
Longevity: After Six Thousand Years, The Diary Was Exposed

[Empress + Multiple Female Protagonists + Funny + Diary + Exposure + Super Cool + Invincible + Super Explosive] Lin Feng traveled to the world of cultivators and lived for six thousand years. He used all kinds of identities to leave behind countless legends and some romantic encounters. Until one day, his diary was found. The world of cultivators was shocked to find that there was such a sixth brother in this world. After the diary was exposed, the secrets of this world were also revealed. [The Holy Virgin of Jade Lake is really good, hehehe!] [Who would have thought that the Empress of the Celestial Dynasty would have such a delicate and charming side?]   [Today, I found some secrets about this world.] [I'm tired of using the name Emperor Huang the Celestial Emperor. Tomorrow, I'll change my identity!] PS: Great Emperor is just a title, not a cultivation level. If you don't like it, don't criticize.

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Yuan Ruoyu's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise and she was somewhat moved.

Holding this jade token, one can Ascend!

This is a tremendous temptation. For any cultivator, being able to Ascend to the Immortal Realm and become an Immortal is a lifelong dream.

Isn't the ultimate goal of Qi Refining cultivation to achieve eternal longevity?

Now, there is an opportunity right in front of her.

Even though Yuan Ruoyu was mentally prepared, she couldn't imagine that the appearance of the other party would bring her such news directly.

However, she looked at the jade token in her hand and gradually calmed down.

An inexplicable fear and anger arose in her heart!

What does the Immortal Court take mortal cultivators for?

If even Ascension can be treated as a transaction, where is the justice?

At this moment, Yuan Ruoyu somewhat understood why Lin Feng didn't want to Ascend during the last opening of the Heavenly Gate.

"He must have discovered something..."

She pondered for a moment in her heart, then looked up again and asked the masked person not far away:

"Ascension? Are there any conditions?"

The masked person remained silent for a moment, and that ethereal voice came from under the mask again:

"Help the Immortal Court find everything about the immortal Great Emperor and bring him out!"

Yuan Ruoyu sneered and asked again, "And if I refuse?"

"If you violate the order, you will be immediately captured and brought to justice without error!"

Yuan Ruoyu became angry and said, "What a joke, I am not a criminal, why would I be captured and brought to justice?"

"What's the matter? Does the Immortal Realm also have the habit of falsely accusing people?"

The masked person didn't speak anymore, just sighed.

A cold light flashed in Yuan Ruoyu's eyes. In the next moment, she directly crushed the jade token in her hand, turning it into powder that flowed through her fingers.

"Come on, if you want to capture and bring me to justice, let's see if you have the ability."

As her voice fell, a solemn killing intent surged.

A clear radiance rose behind Yuan Ruoyu, within which there were lotus manifestations and the resonance of the Great Dao.

Her aura soared to the extreme, shaking the heavens and earth.

Above the void.

The robes of the masked person trembled, and a clear radiance also rose behind her, with blooming lotus flowers.

The cultivation techniques of the two were unexpectedly from the same origin.

The secret realm was in turmoil, and a terrifying hurricane swept up as the two formidable auras collided.


Patter patter--

The collision of the overwhelmingly powerful auras caused the space to become turbulent and unstable, with thunderous sounds constantly ringing out.

Yuan Ruoyu's expression became serious. Stepping on the lotus, she stood in the midst of the storm like a leaf in the ocean.

The masked person locked eyes with her.

In the next moment, both of them moved at the same time, turning into rays of light and colliding at an extremely terrifying speed.


Bang bang bang!

Deafening sounds continuously echoed at the center of the collision, and a brilliant light burst forth, shattering the space.

An astonishing storm swept out, sweeping in all directions!

Wherever it passed, everything turned into dust. A distant mountain peak was neatly leveled.

Petals fell from the sky, plunging into the earth, causing earthquakes and shaking mountains. The continuous mountain range was directly lifted up, like a green cloth hanging in the sky.

Even if a cultivator at the Body Integration stage were to be slightly touched by this level of battle, they would probably perish on the spot.

