
House of the rising sun (east)

0700h,Sunday morning sept.1975..when my grandpa is busy to prepare the things for his fishing..he saw one thing behind his boat that never seen before..he think this is no value.but he take and put inside the boat and then going to the sea for fishing...a few hour past he was going home with plenty of catch fish...including the things that he found and he put it to the small basket and hung to the roof...on the night my grandpa and grandma had smell...a bad smell the are think it's a killed rat...until the mourn the bad smell still around the house..my grandpa try to find it wherever come from the bad smell,until he found the small basket hung at the roof and he saw the things like a rock..maybe Its 1kls or more..then he put to the outside for dried..after a few months past.. there are one person( collector or buyer of all kind of antique asking to my grandpa if there have a old çoins etc...then my grandpa is offer to him to check the things that he found.. to be continue