
Long Mu: The Rebirth of the Dragon Princess

In a world where ancient myths and modern reality collide, an unlikely heroine emerges. Angeline Richmen-Ozigi, a stunning 18-year-old, lived an ordinary life until fate intervened. While saving two Asian children from kidnappers, she took a bullet and is teetered on the brink of death. Moved by her selfless sacrifice, the Twelve Guardians of the Twelve Moons intervened, healing her and revealing a shocking truth: Angeline was the reincarnation of Wen Shi, the legendary Dragon Mother (Long Mu). As her dormant powers awakened, Angeline was catapulted into a realm of magic and monsters. The White Dragon King, Master Arthur Long, after swearing his loyalty to her, showed how grateful he was ti her for saving his grandkids, and welcomed her into his family, and home - The Nest, as Benjiro and Ari's nanny. But Angeline's new life was not without its challenges. She found herself entangled in a web of romance, danger, and intrigue. The Triad Underworld and demons hunted her, while her beauty captivated many hearts leading to a full blown war for her heart. As Angeline navigates this treacherous landscape, the Goddess of Creation, Nu Wa, reveals a prophecy - only easy to end the war: Angeline must choose her mate from the Chosen Three - One is a friend, One is her soulmate, And one was the architect of her past demise. But the stakes are dire as the unchosen would perish. Will Angeline find love amidst the danger? Who are the Chosen Three? And what will be her heart-wrenching choice? Dive into this epic and spicy tale of magic, music, romance, and self-discovery.

Philipa_Richmen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs




Blue Cross Hospital,

Ikeja, Lagos State,


Thursday, June 30

1:45 PM

The dimly lit corridors seemed to stretch on forever, the scent of disinfectant and blood hanging heavy in the air; but the sound of wailing echoed from the ward, a haunting melody that sent shivers down the spines of even the most hardened hospital staff.

A figure emerged from the chaos, a black man clad in a tattered, hooded robe, his identity concealed with a nose mask. His robes were stained with blood, and his hands were slick with the viscous liquid. He moved with a feral intensity, his eyes darting back and forth as he navigated the deserted corridors.

The wailing from the ward grew louder, more insistent, and the man's pace quickened. He was driven by a primal urge to escape, to flee the scene of his crime. He had murdered someone, and the weight of his actions was beginning to bear down on him.

As he turned a corner, he failed to notice a figure watching him from the shadows. Carson, the Prince of Wrath, a being of immense power and malevolence, stood motionless, his eyes fixed on the fleeing man. A cold, calculating smile spread across his face as he beheld the bloodied figure.

The hooded man, oblivious to the Prince's gaze, continued his frantic flight. He burst through the hospital's front doors, out into the bright, tropical sunlight. The wailing from the ward grew fainter, but the man's guilt and paranoia only intensified.

He disappeared into the crowded streets of Lagos, leaving behind a trail of blood and terror. The Prince of Wrath watched him go, his smile growing wider as he contemplated the chaos that was to come.


Mama T's Bar,

Surulere, Lagos,


Tuesday, February 15

2:15 AM (GMT+1)


The club was still full of swing, the partying wild, like it had just started. Everyone was too busy enjoying themselves, in their own way to notice the hooded figure by the edge of the bar counter silently warching all of them like a hawk. His amber eyes suddenly narrowed on a young man luring a drunk lady into one of the VIP rooms. He was just about to go after them when a skimpyly dressed bartender placed a mug of beer before him. 

"Here's your drink, sir!" she sang, sending him a flictious wink.

"I don't remember ordering anything, Grace!" he muttered, his voice sending chills down her spine as he gently pushed it back to her. 

"I know, sir. It was that young man over there who bought it for you. Is he a friend of yours, I'd really like to get bus number." she gushed foolishly, pointing to the hot pale skinned super being across the room.

He was already surrounded by whores demanding for his attension and phone number, while the males in the room glared at him as thier dates couldnt stop openly drooling over him. But only one man's eyes widened in shock on seeing him till when thier gazes met. The hooded man felt all the blood drain from his body as he beheld his tormentor who just smirked back, enjoying the effect his presence had on him. The hooded man managed to swallow his emotions and broke his gaze. But the damage had already been done as his mind began to be bagered by the memories of his painful past. 

Meanwhile, the demon prince began to saunter towards him, after compelling the women away. He silently groaned as the demon sat down beside him, ordering Grace to get same more beers for them before he finally turned to face his puppet.

"You never struck me as the party type, Carson, so why are you here?" the hooded figure asked, starting the conversation as he drained the mug of beer Carson had bought for him earlier.

"You haven't changed a bit, have you, Kay?" Carson chuckled, sounding a bit sympathetic. 

Choosing to ignore Carson, Kay stood up and went over to the dart boards, paid the cashier for some darts and began to hurl them at the targets along with other men while Carson infuriated his his every move by copying him.

"What do you want, Carson? " Kay sighed, in furstration as he went back to his seat by the counter, already tired of Carson followig him everywhere.

