
Long Live, The Patriarch Is Taking Courtesans Once More!

Li Su was travelling through the Fantasy world, and he was born with poor Spiritual Roots. He thought his life would be a short and unremarkable one. However, he accidentally obtained the multi-child multi-blessing system. With each additional offspring, his lifespan would be extended and his Cultivation Base would be able to grow. The cultivation of future generations would also feed back to Li Su. This gave Li Su a chance to live forever and become a god. He decided to take concubines and create humans crazily. Li Su seemed to have no concept of time, taking concubines when others were cultivating and fighting to the death for cultivation resources. Over time, his descendants spread throughout the Sacred Lands and the heavenly worlds. One day, a fairy descended from the heavens to destroy the Li family. But before she could even act, Li Su had pressed her to death with a single finger. Everyone knew that Li Su must have been either taking a concubine or on his way to take one. His terrifying power had become a legend! there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial Patreon.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · Fantasy
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52 Chs

025 I Said You Are You

"Master, I'm not sure if any Cultivation Clans have been destroyed in the Siqi Kingdom and Beiyan Kingdom," Li Su hesitantly addressed the headmaster, wanting to gather more information before revealing what he already knew.

Responding to the headmaster's inquisitive gaze, Li Su continued to inquire. He had already captured the cultivator with the surname Bai, but he needed to obtain additional details.

"Just a couple of days ago, Master received news that several cultivating families were annihilated in the Siqi Kingdom. Lieyangmen suspects that it might be the work of a Devil Cultivator, although they haven't seen any traces of Devil Cultivators in years. The origins of this perpetrator remain unknown, and the Lieyangmen has yet to uncover any leads," Su Yun explained.

The destruction of several cultivating families in Siqi Kingdom came as no surprise to Li Su. It had been several months since the three Immortal Sects began competing for the Spirit Stones mine. In the past two months alone, three cultivating families in the Wu Kingdom had been eradicated. With a few more months to go, the cultivator with the surname Bai had yet to make a move in the Wu Kingdom.

Li Su speculated that this cultivator had been active in the area controlled by the three Immortal Sects. He had extensive knowledge of the cultivators in the three secular countries. This individual had likely killed dozens of immortal cultivators this time.

He had struck in Siqi Kingdom first and then moved on to the Wu Kingdom. The Beiyan Kingdom was further away, and it would take the cultivator with the surname Bai more than two days to travel there. Li Su surmised that he hadn't had the time to go there yet.

Li Su had a theory as to why this individual targeted the Cultivation Clans. This cultivator had taken numerous Rogue Cultivators from their gatherings, and these Rogue Cultivators had subsequently vanished. While it was common for immortal cultivators to disappear for a few years after practicing in one place for an extended period, the number of disappearances was unusually high. To avoid arousing suspicion, the cultivator with the surname Bai refrained from launching large-scale attacks on Rogue Cultivators during their gatherings.

Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity to attack the Cultivation Clans. Many Rogue Cultivators lived in obscure or secretive locations, making it difficult to track them down individually. Li Su suspected that the cultivator with the surname Bai would hide somewhere to consolidate his gains before resurfacing even stronger. At that point, he might target even more formidable cultivators.

Su Yun, curious about the identity of the culprit, asked Li Su, "Brother, who is the murderer?"

In response, Li Su requested a Magical Item from the headmaster that could pose a threat to a cultivator in the Gold Core stage. He intended to use it when apprehending the cultivator with the surname Bai.

Li Su was concerned that if he delayed any longer, the cultivator with the surname Bai might sense something amiss and escape. Thus, he decided to go after him alone to prevent any unforeseen circumstances. He also accepted Su Yun's offer to accompany him since she was familiar with the surrounding area.

On their journey aboard a flying boat, Su Yun pointed out the direction where Rogue Cultivators were most active. Li Su inquired if Su Yun had heard of a Rogue Cultivator from the Foundation Establishment stage with the surname Bai.

