
Episode 2 ( the thin line between opinion and judging)

Have you ever had the thought to why the world is so judgie?

if you have then you must have faced some sort of unnecessary judgement of people who has nothing to do with your subject.

From your facial features to the color of your skin

from what you wore today to whom you are friends with

From your family status to your situations

even from liking pineapples on pizza to putting cereal in bowl before milk


the question is why?

why is some judged for something they aren't responsible for?

Did you ask for your skin to be the color it is, did you ask for the features you have?, did you asked to be born in the family with such status

Note that i am not pointing towards anything specific.

i am talking generally

weather you are black, white, rich, poor.

everybody faces problems regardless of anything you have.

Back to the point! you are being judged or something you were given

You never got to choose yet you are being judged and even if you had the choice no one has the right to judge you.

not humans at least.

i believe there are 2 species of social animals.

one who are people and one who are human. the world is filled with people but rarely humans.

I have always believed that there are multiple sides of stories.

A story can be told in a million different ways with billions of opinions.

think about it just knowing only an few sides of stories earns you the right to judge?

How stupidly stupid!

now the question arises

So if we can't judge what do we do?

stop having opinions on things?

There is a clear line between opinions and judging .

When you have opinions its your personal thinking. it doesn't affect others.

but when you judge on the basis of your opinions that is where the chaos start.

This is where the hate and toxicity starts.

let understand that human tiny little minds can't see the millions sides of stories so we according to capacity of your brain you judge

and someone out there must be a person who has seen the exact opposite side of the story which you saw.

since he saw a different side his opinions and judgement is different

its normal human psychology to be at odds at someone who's mind and opinions isn't compatible with you.

and since the understanding of million sides stories is so rare its not left fights begin.

to conclude have opinions. do act upon them but don't judge on their bases.

another episode of confused me!


pen_girl_20creators' thoughts