
Long Lost Twin

After the war against the hoplite of Kòrinthos, the Archon of Asgard fell ill and his lifespan reducing. With only a few more years to live he decided to choose the next king without any bloodshed. He chose Dion his last and adopted son but his other sons and relatives were against saying that Dion was not of their bloodline and should not bear the crown. This led to quarrels and scheme in the palace trying to kill Dion. After the death of the Archon, the Keres or Exile a group of death polemistís were sent to kill him and with fear he ran away far from home with injuries all over him but was saved by a girl of unknown origin living with her grandfather their love story began here. But it didn't last long as The Exiles discovered him, not wanting to implicate her ran away not knowing that she was pregnant. Few years later, the Archon of Asgard sent people to massacre the village they were staying and killed a lot of people. Her grandfather used his ability and opened a portal to teleport them but in the process of opening the portal got sperated from her older twin. Years went by and she discovered a shocking transformation on her surviving twin. Why did the Archon massacre the villagers?? What is the origin of Dion??? What change did she see?? What is her origin!!!? Will the twins ever meet!!!!?? Did the Archon really die???? Read to know more

Khaimah · Action
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13 Chs

Chapter Three : The Archon Return

" A termite might fly over seven hundred mountains but still end his journey in the mouth of a lizard"

The next day was fast approaching and round the campsite where polemistís laughing and drinking. The burden was over so now they could celebrate their victory. Among them were low ranked, mid ranked and high ranked demons. The most common thing among them were their eye color. Those of the high ranked demons were dark red while those of the low ranked demons were light red and those of mid ranked demons were darker than those of low ranked but lighter than those of high ranked, Blood red were only seen in the eyes of the royals.

In the Archon tent, the Archon Charis was sitting in a lotus position and seemed like he was cultivating.

" Ever since the battle with Sire I have been feeling strange and weak" he soliloquize and decided to check on his body only to discover a black mist located very close to his dantian. He tried all possible way to force it out but it was futile.

The more he tried to force it out the more it got closer to his dantian and if it got any closer and merges with his dantian he would become a cripple and besides who would want a crippled Archon, hilarious he thought.

"What is happening to me" he thought

"It seems that the martial technique used by Sire was not as simple as it looks". He noticed that his life essence was being drained out little by little, he could sense danger and needed to consult the royal doctor as soon as possible.

" It seems that this war was not a complete victory" he said with melancholy. The melancholy was vividly written on his face that the guard who came to report to him noticed it clearly but fear of being silenced kept mute and greeted the Archon.

"What do you want?"

"My Lord, it's time for us to depart my Lord"

" You may leave"

" Time sure flies fast" he got up freshened so they could leave immediately.

When they all got ready they departed. The Archon rode on his horse while his troops marched on foot into the capital of Asgard Rhodes. By noon they had already stepped into Those and the messenger went to report his return to the palace. When the Princeps and Basileia heard this they all rushed to the royal conference room with trails of guard and maid to await the Archon.

"Have you heard" said a maid

" The Archon is back, that means Asgard won the battle" said another

"Oh that's the reason why we were asked to to line up here!!" said another with a look of surprise on her face

" You should be new, the head maid didn't give you full introduction"

" What do you mean?" said the initial maid in utter confusion

". There is a forbidden rule" said the maid with a short moment of silence she then continued. "The rule is never to look at the Archon's face, especially his eyes when he's present we have to keep our heads down"

" The last time someone looked at his eyes she mysteriously killed" said the maid while scrunching up her face in horror

"How did she die!!??" asked the maid

"Some said she died by...." the maid stopped purposely keeping the suspense

"She died by??"

"Quiet" the head maid interrupted their conversation. Not wanting to get punished they both kept quiet but the other maid was wallowing in fear when ever she thinks of what the maid told her.

Princeps- Prince

Basileia- Queen

Thank you guys for reading but don't forget to comment and share your thoughts about the novel in the comment section. Been busy lately but will try to update faster. Am expecting at least a hundred coins😄😄😄 for a mass release. Love you guys 🥰🥰🥰 your author Khaimah. Sweet dreams 😴😴