
Longing For Love

"Michelle Ford has fled the wedding". The gathering was in deep turmoil. "FIND HER" The groom Dwane Farehya said fuming with rage. No matter how hard Dwane tried he could not find Michelle. She had disappeared into thin air. Regardless, he swore to himself to find her and strangle her with his own bare hands. TO MICHELLE FORD'S CORPSE" Dwane toasted an drank on it with his friends Alec Wilson and Ricky. 4 years later, "Arrange a bride for me before the decided wedding time or be prepared to see this man die" Alec Wilson said to the two women standing in front of him while gritting his teeth. He had an fiercely intimidating aura around him.

Cerulean_Skies · Urban
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99 Chs

The Chase Continues

"We need to create fake intel, in a subtle way. It has to come from someone he trusts." El said to Mark.

"His assistants?" Mark asked.

"Yes or…. Alec." She said after a long pause.

"Are you sure?" Mark asked.

"Yes, we'll do it both ways."

The next day, "Why don't we visit grandma Alexandra today, it's been a while since we last met her." El told Alec.

"I visited her yesterday." Alec replied.

"I could have come along." She said in a questioning manner.

"Not important."

"Why is everything 'not important' with you these days?" She asked with exasperation.

Alec sighed and turned around.

"I'll visit her today, come along if you can." El said but Alec didn't turn around.

At the breakfast table, "Where is your friend?" El asked Alec, referring to Dwane.

"He has gone to Abon city."

"Oh" El replied in a low voice.

El hadn't expected Dwane to get the fake intel so quickly.

'He is good.' she thought.

Unfortunately, when she came back from Ford's villa to Alwils Villa, she saw Dwane.

"She is back to South-hills." she heard him speaking with Bill.

'It must be The phone!' she thought with annoyance.

She had switched on her phone to call Alexandra.

El cursed herself for her carelessness. She hurried to her room then entered her study. She still had a lot of work on her hands because of the fashion week.

Lighting her cigarette she continued to work on her laptop.

A few minutes later, Alec stepped into the study and grabbed the cigarette out of her hand and crushed it beneath his legs.

"I'm cutting you off, no more smoking." He said sternly.

"Alec, no.. please."

"NO." He raged, making her flinch.

"Please, only until this weekend. The fashion week ends this weekend and I won't smoke after that, I promise."

"Please.." she pleaded again.

"Fine, But not after this weekend." He gritted his


Alec never had to face anyone denying his words or insisting on going against him. Anyone But El.

She was his weakness, no matter how much she tested his patience, he found himself yielding to her will. This surprised everyone around him including himself.

"Don't forget your promise." he said, cupping her face in his palms.

She nodded.

' I'll have till the weekend to get rid of Dwane,' she thought.

The next day,

"You have your other phone with you?" Mark asked her on a call.

"Yes, it's switched off."

"Once your work is done, get a taxi, go to the location I've sent you and turn on the phone."

Take the same route and then turn off your phone after a couple of minutes." Mark instructed

"But why?" Michelle asked.

"We need to keep him occupied, he must think that he is close. Or he'll come up with something else. Like hiring men to keep an eye on Ford's Villa."

"What?" El was shocked.

"We need to get rid of him, merely distracting him won't do."

"We'll think of something, but do what I said today."

"Okay." Michelle agreed.

As instructed by Mark, El hailed a cab, got to the specific location and switched on her phone.

Within five minutes, she had Dwane and Bill following her tracks. Fortunately, they were at a safe distance.

"Are you able to narrow it down?" Dwane asked.

"No boss. We don't know which car she is in."

Dwane called her in an attempt to try to locate her.

Michelle was slightly surprised to see Dwane calling her.

She put on her earphones and responded "Hello." She said, modulating her voice.

"Your end is near, Miss. Ford." He said as he looked around trying to find her.

Michelle let out a smirk, "Oh, Move on Mr. Farehya. You'll never be able to find me."

"I'm amazed with your delusion."

"So am I." Michelle said.

Dwane looked around and found a lady talking on her phone, he instructed Bill to follow her car.

"Found you." Dwane said with an evil smirk.

In no time his car overtook the car they were following and forced it to hault. Dwane rushed outside and opened the door of the other car.

He saw her clung to the corner of her seat, clutching her phone in her hand. She looked completely terrified.

"We finally meet." He said with a devilish smirk.

"Boss, " Bill interrupted Dwane.

"That's not her" he showed him her location on his laptop.

"She is still on the move."

"F*ck" Dwane kicked the car with rage and clenched his fist in anger,

"follow her" he gritted through his teeth. He thought he had finally caught hold of her, but she escaped again.

Soon enough, Michelle switched off her phone and Dwane lost her location.

At the Crossfire gym, "How long do you plan to do this? It's stressing me out." Michelle was anguished.

"It shouldn't. Get a hold of yourself" Mark said sternly.

"I can't man, We need to come up with a solid plan to get rid of Dwane." Michelle said firmly.

Screw the contract. Planning to release one chapter daily, all I ask from you is to keep me motivated through your comments. They make my day. At the same time no response from you guys is really demotivating, so please do comment.

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