
Longing For Love

"Michelle Ford has fled the wedding". The gathering was in deep turmoil. "FIND HER" The groom Dwane Farehya said fuming with rage. No matter how hard Dwane tried he could not find Michelle. She had disappeared into thin air. Regardless, he swore to himself to find her and strangle her with his own bare hands. TO MICHELLE FORD'S CORPSE" Dwane toasted an drank on it with his friends Alec Wilson and Ricky. 4 years later, "Arrange a bride for me before the decided wedding time or be prepared to see this man die" Alec Wilson said to the two women standing in front of him while gritting his teeth. He had an fiercely intimidating aura around him.

Cerulean_Skies · Urban
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99 Chs

Budding Romance

Alec dragged Michelle inside the room and locked it. The very next moment, he pinned her to the wall, 

"Ah.." she moaned at his rough actions. 

"Richie huh" Alec menacingly whispered in her ear.


 Alec found her drunken voice more seductive and tempting. He raised her face with one hand and squeezed her hips with another. 

"Ahh.." she moaned again. 

Her hazy deep brown eyes met his obsidian orbs.

 Leaning in, he drowned himself into a passionate kiss. 

Michelle kissed him back. 

His hands moved inside underneath her clothes and she could only moan to his warm touch. 

Although usually she didn't resist Alec's advances her drunk state made her cease any control over herself as she completely gave in to Alec's desires for her, reacting in a primal manner. 

Tearing off her dress into shreds, he carried her to the bed.

 Hovering over her, he saw her breasts heaving as she breathed. 


She shook her head. 

"Just call me El… Your El." She said in a hazy voice. 

Alec kissed her again. He felt a rush of ecstasy when he heard her say that, it was as if he was waiting to hear these exact words from all these days. 

In Swift motions he took off all of their remaining clothes and claimed her again, repeatedly expressing his unyielding desire towards her. 

They did the deed several times until they dozed off out of sheer exhaustion. 

The following morning, Michelle woke up to a shooting pain in her head. She found herself lying naked beside Alec.

 Lowering her head in regret she moved Alec's hugging hand aside. She didn't remember Alec asking her to move back with him. 

As the drunken daze subsided, the diminishing resentment she carried towards him for not supporting her replenished.

 She wanted to leave as soon as possible but her naked and hungover State wasn't any help to her. 

Wrapping the sheets around her body, she stepped down and picked her phone. She called Isobelle and asked her to get some clothes for her. 

A couple of minutes later, Isobelle stepped in the empty bar. She saw Ricky behind the counter holding a coffee mug as he went through the bar accounts. 

"Um uh.." she cleared her throat to get his attention. 

Ricky lifted his face and saw the beautiful young woman standing in front of him. 

Ricky's eyes were glued to her exquisite face which exuded an aura of opulence around her. 

'Where have I seen her? She does look familiar.' Ricky wondered. 

'Why is she here?' Her classy attire and the way she carried herself didn't seem like someone who would visit a bar this early in the morning. 

Isobelle cleared her throat again, bringing Ricky back to reality. He swallowed as he looked at her slightly widened eyes. 

"The bar is closed, I believe you are here by mistake." Ricky said and looked down, getting back to his business. 

"I'm looking for Michelle." Her words made Ricky look back at her again.

"Are you Isobelle Ford?" 

She nodded. Ricky found her nod similar to Michelle's. 

"Where is she?" 

"Uh..um.. she is.." "Let me take you there." Ricky said as walked out of the counter. 

Ricky walked to the private section and Isobelle followed him. "She is inside." He said pointing towards the door which was inside the private section. 

Isobelle knocked on the door, "El, it's me." 

Michelle slightly opened the door and stretched her hand out, Isobelle passed her the bag she was carrying. Taking the bag, Michelle closed the door. Isobelle and Ricky awkwardly stood outside. 

"Would you like to have a cup of coffee?" Ricky asked, breaking the silence. 

"Sure." She replied and they walked out of the private section. 

Taking out another Mug, Ricky served her the freshly brewed coffee. 

"Coffee at a bar, interesting."

 Letting out a slight smirk she accepted the coffee and took a sip of it. 

"Mmm.. I haven't had this good coffee my entire life." She exclaimed, relishing its taste.

"Thank You…" she scrunched her eyebrows trying to remember Ricky's name. 

"Ricky," he said. 

"Ricky?" She asked for his last name like everyone did. 

"Just Ricky." He replied.

"Nice meeting you 'Just Ricky' " 

she flashed a bright smile at him as she took another sip of her coffee. Isobelle felt a sense of familiarity with Ricky. 

His amicable nature let her slightly lower her guards. 

Ricky on the other hand was completely smitten by her charm. 

He had hardly felt like this for any girl, especially those who belonged to prominent high-status families. 

Ricky knew he was romantically attracted to her without a second thought. He stole glances at her beautiful face while she enjoyed her coffee. 

They both were lost in their own worlds. Isobelle cherished each sip she was drinking and Ricky cherished her sight.

"Let's go." They heard a familiar voice snapping them out of their respective daze. 

They turned to their side and saw Michelle. 

'Couldn't she take a few minutes more to come out. Where is Alec when I need him.' Ricky frowned. 

She eyed Isobelle signalling her to come along.

"Wait, you MUST taste this coffee, it's heavenly." Isobelle exclaimed. 

"Some other day." 

"Oh, I haven't introduced you two, Isobelle, this is my friend Ricky and Ricky, this is my sister Isobelle. Now come on, let's leave." Michelle hurried and dragged Isobelle. 

"What's wrong, Why isn't Alec with you?" Ricky asked. 

"Haven't you two reconciled?" 

"That wasn't reconciling." She said firmly.

Ricky's face fell, "So you haven't changed your plans?" 


"What plans?" Isobelle asked. 

"I'll tell you later, come now." 

Isobelle drank the last sip of her coffee hurriedly before she left with Michelle.

On her way to Ford's Villa she received a text from an unknown number. 

'Would Miss. Isobelle Ford like to go on a date with Just Ricky?' 

Isobelle blushed as she read the text.

'How did he manage to find my number? Seems like 'Just Ricky' is resourceful.'

'Sure.' she replied.