Su Yun confirmed that she had heard of him and mentioned that he had been seen near a cliff a few days prior. She indicated the direction they should head.

Suddenly, a strange bird emerged from the dense forest, launching a barrage of metallic feathers. Su Yun swiftly deployed

her defensive techniques, creating a barrier of energy to shield herself and Li Su from the metallic feathers. The bird, sensing the formidable presence of the two cultivators, screeched loudly before retreating back into the forest.

Li Su and Su Yun exchanged glances, realizing that the bird's attack was likely a warning to deter intruders. They cautiously proceeded, their guard heightened by the unexpected encounter. As they ventured deeper into the forest, they noticed the surroundings becoming increasingly desolate, with withered trees and an eerie silence.

Finally, they arrived at the cliff Su Yun had mentioned earlier. It was a precipitous drop, and the gusts of wind from below made it difficult to maintain balance. Li Su peered over the edge, his spiritual sense extending to investigate the area beneath the cliff.

To his surprise, he sensed a powerful aura emanating from a hidden cave halfway down the cliff. This energy signature matched that of the cultivator with the surname Bai. Li Su shared his findings with Su Yun, and they both agreed that the cave was their next destination.

Cautiously descending the cliff with the help of their cultivation techniques, Li Su and Su Yun landed near the entrance of the hidden cave. They proceeded with caution, ready to face any challenges that awaited them.

Inside the cave, dim light seeped through cracks in the rocky walls, illuminating a spacious chamber. Li Su and Su Yun advanced silently, their footsteps barely audible. As they moved deeper, they noticed various markings and symbols on the cave walls, indicating that it had been used for cultivation purposes.

Suddenly, they heard a soft voice echoing through the chamber. "So, you've finally arrived, Li Su. I've been expecting you."

Li Su and Su Yun turned towards the source of the voice and saw a figure standing in the center of the chamber. It was a man with a refined appearance, wearing a black robe adorned with intricate patterns. His eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and malice.

Li Su recognized him as the cultivator with the surname Bai. He prepared himself for a confrontation, his hand tightly gripping the Magical Item he had obtained from the headmaster.

Without wasting any time, the cultivator with the surname Bai continued speaking. "You must be wondering why I've targeted the Cultivation Clans. It's quite simple, really. Their resources and techniques have been stagnating for far too long. I seek to purify the cultivation world, to bring forth a new era of strength and innovation."

Li Su's eyes narrowed as he assessed the cultivator's words. He could sense the arrogance and disdain in his tone, as if he considered himself superior to all others. It was clear that the cultivator with the surname Bai had developed a twisted ideology to justify his actions.

"You may have your reasons, but that doesn't excuse the destruction and chaos you've caused," Li Su replied, his voice firm and resolute.

The cultivator with the surname Bai chuckled, a chilling sound that reverberated through the cave. "Ah, Li Su, you still cling to the outdated principles of the cultivation world. But mark my words, change is inevitable, and those who resist it will be swept away."

Li Su and Su Yun exchanged a determined glance, silently affirming their resolve to stop the cultivator with the surname Bai. They knew that they couldn't allow his misguided ideals to plunge the cultivation world into further turmoil.

With their minds set, Li Su unleashed the power of the Magical Item, channeling its energy into his attacks. Su Yun joined him, her techniques complementing his own. The clash between their combined strength and the cultivator with the surname Bai's formidable abilities created a whirlwind of power within the cave.

As the battle intensified, the cave trem

bled, rocks crumbling from the ceiling. The clash between the two sides grew more ferocious with each passing moment. Li Su and Su Yun fought with determination and skill, their movements synchronized as they sought to overpower their opponent.

The outcome of this confrontation would determine the fate of the cultivation world. Li Su and Su Yun were resolved to protect the balance and traditions of their realm, standing as the last line of defense against the cultivator with the surname Bai's destructive ambitions.
