stealing and the victim is even happy about it.

The clam clammed its mouth in happiness. The golden calm open its mouth and it cast a spell. Five golden pearls popped up in it's mouth, this is the limit of pearls it can keep in it's mouths and each pearl takes a year to appear because its a golden pearl but If its a normal pearl, it will take a month and the limit is only three.

longwei's eyes shined seeing them." Thank you but what can I do to repay you?"

The clam was stunned, to repay him. To be in the presence of such a great being is already a miracle to him.

It shook it's head and said"No no, your Majesty. What's mine is yours, I'm already grateful for meeting you! And that's enough for me!"

Longwei left, ridding on the back of the hippocampus and they reached the surface on the other side after thanking the clams.

Longwei got off after thanking the hippocampus.

The panda and Xinyi were still there, waiting for longwei. Seeing the hippocampus, Xinyi wasn't surprised at all, I mean her brother just keeps surprising her that she's over it already but the panda on the other hand was looking at longwei with admiration.

Longwei used his outer robe to carry the pearls. Pearls are usually small but this pearl looks as big as a ping pong ball.

Xinyi brought the basket so longwei dropped the pearls inside and Xinyi looks at him stunned before her eyes glowed and you can even she the image of the golden pearls in her eyes.

Longwei wearied his wet outer robe and made their way out of the forest. He walked because he doesn't want the panda to get wet.

When the get home, he saw all the big buckets full of water. Longwei smiled with his eyes glowing in a profound light, he asked his mother and sister and even the panda to help him, spread the buckets of water to surround the house after he changed.

He showed his mother the pearls and his mother was so proud of him. She hugged him and planted kisses all over his face. He is the best son ever!

"Brother are you going to exchange it for money today?" Xinyi tilted her head as she asked.

"Nope. We will sell it at an auction house. It will bring us more money"

"Mom do you have money" Longwei looks at him mother after he answered his sister's question.

"Yes honey, I got 30 copper coins today for my allowance"


A Crystal >is equivalent to< 1,000,000 Diamonds.

A Diamond >is equivalent to< 100,000

Gold coins.

A Gold coin >is equivalent to< 10,000 copper coins.

A copper coin.

Longwei nod his head. He looks at Xinyi and said "Xinyi collect the money from mom and go buy a make-up kit. Get dressed and Mom would do your makeup. The second part of my plan is about to start"