
Longevity: After Six Thousand Years, The Diary Was Exposed

[Empress + Multiple Female Protagonists + Funny + Diary + Exposure + Super Cool + Invincible + Super Explosive] Lin Feng traveled to the world of cultivators and lived for six thousand years. He used all kinds of identities to leave behind countless legends and some romantic encounters. Until one day, his diary was found. The world of cultivators was shocked to find that there was such a sixth brother in this world. After the diary was exposed, the secrets of this world were also revealed. [The Holy Virgin of Jade Lake is really good, hehehe!] [Who would have thought that the Empress of the Celestial Dynasty would have such a delicate and charming side?]   [Today, I found some secrets about this world.] [I'm tired of using the name Emperor Huang the Celestial Emperor. Tomorrow, I'll change my identity!] PS: Great Emperor is just a title, not a cultivation level. If you don't like it, don't criticize.

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Qingzhou, the southern region.

Xuanqing Sect.

In these days, the Sect Master Yan Changkong and the Grand Elder Chen Xiu have been extremely busy, with no time to spare.

They are both in pain and happiness.

The current Xuanqing Sect can be considered a wealthy sect in the entire Qingzhou. Whether it is selling Great Emperor information or opening the Great Emperor's former residence and charging fees to attract many cultivators to visit, it is even more exaggerated than mining spiritual veins.

After all, even if a spiritual vein is given to you, manpower is still needed to mine and excavate.

Xuanqing Sect is basically making money effortlessly.

In addition, the entire Xuanqing Sect has become lively, with a booming popularity.

The number of disciples has expanded from a few thousand to over ten thousand.

Almost doubled.

This is the result of Yan Changkong's efforts to restrain himself. The requirements for talent in recruiting disciples are extremely high.

Other sects in Qingzhou, who are also watching this scene, envy it to the point of drooling.

They secretly regret why their sects haven't produced a Great Emperor.

One person has revitalized a sect.

On this day, the atmosphere within Xuanqing Sect is extraordinary. Sect Master Yan Changkong leads a group of newly recruited disciples to the Great Emperor's former residence.

At this moment, the Great Emperor's former residence has undergone some changes.

The scale in front of the gate has expanded a hundredfold, and the granite slabs on the ground have been polished to a smooth finish.

There are simply too many people coming to visit.

Above the sky, a long sword hangs in the air, and a chilling Sword Intent envelops the area.

It is awe-inspiring.

Yan Changkong takes two steps forward, lifts his robe, and bows down, respectfully saying:

"Ancestor Lin Feng!"

"Junior disciple Yan Changkong, leading the newly recruited disciples, pays respects to the ancestor!"

Behind him, the Grand Elder and others, as well as the newly recruited disciples, all kneel down with a thud.

"We pay respects to Ancestor Lin Feng!"

This is a rule that was just established in Xuanqing Sect not long ago. From now on, all newly recruited disciples must come to pay respects to Ancestor Lin Feng.

Just like paying respects to the founder of the sect, Lin Feng is now a living Great Emperor.

The rise of Xuanqing Sect is all attributed to him!

Of course, they must pay their respects.

After the worship ceremony is completed, Yan Changkong stands on a stone platform, clears his throat, and says loudly:

"New disciples, I am glad that you can join the Xuanqing Sect family."

"I believe you have heard a lot about Ancestor Lin Feng's character, life experiences, and cultivation."

Yan Changkong scans the crowd and slowly says, "Ancestor Lin Feng is a cultivator with noble character, firm will, and has transcended low-level interests."

"He respects his teachers, unites his peers, and cares for the sect!"

"Although he has exceptional talent, he never becomes arrogant or belittles his fellow disciples. I hope you all remember this."

Below, the newly recruited disciples listen eagerly and nod excitedly.

Yan Changkong looks around and is very satisfied. "In addition, Ancestor Lin Feng's unwavering will and Dao heart in cultivation are worth learning from!"

"He can swing his sword millions of times for the sake of practicing swordsmanship!"

"For the sake of a spiritual herb, he dares to venture alone into the Yunluo Mountain Range. This kind of perseverance and determination is an essential quality for us to pursue the Great Dao and longevity!"

