
Longing For Love

"Michelle Ford has fled the wedding". The gathering was in deep turmoil. "FIND HER" The groom Dwane Farehya said fuming with rage. No matter how hard Dwane tried he could not find Michelle. She had disappeared into thin air. Regardless, he swore to himself to find her and strangle her with his own bare hands. TO MICHELLE FORD'S CORPSE" Dwane toasted an drank on it with his friends Alec Wilson and Ricky. 4 years later, "Arrange a bride for me before the decided wedding time or be prepared to see this man die" Alec Wilson said to the two women standing in front of him while gritting his teeth. He had an fiercely intimidating aura around him.

Cerulean_Skies · Urban
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99 Chs

Getting Better

Meanwhile at Alwils Villa, Alec was in a half drunk state when Ben handed him an envelope, "It's from Daniel Ford." 

Alec opened the envelope and took out the papers. 

The large bolded words "Divorce agreement" were clearly printed on top of the document. 

Alec was thrown off balance when he read those words. 

Regaining his composure,he saw the names at the bottom of the paper Alec Wilson and Michelle Ford. 

For the first time he had read those two names together as a couple, ironically those names were on a divorce paper.

 Alec let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Michelle hadn't signed the papers. 

Yet his heart constricted thinking about the divorce 

'This is how she might feel whenever my mother brings up divorce.' 

He felt lesser in front of Daniel Ford, he was wealthier and more powerful but more importantly he was her father and had all rights to speak for his daughter. 

Alec repeatedly read their names together, it calmed him in a strange way. However the boldly written 'Divorce' was a sore sight to him.

He walked towards the fireplace, squatting down, he carefully burned the papers. Extinguishing the fire right on time before it could burn their names. 

At the gynaecologist's, 

After conducting all tests the doctor had asked Michelle and Lyla to see  her. Michelle made no efforts to hide her sorrow, her face was visibly somber concerning everyone around her. 

"Is this your first miscarriage?" The doctor asked. 

Michelle let out a single nod.

Looking at her sorry state, the doctor spoke in a consoling voice,

 "The foetus was hardly a month old. It is very common to miscarry during the first trimester. 

One in five pregnant woman miscarry during this time, 80% of 'known' miscarriages happen during this time." 

"She is right." Lyla added. 

"Were you planning to get pregnant?" 

"Not exactly." Michelle replied. 

"Did you know that you were pregnant?" 

She shook her head. 

"If you weren't at the hospital you could've easily mistook your miscarriage for a painful period."

"Moreover, The foetus was underdeveloped, it wasn't destined to be born. You shouldn't be blaming yourself or anyone for it" 

Michelle did blame herself for it and also Dwane. 

She didn't blame Alec for the miscarriage but resented him for not supporting her when she needed him the most. 

"But," she slightly raised her voice and continued, 

"Your reports are completely normal and you are healthy enough to carry a normal full term pregnancy." Michelle's mood was gradually getting better with what the doctor said. 

"Thank you." Lyla sincerely replied. 

Stepping out, 

"You heard her, the miscarriage wasn't anybody's fault. You need to stop blaming yourself or anyone else and move on." Lyla said. 

She was wise enough to be  aware that the feud between the Farehyas and Fords would be lethal for both of them even if the Fords had an upper hand now. 

All she wanted was for her family, especially Michelle, to be safe, happy and content with her life without harbouring any ill intentions towards anyone, even Dwane. 

For the rest of the week, the ambience of melancholy was filled in Ford's Villa. 

Alec continued to drown his sorrows and guilt in alcohol which highly concerned Ricky.

 He repeatedly asked him to reconcile with Michelle but Alec's guilt couldn't let him face her. 

Dwane on the other hand continued to hallucinate Michelle. Meanwhile he had also renamed the old Farehya ville to Diana Manor after his mother and established his own clothing business named Scarlett Design, only to spite the Fords. 


One day at Ford's Villa, Michelle heard a knock on her door. 

"Come in" 

She turned her head expecting Lyla or Daniel, Isobelle however would barge in without knocking. 

Michelle was slightly surprised to see Mark come in. For the past few days, she did see Mark from afar in the villa but didn't interact with him. 

"How are you now, junior?" He asked in his usual deep voice. 


"What is your plan ahead?" 

Mark's question caught Michelle off-guard. 

"I don't know, Alec hasn't called me yet. Dad wants me to manage his new business." 

"What do 'you' want to do?" Mark firmly asked. 

"I don't know." She replied in a low, plain voice. 

"Join Shadows"

 Michelle widened her eyes in bewilderment, it hadn't crossed her mind for the last few months. 

"Wasn't that our plan all along when everything else was uncertain." Mark said. 

He didn't see her as the daughter of his employer whom he had to protect every time but he saw her as his protege. 

"It was your plan, not mine. I only wanted to landup a normal designer job. Which I don't think will be possible now." Michelle's voice continued to be plain and emotionless. 

"You are not meant for all of this. You and I are the same and we aren't meant for this lavish superficial world. 

"We can even leave South-Hills if you want." 

"What about your boyfriend?" Michelle asked. 

"We broke up." Mark's voice got low. 

After thinking about everything going on for a few minutes in silence Michelle said, "I'll think about joining shadows." 

While everyone was lamenting about their loss, Dwane continued to think about different ways to get back at Michelle. 

Even though he knew who she was now, getting to her seemed much harder than before. 

She had Daniel Ford protecting her, more importantly she was strong enough to defend herself. 

"Only Strangling her is no fun now." He told Bill. 

"What do you plan, boss?" Bill hesitantly asked him. 

"Make her suffer." Dwane flashed an evil smile. 

"That seems hard." Tom sighed

"Make her suffer emotionally." Dwane said as his smile widened. 

Despite his malicious intent towards Michelle, Dwane continued to hallucinate the same scene occuring in front of him every time he stepped out of shower since Michele stabbed him. 

"Not more than the heartbreak." 'Why do I even say that?' Dwane frowned. 

He felt irked everytime he thought about the hallucinations or the words he says everyday to imaginary Michelle. 

On the contrary to his normal reaction, everytime she appeared in front of him and softly touched his scar, he felt calm and satiated, like it was all his heart desired.