
Longing For Love

"Michelle Ford has fled the wedding". The gathering was in deep turmoil. "FIND HER" The groom Dwane Farehya said fuming with rage. No matter how hard Dwane tried he could not find Michelle. She had disappeared into thin air. Regardless, he swore to himself to find her and strangle her with his own bare hands. TO MICHELLE FORD'S CORPSE" Dwane toasted an drank on it with his friends Alec Wilson and Ricky. 4 years later, "Arrange a bride for me before the decided wedding time or be prepared to see this man die" Alec Wilson said to the two women standing in front of him while gritting his teeth. He had an fiercely intimidating aura around him.

Cerulean_Skies · Urban
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99 Chs

Does a person owe their saviour?

'Does a person owe their saviour? If yes, then to what extent?' El's question forced everyone to deeply dwell on it.

"You haven't yet answered my question, is Mr. Moore wrong?" Dwane asked again.

"Yes." El firmly replied.

"His decision also involves his wife who he has been married to for three years, doesn't he owe her anything?".

"He clearly didn't love her, Poor Mrs. Moore." Ricky sighed.

Alec didn't bother thinking about the Moore couple, he wasn't a person with a lot of emotions until he met El and now, he had them only for her.

He didn't bother about himself thinking about the emotions of other people. He was apathetic and insensitive in that aspect.

"Now answer my question by keeping yourself in the picture, Does a person owe their saviour?" El asked.

"No, they don't." Dwane replied, surprising everyone at the table.

"Then again, I'd only save someone who I genuinely care about."

"Which is a null set." Ricky taunted.

"What about you Alec?" Ricky asked.

"I suppose the person owes the saviour."

"Don't tell me someone saved you?" El asked, she tried to make it sound funny, but fear was evident in her eyes.

"No," Alec replied and kissed her head.

"On the contrary, I had saved someone years ago." Alec said, remembering the little girl he saved from drowning.


"Not important." He replied.

A faint vile smile appeared on his face.

"What about you Ricky? Saved or saved by someone?" El asked.

"None." Ricky replied.

"And you, does the person owe his saviour ?" Ricky asked her back

"I haven't saved or have been saved by someone." El said being completely unaware of her past.

"And yes a person owes his saviour but not at the cost of his own happiness or happiness of the people whom he cares about or the people who care for him. I hope Mr and Mrs Moore and also Rita find happiness in whatever they are upto." El said with complete sincerity.

Her moral fabric amazed people around her which included Alec, Ricky and now Dwane as well.

Alec caught Dwane stealing glances at her throughout the evening and was vexed by it.

"We'll be leaving now." Alec said as he got up and held El's hand.

"You wanna come along?" He asked Dwane.

Dwane nodded and they left for Alwils Villa.

On their way, Alec's mind was battling with a plethora of emotions. Along with jealousy and rage he was dealing with guilt this time.

Guilt of what he was about to do for the sake of having El by his side.

Unfortunately, Alec was so blinded by his jealousy that he didn't realise that his actions were redundant.

When they reached Alwils Villa, A weird uneasy feeling crept in Alec's mind,

"I need to make a call, you go and have your shower until then." El nodded and headed upstairs.

A couple of minutes later, Alec stepped into his room and found El lying as her back was supported by the headboard. She was scrolling through her phone. Alec laid beside her.

"Who was the person you saved?" El asked

"It's not important." Alec calmly repeated himself, avoiding his gaze from her.


Alec got agitated when El had asked her first question, he felt his patience being tested with her consistent questioning.

"It's been a long time, I wouldn't even remember that incident if you hadn't mentioned about saving lives."

"And do you think that person owes you?" El asked.

"I told you, it isn't important."

"But…" before El could ask another question, Alec got on top of her and trapped her lips into a passionate kiss.

In no time she responded with equal intensity.

His hands moved over her body exploring her enticing terrain. El moaned and gasped at his touches. The bodies moved under the influence of desire and lust as if they had a mind of their own.

Slowly the two souls merged as one. The sounds of thrusts and moans echoed in their room as their carnal desires overpowered them.

With his last deep thrust, Alec threw himself over El making her carry his body weight. He quickly fell asleep on top of her.

The next day, Alec was asleep when he heard a throaty hoarse voice, "Alec, Alec".

He opened his eyes and saw El beneath him. She looked at him with widened, pleading eyes. Understanding what she meant, Alec felt shocked and rolled over beside her.

"Did I fall asleep on you?"He asked with disbelief.

El nodded.

"I'm so sorry, Love" he placed his palm on her face.

"You must be sore." She nodded again with a sad face.

"You'll be resting today, no work." he said sternly yet his face expressed concern.

"Alec," she called out lovingly,

"I hate to go against your word, but I really can't skip work, not before fashion week." Indeed she had been keeping busy for the past few weeks.

"Please Alec." Alec looked at her pleading eyes. Denying her, especially when she made a pleading face was next to impossible for Alec.

"Fine," he said reluctantly.

"But don't strain your body."

"I won't." El said as she nodded.

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