
Long walk to success

Becoming successful in life is not just about hard work.

Osayi_isaac12 · Realistic
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4 Chs

The delay in success walk.

One of the things that delays our success is not lack of tools or financial freedom, the strong factor is the ability to think we can do it all at once and achieve everything at once without carefully settings goals and target, without looking inward to what we really need and not what we want.

want can some time present itself as need there by shifting our attention away from things that matters and things that can actually add value to our success journey. take for instance you want a car and you don't have a job, car at that point is a want while the job is a need, when you have a car without having a job attaining success in life becomes more difficult, reason is that the little finance that comes to you will go for things that has to do with the car.

You see that in this example I just sited the car can come after getting a job and you will have to too much problem maintaining it and it will also be a source of transportation to your place of work there by saving you money for train and buses, that way your journey to success is still in because everything are being placed to work together.