"Being straight forward and arrogant again?" Carson drawled, appearing on Kay's other side, two flutes of champane in hand.

"Looks like some one has grown wings?" he smirked, handing a flute to Kay before sipping from his as he sat down.

"I can't grow wings any more. You're the one who cut oft in the first place, remember?"

"Oh yeah, I really missed them good 'ol days!" 

Just then, Grace finally arrived with the mugs of beer, which stopped Kay from punching Carson right in his stupid perfect nose. Grace then started to bat her lashes seductively at Carson who only rolled his eyes in disgust, to her disappointment, causing her to storm off her hips swaying dangerously as she left.

"Please just tell me what brought you to Nigeria and let's get this over with, Carson!" he snarled, once Grace was out of earshot.

"There's a threat to my kingdom and I need you to hunt it down before my father returns back to Hell." he ordered, switching to Boss Mode as he slid a wierd black and red card to Kay. 

"What does it look like?" Kay asked, inspecting the card. 

"We don't know." Carson confessed. "But what what we do know that it's a female dragon shifter."

"So, it can be anybody!"

"Exactly, that's why I'm gonna need you to go back home, hit the showers, dig up your hunting gear, dust it down and meet me at the airport 'cos our flight to California leaves in three hours."

"What!" Kay exclaimed. 

"I know it's impromptu but it's not like you've got a choice or something..."

"Sure things boss!" he retorted, sarcastically. "By the way, what in it for me?" 

"You know I owe you nothing but because I'm generous you not get a dime...above fifty million dollars! Half before job and the rest. when you're delivered her head to us."

Kay scoffed before he started to furiously quaff down the contents in his mug. He was already tired of this demon's presence and without pausing to breath, he continued to chugging down his drink, wondering how long it was going to take before be snaps as Carson continued rambling. 

"Now now, calm down, tiger! How would you like it in...Euros? Oops, that ain't your currency! What was it again...Naira! Or maybe you'd prefer it in gold..."

Carson's ramblings were cut short when Kay suddenly slammed his now empty mug on the counter so hard it cracked, but he slowly turned to squarely face the confused gentleman beside him.



"I don't want money, I want my freedom!" Kay said, soberly.

"Pardon?!" Carson repeated, still in shock causing Kay to lean in towards him. 

"I. Want. My. Freedom!" Kay spelt out, before he sat back up and resumed drinking from another mug of beer.

"Kay, we've talked about this!" Carson groaned, pinching his brow in furstration. "You know I don't have what it takes is release you."

"Then find someone else for the job," he snapped, turning to leave only for two big burly demon bodyguards bar his way.

"Carson, tell your men to back down or hearts will get ripped out!" Kay gritted, trying his best to keep his inner demons under control.

"First of all, it's Master Carson to you." he started, with a smug look on his face. "And second of all, call off your bluff; you're coming with us whether you like it or not."

"Make me!"

"There's no way you can defeat two highly skilled Level 6..." 

Carson's words got stuck in his throat on hearing two loud thuds. His eyes widened in shock on seeing his two men on the floor with gory holes in their chests before they turned to dust and disappeared. He then looked up to find himself ominously pleased than suprised to see Kay silently sipping the blood remaining in thier hearts, unperturbed by Carson's gaze on him. He knew Carson had cloaked them from the view of others that's why he didn't hesitate to end them. 

"Okay, fine!" Carson relented, throwing up his hands in defeat. "I'll give you twenty five million dollers for now and your freedom when the job is done. But, just have it in mind that even if I do free you it won't change what you 've become."

The revelation caused Kay to freeze in shock for sometime, as he showly brought down the half-empty heart from his lips.

"It still beats being your slave!" Kay retorted with a slight shrug, after thinking it through, before he resumed sucking the heart.

"It's really late, Kay!" Carson exclaimed, cheaking his watch. "Don't you want to go home and kiss your wife and kids good bye before your 'buisness trip' ?"

Carson's taunt seeped deep into Kay's tormented soul, pricking his innermost demon on all sides as he clenched his fist in anger. It was quite miraculous how he still looked calm and cool on the outside though he was boiling on the inside.

"Oops, I forgot!" Carson spat, malisiously. "You murdered them..."

And he lost it! 

"Only buause you possessed me, you mother bleeper!" Kay roared in Carson's face, causing everyone's attention to be on them while the sociopath just chuckled evilly as he wiped the spit sprayed on his face.

"I'll only be linent today because I'm in a good mood." Carson hoarsely whispered in ear, his breath fanning Kay's face.

"But don't forget too soon, Kay: I made you and only I can break you!"

With that Carson stood up and patted Kay's shoulder before he straightened his suit. Kay's eyes burned Carson's back as he exited the bar. Still shaking in anger, Kay let out a roar and hurled his last dart at the board which was at the end other end of the room before storming out.

There was an eerie hush in the club for two whole minutes as everyone still had thier the jaws dropped as they gaped at the dart board. Kay's dart was now on the bullseye after spliting dart was one that had been there previously!

What do you think of our new character, Kay?