
Longing Of Eternity: The Demon & The Goddess of War

A cultivation story... 1200 years ago,  War broke out between the Asuras and the heavens. The force of Asura was far bigger and better than the Heavens. The King of Heaves, Tianzhu was in a state of panic and disappeared with a vow of coming with a solution or never coming back, while giving orders to the other deities to keep the heaven safe. The Asura attack at the war went on for 11 days. The heaves started losing but there was no news from Tianzhu. But all of a sudden a fiery force appeared and won the battle of the Heavens. Later she was given the name of 'Goddess of War'. She was praised and prayed by everyone. But one day she rebelled against the Heavens and was sentenced to death but the Jade Emperor saved her and gave her a new chance to repentance of her sins and to find her true heart as she was feeling remorseful. If she would not be able to do so, she had to come back and be the Goddess of War again. Before she left her six senses were taken from her. _____ Her real journey as a mortal began and she started living while knowing nothing about her identity. She lived her 11 incarnations but she was still a robot with no feeling. This was her last chance. And in her 12th incarnation, she was nothing but a weak girl who can't sense anything except hearing and talking. While others were busy cultivating, she was busy in her music classes with her Guqin, playing and inventing music which had nothing to do with cultivation.  Later she met Zhu Wenlong, who was one of the greatest cultivators of his age and his Sect Named Qinglong. He saved and protected her at many occasions and fell for her but innocent Lin Mingyan, due to lack of emotions, couldn't feel his love. His sect didn't allow them to fall in love but he still dared to go against them which made him pay from almost giving up his life for her... ____ Note:- The cover is not mine credit goes to the owner.

ARU · Fantasy
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9 Chs

How Does It Feels Like To Smell!

"Are you sure Lili? I have seen everywhere but I couldn't find her!"

He was still in doubt to find her in the garden.

At his words Jia Li smiled and said

"Did you look up at the trees also?"

MengYao stopped in his tracks and blinked rapidly

"Tree! Why do I need to look up at the trees!?"

He asked in utter shock. 

``Just why in the world does she have to be on a tree?"

"You don't know but since you have left, Sect Master Lin, Your dear father and my Dear Uncle made her life very difficult so to escape from him, she found a new place to sleep"

Lin Jai-Li chuckled and pointed at the tree

"Look! There she is!"

She said and a beam of joy appeared in her eyes.

Lin MengYao looked at her sleeping self on the branches of a tree.

The branch of tree on which she was laying was totally covered by the leaves and anyone could hardly point to a creature sleeping there. 

He was speechless! Not knowing what to say and what to do. He stood rooted there. 

"Brother Yao, look at your meimei sleeping there. Now go and have a sweet reunion with her."

She said and chuckled 

"I can't see you guys otherwise I will be in tears and you must have known that once I start…"

"Fine, Fine little Lili.. Just go and have fun..I will take good care of her"

He said and waved his hand at her.

Jia Li ran away while giggling and chuckling.

Lin MengYao went under the tree where she was sleeping and smiled. 

He spread his both hands on each side and tapped his left leg a little and jumped up at the tree.

He slowly sat at the corner where she was resting her head on her hands.

He softly held his head and put it up on his lap.

Lin MengYan, his little sister for whom he had been looking for hours was finally in front of him but all he could do was see her sleeping and drooling like a fool.

There were a lot of mosquitoes flying around which made him shake his body a little.

'This little bear! Sometimes it's really good that you can't feel anything!' He thought while trying his best to drive away the mosquitoes but with all his activities and shaking his body, the girl sleeping on his lap woke up and rubbed her eyes 

"Why is it so soft?" She said and put her hand under her head and opened her eyes.

"Brother… Big Brother Meng!"

She was shocked to see him sitting right behind her out of nowhere and almost fell from the tree but Lin MengYao was quite a good cultivator and had a lot of skills in his hands.

He quickly pointed out his two fingers and a beam came out of them.

MengYan who was about to fall from the tree, was now hanging in the air, smiling like a fool!

"Big Brother! Big brother, when did you come back? I really missed you brother"

Even though she was hanging in the air, she felt no fear and kept looking at him with a smile. 

Her act made MengYao smile as well so he jumped from the tree towards her, held her by her waist and swiftly landed her on the ground.

She still kept looking at his handsome face and said 

"Brother Yao is even more handsome after hunting a lot of demons"

She said in mesmerized voice 

Meng Yao chuckled and brushed his finger lightly on her nose and said 

"And how did my little bear know that I have hunted a lot of demons?

Lin MengYan puffed her chest, patted on it and said "Little Yan knows everything about her brother"

Even though she was turning 16 this year, she still liked to be spoiled by her brother.

According to Master Lin, Meng Yan was now at her age to get married. Since she couldn't cultivate any skills, it was better to marry a good and powerful cultivator who can keep her safe for all her life.

If not for Meng Yao, she would have been getting married after 4 months. As in the next 4 months she was turning 16.

He flicked on her forehead lightly "Wow..!! So amazing! My little bear is so powerful"

He praised her as if she had told him a big secret of the Demon's.

She smiled foolishly at him and then clung onto him

"Big Brother Yan.. Let's go. You must be tired"

She said and dragged him back to the big wooden house.

The house was big and spacious. Whole place smelled like flowers since the disciples of the sect had decorated the whole house with flowers.

"It really smells nice!"

When last time Meng Yao came inside, he couldn't smell as he was in panic but this time he was with his little bear and was more relaxed than ever.


She said softly

"Hm!" He was still intoxicated by the sweet smells which was flaring in his nostrils 

"How does it feels like to Smell?"

She asked in bewilderment.

Meng Yao was taken aback from her out of the blue question and looked at her without blinking 

'She had never asked anything like this! So why is she asking this?'

He thought to himself, not knowing what to say..

His any word could hurt her at the moment so he was thinking hard about how to tell her.

When for a long time she did not her her answers, she said

"Forget it! Who cares? Father just likes to pick on me for nothing?"

She chuckled and dragged him inside his room.

"Brother Yao… Go have a bath and then we will talk about your Demon hunting experiences and until then I will bring you a lot of good food to eat"

She said and ran away before he could say anything. 

"This girl is really something. God knows who can bear all her heartlessness"

He shook his head and did as he was told.


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