
Longevity: After Six Thousand Years, The Diary Was Exposed

[Empress + Multiple Female Protagonists + Funny + Diary + Exposure + Super Cool + Invincible + Super Explosive] Lin Feng traveled to the world of cultivators and lived for six thousand years. He used all kinds of identities to leave behind countless legends and some romantic encounters. Until one day, his diary was found. The world of cultivators was shocked to find that there was such a sixth brother in this world. After the diary was exposed, the secrets of this world were also revealed. [The Holy Virgin of Jade Lake is really good, hehehe!] [Who would have thought that the Empress of the Celestial Dynasty would have such a delicate and charming side?]   [Today, I found some secrets about this world.] [I'm tired of using the name Emperor Huang the Celestial Emperor. Tomorrow, I'll change my identity!] PS: Great Emperor is just a title, not a cultivation level. If you don't like it, don't criticize.

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The elder Wei Yuan's face turned serious, murmuring, "Would it be perfect if there were black threads?"

After a few steps, he suddenly turned around, "The talent and aptitude of the Holy Lord! It's a once-in-a-millennium occurrence in our Holy Land."


"In the eyes of the Immortal Great Emperor, it is still lacking black threads to reach perfection."

Wei Yuan's expression gradually became solemn, "It can be seen that these black threads are definitely extraordinary."

The elders pondered for a while and nodded repeatedly.

Yuan Ruoyu vaguely felt that something was amiss, but couldn't put it into words.

Wei Yuan's thoughts scattered, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt he was on the right track, and immediately said in a deep voice,

"Holy Lord!"

"This matter is of great importance, and I think we should take action immediately."

Yuan Ruoyu asked, "Elder Wei, what do you think we should do?"

A gleam of light flashed in Wei Yuan's eyes,

"In two steps. First, send someone to search through ancient books, hoping to find some records about black threads."

"Second, immediately send someone to Xuanqing Sect in Qingzhou."

Wei Yuan looked at Yuan Ruoyu with enthusiasm and explained, "After all, that was the sect where the Great Emperor once belonged. Perhaps there will be some clues."

Yuan Ruoyu also thought it made sense and immediately agreed.

Her voice echoed faintly in the hall, "Let's do everything according to Elder Wei's plan!"

"But, do not provoke Xuanqing Sect."

Such a scene was not only happening in the Holy Land of Jade Pool.

Almost the entire cultivation world of the Eastern Xuan Continent was trying their best to decipher the contents of the Immortal Diary.

Of course, everyone had their own solutions!

Holy Land of Absolute Beginning.

Under a towering ancient tree, a group of people held the contents of the Immortal Diary in their hands, pondering.

Looking at those unheard-of words.

Each with a worried expression!

The Elder of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, Xiao Changqing, was impatient and became angrier the more he read!

He cursed, "Grass? What kind of grass is it! Just clarify it!"

"Grass! Grass! I'm grassing!"


Li Yue Immortal Dynasty.

Gathering Hall.

Empress Ye Qingge sat on the imperial throne, her face cold, her gaze sweeping over the courtiers below.


At this moment, chaos reigned in the court.

"I thought that time travelers should be a special group, and the Immortal Great Emperor might have become one of them."

"What group? Are you saying that there are many people in this world like the Immortal Great Emperor?"


"To decipher the diary, I think Goldfinger is the key!"

"Isn't the system important?"

"Isn't the black threads important?"

"Isn't the Divine Soul Grandpa important?"

"Well, that's not what I meant!"

Ye Qingge's face showed a hint of impatience. She turned her gaze and looked at the Prime Minister, Gong Sunmu.

"Gong Sunmu, what do you think?"

The hall instantly fell silent.

Gong Sunmu was an old man, but his spirit was extremely vigorous. He immediately stepped forward and said,

"Your Majesty!"

"The Immortal Great Emperor is not an ordinary person. To fully decipher the diary is as difficult as reaching the heavens."

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingge became interested and said lightly, "So, what does Elder Gong Sun mean?"

"I think it's better to attack separately!"

Gong Sunmu pondered for a moment and said again, "Send people to search for someone with a naturally golden finger in the Immortal Dynasty, focus on cultivating them, and observe their changes!"

"Then, make some breakthroughs, and perhaps there will be gains."

Ye Qingge thought for a moment, and there really was no other way at the moment. She nodded and said, "Approved!"


A desolate and uninhabited place.

Suddenly, an old man with white hair and a youthful face rushed out from among the mountains, carrying a massive gourd on his back.

The old man ran barefoot, occasionally scratching his head.

In the span of a few breaths…

The old man crossed mountains and ridges and arrived at a mountain peak dozens of miles away.

He stopped and looked up to the sky, shouting, "I can't decipher this diary! I can't decipher it!"


After roaring, he suddenly spat out blood and fell backward onto the ground.

Not long after.