After about a quarter of an hour.

The sounds of the battle ceased, and the turbulent space gradually stabilized.

Yuan Ruoyu stood in the air, stepping on the lotus, silently watching the masked person not far away.

There was a hint of complexity in her gaze.

After a while.

Yuan Ruoyu straightened her robe, her expression solemn, and deeply bowed to the masked person not far away.

"I wonder how many generations of ancestors you are in the Holy Land of Yu Chi?"

"If you were to attack today, it would be unfilial. I sincerely ask for forgiveness from the ancestor!"

The masked person stood still, and after a moment, laughter rang out. "Good! Good! Good child, it's not your fault!"

"The Holy Land is in your hands, and I am deeply relieved!"

Yuan Ruoyu raised her eyes, her expression complex.

During their previous confrontation, she had already known that the other party was seeking death.

The reason for fighting her was more to point out the flaws and loopholes in her cultivation technique.

The masked person shook his head, and his body trembled. Gray flames ignited all over his body, and his voice sounded ethereal and elusive. He said, "Child, remember!"

"Do not Ascend!"

"Do not Ascend!"

"Do not..."

Before the words could fall, a sizzling sound suddenly rang out. The flames on the masked person's body burned fiercely, turning her flesh, blood, and Primordial Spirit into ashes.

Yuan Ruoyu was greatly shocked at the sight.

She wanted to step forward, but was stopped by the masked person waving his hand.

The masked person's voice carried pain. "I have long been dead, there is no need to grieve."

"The immortal Great Emperor is the only person they cannot control!"

"Always remember, warn all cultivators in the world, do not... Ascend!"

Tears welled up in Yuan Ruoyu's eyes, and her expression was filled with sorrow. "Ancestor!"

She knelt down again, her hands pressed against the lotus platform, her head lowered, gently kowtowing.

"Send the ancestor off respectfully!"

In a moment, the masked person, under that eerie flame, turned into ashes completely.

Not even a trace of Primordial Spirit was left behind.

Within the secret realm, calm was restored. It was empty, with only the flattened mountains in the distance, telling Yuan Ruoyu that all of this had truly happened.

But even now, she still didn't know which old ancestor of the Holy Land of Yu Chi the masked person was!

However, the news brought by the other party today shook her heart and she couldn't let it go for a long time.


"Do not Ascend!"

"Do not Ascend!"

Yuan Ruoyu murmured softly, suddenly looking up at the sky, her gaze seeming to penetrate the heavens.

It seemed as if she wanted to explore whether there were truly immortals above the nine heavens.

If there were, then why was the situation like this today?

If there weren't, then where did the Great Emperors who had Ascended in the past go?

Yuan Ruoyu couldn't understand, but she faintly sensed that she had already been caught up in a world-shaking storm.

It was impossible for her to withdraw now.

Or rather, not only she and Lin Feng, but the entire mortal world was already caught in the storm.

Only Lin Feng had foreseen it for now.

Yuan Ruoyu remembered what Lin Feng had said to her when he left.

"This matter can only be done by me, and I must do it!"

"I have been targeted, there is no turning back!"

Until now, she could finally understand why Lin Feng had said such words back then.

Even as a Great Emperor, there were probably many helplessnesses.

From the information currently available, the other party not only controlled Ascension, but also commanded the former ancestors of the Holy Land of Yu Chi. They definitely possessed hidden power in the mortal world.

The strength of the opponent was unimaginable.

After calming down...

Yuan Ruoyu once again worried about Lin Feng's safety and sighed softly. "Where are you now?"

"Why haven't you come to see me? You know, no matter what happens, I will face it with you!"

In the silent secret realm, the small voice sounded particularly clear.

Yuan Ruoyu glanced at the devastated secret realm affected by the battle, then turned and left.

The purpose of this seclusion had already been achieved, and there was no need to stay any longer.

The speed at which the other party made a move exceeded her expectations.

That meant that it wasn't just them who were in a hurry, those people were also racing against time.


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