Yan Changkong becomes more and more excited as he speaks. "Let us inherit the spirit of the Great Emperor and promote the glory of the sect!"

Grand Elder Chen Xiu stands in front of the crowd and also raises his arms and shouts!

Soon, everyone's voices rise like a tidal wave!

"Inherit the spirit of the Great Emperor and promote the glory of the sect!"

"Inherit the spirit of the Great Emperor and promote the glory of the sect!"

"Inherit the spirit of the Great Emperor and promote the glory of the sect!"

The sound took a long time to settle down, and at this moment, the cohesion of Xuanqing Sect had reached an unprecedented level.

These newly initiated disciples seemed to have found a sense of belonging all at once.

They had completely integrated into Xuanqing Sect.

Another half an hour passed!

Yan Changkong finally activated his mana and stopped everyone, saying, "Coincidentally, today is the day for the publication of the diary. Let's watch Great Emperor's diary together here today!"

"This way, we can better inherit the spirit of the Great Emperor!"

All the disciples of Xuanqing Sect eagerly nodded in agreement, feeling that they had come to the right place by joining Xuanqing Sect.

The atmosphere of cultivation here is really good!

Nowadays, almost all sects have set up projection formations internally, projecting the communication array of Tianji Pavilion into the sect.

This ensures that they can see Great Emperor's diary as soon as possible and makes it convenient for disciples to watch.

It's a win-win situation.

After a short wait, a light curtain appeared in the formation, and words floated up one by one.

"It's exposed!"

"Hehe, what do you think Lin Feng Laozu and Ruoyu Laozumu did in the cave?"

"Of course, it's said to be unsuitable for children..."

"After all, they were young at that time. Who wasn't full of youthful vigor?"

"Cough, when I break through to the Foundation Building stage and need to go out for experience, I'll go to the Yunluo Mountains too."

The disciples of Xuanqing Sect were all excitedly whispering to each other.

Now, when they read the diary again, their mentality has subtly changed. They are no longer outsiders who are not related...

But rather, they are looking at the experiences of their predecessors as descendants.

This feeling made them secretly delighted and even more expectant.

Yan Changkong stood on the steps, staring eagerly at the light curtain along with the other elders.

"Cough, I hope the ancestor won't disappoint. Give these newly initiated disciples a lesson as soon as possible!"

"Through personal experience, let them know that they must practice diligently. Even the Great Emperor had to go through various hardships to achieve something!"

Yan Changkong thought in his heart, not too worried after all, because Lin Feng's achievements were already there.

He was the invincible and unparalleled Great Emperor!

The cultivation journey of a Great Emperor would definitely be extremely inspiring.

It was precisely because of this thought that he made such a move, taking advantage of this opportunity to teach these highly talented new disciples a lesson, despite their certain arrogance!

After a while, the content of the diary finally appeared completely.

Immortal Great Emperor's Diary, Page Nine:

[Unconsciously, I have been living in this cave for half a year.]

[Ruoyu's injury has healed, and her strength has mostly recovered. This is good news.]

[But, I feel a bit reluctant.]

[Her injury has healed, and I know that we will soon be separated, never to meet again.]

[No matter, let's cherish every day now!]

[No more cultivation, just lying down and being lazy!]

[Cultivation? Young people should learn to enjoy. It's better to play with Ruoyu's legs... too bad there are no black stockings.]

Immortal Great Emperor's Diary, Page Ten:

[When night fell, Ruoyu told me she was leaving.]

[My heart clenched.]

[Yes, I should also return to the sect. This time of cultivation has exceeded my plan.]

[It's raining heavily.]

[Ruoyu threw herself into my arms, it was crazy, and we didn't stop until the sunlight shone into the cave the next day.]

[At the moment of parting, Ruoyu told me her true identity. She actually comes from the Central State and is a saintess of a certain holy land!]

[She cried and asked me to promise that I would definitely go find her!]

[Sigh, looking at her pitiful appearance, I couldn't help but agree. Handsome men just can't resist, and saintesses are devoted.]

[With a sore waist and numb legs, I walked out of the cave leaning against the wall...]


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