A group of people wearing uniform clothing arrived, with a woman leading them. She said in a sweet voice, "Master Uncle! Master Uncle, are you okay?"

"Not good, he's gone mad. Don't move, notify the elders in the sect!"


Qingzhou, Southern Territory.

Xuanqing Sect.

The Sect Master, Yan Changkong, was frowning and pacing back and forth, sighing from time to time.

The Great Emperor of Immortality used to be a disciple of their sect!

This news is truly shocking, leaving him somewhat dumbfounded even now.

Although it happened six thousand years ago.

But six thousand years, whether long or short, is a lifetime for an ordinary person.

But for a powerful cultivator and sect, what is it?

Some powerful beings spend thousands of years in seclusion, so six thousand years is just a few more seclusions.

Although Xuanqing Sect is a small sect in Qingzhou.

However in terms of historical origins, it used to be glorious, producing cultivators in the Unity Realm.

The sect has been passed down for nearly eighty thousand years.


Yan Changkong sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. If things go wrong, it could lead to the destruction of the sect!

He calculated.

During the time the Great Emperor of Immortality was in Xuanqing Sect, his master was still the sect master, and he hadn't even been born yet.

But he never expected to be hit with such a big thunderbolt now.

"However, if we can make good use of this, it will greatly benefit the development of the sect!"

Yan Changkong pondered in his heart. He had a medium build, slightly chubby, and his eyes sparkled.

Suddenly, a disciple came to report.

"Reporting to the sect master!"

"We have finally found some clues about the Great Emperor of Immortality, but due to the passage of time, there are not many records."

Yan Changkong's expression changed, but he didn't say anything. His figure flashed, and he arrived in a grand hall.

Thousands of people were searching through the sect's registration records and jade slips.

That's right.

Xuanqing Sect was an exception. Recently, the busiest task was not deciphering diaries, but finding information.

They hoped to uncover the true identity of the Great Emperor of Immortality from six thousand years ago.

An elder in a gray robe walked up, holding a yellow paper, and said, "Sect master, based on the clues mentioned in the diary, after numerous selections and investigations, we have finally found it."

"Fortunately, there weren't many outer disciples back then!"

Yan Changkong responded and took the yellow paper directly to read it.

Outer Disciple Registration:

Name: Lin Feng.

Talent: Ordinary.

Technique: Xuanqing Art.

Background: None.

There were some other records, such as when Lin Feng borrowed certain techniques or spells from the sect's scripture pavilion.

After reading it, Yan Changkong's face turned pale, and he asked, "Is that all?"

The gray-robed elder said, "That's all."

This information was basically devoid of any important details, it would have been better if there was nothing whatsoever.

Yan Changkong lowered his head, his eyes constantly flickering.

After a long time , he suddenly looked up and said, "This information won't do. Who would believe that the Great Emperor of Immortality had such an ordinary past?"

The gray-robed elder asked, "What should we do then?"

Yan Changkong gritted his teeth, "We need to embellish it a bit."

"The talent definitely can't be written as ordinary, it must be exceptional. Writing it as ordinary is just to protect him!"

"Write some interesting stories about his cultivation, the lives of other characters, and comments from his master, etc."

The gray-robed elder nodded, "Sect master, I understand!"

But Yan Changkong didn't finish, he continued, "Prepare ten thousand copies of the information according to what I just said."


"Specify the Cave Mansion where the Great Emperor of Immortality used to live, the place where he bathed, and even the toilet he used!"

The gray-robed elder looked embarrassed, "He was just an outer disciple, how could he have a Cave Mansion?"

"There must be one! Also, write about the Great Emperor's former residence, understand?"


So, for the next few days, everyone in Xuanqing Sect was busy.

They transcribed the Great Emperor's information one by one.

Many places in the sect were cordoned off, such as the Great Emperor's former residence, the Great Emperor's bathhouse, the Great Emperor's toilet, and even the stone he liked to sit on the most...

Even a half-dead old tree received attention and was heavily protected.

Because the Great Emperor once mischievously climbed that tree!

Two more days passed.


A bell rang loudly in Xuanqing Sect.

Yan Changkong suddenly opened his eyes, and the next moment, a disciple hurriedly came to report.

"Sect master!"

"People from the Jade Pool Sacred Ground have arrived!"

Soon, another disciple came, "Sect master, the Xuan Niao Guards from the Lixue Immortal Dynasty have arrived!"

"Sect master, people from the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning have arrived!"

"Sect master, the Jiang, Zuo, and Hua families of the Ancient Clan have come together!"

"Sect master, there are also many elders from other sects. Shouldn't you go and see?"

Yan Changkong waved his hand, and the disciples retreated.

Only then did he stand up from his chair, his legs trembling, and his scalp tingling.

Although Yan Changkong was the sect master and had lived for over three thousand years, when had he ever seen such a scene?


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