
Long Aotian Took a Fancy To After a Woman Disguised As a Man

When he woke up, Lin Yuqi found that he was dressed as a big boss demon in a man’s cool article where women disguised as men. Because of his physique, Mozun had to seize the beauty and opportunity of the male protagonist, and finally ended up in a haunted end. In order to live a few more days, Lin Yuqi had to wear a vest to go to the male protagonist and get some benefits from him. Unexpectedly, he accidentally entered the male protagonist’s upgraded copy and became the male protagonist’s pig teammate… #How to dodge the corner of the male protagonist# #Mozun Quotations: It is better to die than to live# What Lin Yuqi didn’t expect was that his waistcoat was actually very popular among the people in the right way… Mingyue taught the pure and clean saintess: “Lin Shaoxia is an upright man, pity the poor and the weak, and be a role model for me.” The sect master of Jianzong who has not joined the world for a hundred years: “Xiao Qizi has excellent roots and high talent, and is a good seedling to be a sect master.” Even the youngest daughter of Pavilion Master Wanbao, who is sitting on the world’s wealth, said with a blushing face, “He looks strangely handsome, I want daddy to recruit him into the house.” Lin Yuqi was calm on the surface, but panicked inwardly: Oops! I seem to have taken the male lead script… The male protagonist who was robbed of the script didn’t mind at all, but rubbed her face obediently: “It’s okay, Qi Qi is good, and everyone in the world knows it.” But he added a sentence in his heart: The little girl who wants to recruit relatives should be rectified! Lin Yuqi: Huh? One sentence introduction: I became the hero’s pig teammate Purpose: world peace Content Labels: Xianxia Cultivation Sweet Text Wearing Books Women Dress Up as Men Search keyword: Protagonist: Lin Yuqi; Chu Junli

CrystalPearl · Fantasy
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64 Chs

chapter 56

The stone in Lin Yuqi's heart fell to the ground, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight of their group followed the two immortals and set foot on the long mountain road under the envious or jealous eyes of the group on the left.

Hidden in the gray gauze cloud, the mountain gate of Jianzong is towering, the left and right sides are supported by the coiled dragon pillars, the middle plaque is very high, and many reliefs are drawn around it. It was too high and too far, and Lin Yuqi didn't see the pattern on it clearly, but only remembered that there were long swords everywhere, and there were cold-faced monks holding long swords.

If you are a mountain gate, you will not be allowed to join the world for life. Whether it is a relative, a Taoist partner or an enemy, all the ties of the world will be cut off, and they will not be stained by the world."

He paused for a moment, as if looking at everyone's reaction: "Can you think clearly?"

These young people have already understood these rules and naturally agree to them.

Then the two of them turned their bodies to the side to make way for these new disciples.

Their voices came from the clouds and mist, with some vagueness and uncertainty: "The elders are still in seclusion, and the new disciples will all stay in Qingyang Pavilion. Violators, chase them away."

Lin Yuqi hadn't figured out what the "rules" they were going to abide by, and suddenly a pale jade slip appeared in his hand, with only the words "Sword Sect Gate Commandment" written on it. It's the door rules that the immortal said.

The temperature is very low on the Baqi Mountain where Jianzong is located.

It's like late autumn, it's freezing cold.

Lin Yuqi's physique is gloomy and cold, but she has always been used to it, and she never remembers to cast some low-level warmth spells.

This time, when she broke into the dream, Chu Junli sent the Mingxin Stone with her and was released to the bedside before falling asleep. Otherwise, she would not be so cold if the stone was there.

Before Lin Yuqi cast the spell on her own, the outer disciple next to him, named Xin Li, threw several warm spells on her as if he didn't need spiritual power , and also comes with a windproof effect.

Lin Yuqi looked at it and smiled slightly: "Thank you. But you don't have much spiritual power, so you should save it. Uncle Master will come by himself."

The corners of Na Xinli's mouth froze, and he pulled out a reluctant angle: "Thank you for your concern."

Lin Yuqi thought with hindsight: How can this child see that she is cold? Did she tremble accidentally? Will it damage the tall and majestic image that she should have as an uncle?

While she was thinking wildly, someone suddenly patted her shoulder, and when she looked up, it turned out to be Situ Xishuang who was upset.

The eldest lady raised the jade slips of different colors in her hands at her, and said angrily: "This broken sect separates men and women, and my residence is different from yours, so I'll go first."

Lin Yuqi stopped her: "Didn't you stay in Qingyang Pavilion together?"

Situ Xishuang sneered: "You are Qingyang Pavilion, and I—"

She put the jade slip under Lin Yuqi's eyelids so that she could see the words on it: "It's Qingyang Pavilion."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and carried her silver axe, and walked away savagely.

The black back disappeared behind the many immortal halls of Jianzong.

Xin Li also took out the jade slip and pointed to the direction indicated above, which was indeed the opposite direction of Situ Xishuang: "Master, let's go together."

"Ah... ok."

Lin Yuqi and Xin Li walked together, and came to Qingyang Pavilion where the new disciple lived with a few other young people who didn't seem to notice them.

The entire Qingyang Pavilion has nearly hundreds of rooms, but only six people actually live there.

These new disciples are not familiar with each other. After a simple nod, they each chose their favorite room.

Xin Li held the jade slip, rubbed it beside Lin Yuqi, and asked anxiously, "Uncle, can I live next to you?"

His face is ordinary, but those black eyes can see the heart of the heart, and now he is full of expectations and uneasiness, and he keeps calling from a master and uncle, so Lin Yuqi naturally agreed to him. Require.

The two chose a secluded place in the corner. As soon as Lin Yuqi entered the room, he was shocked by Jianzong's extravagance.

Although the layout of this room is 108,000 miles away from her Demon Realm's palace, compared to the treatment of disciples by Tianzhao Sect, it is really a difference between clouds and mud.

Even if it is the rich and powerful Liuyan League, it must be resigned.

The entire room is covered with spar that gathers spiritual energy, which can increase the concentration of spiritual energy in the air, even though Yakiyama is originally located in a place with strong spiritual energy. There is no shortage of golden silk and jade tents in the room, Ruinao and agarwood, as if to fascinate the eyes of those who come.

Lin Yuqi cut off the incense candle that was misty in the clouds, sat on the soft couch, supported her head wearily, thinking about sorting out the things she just experienced.

At this time, there was a rhythmic knock on the door.

Accompanied by a clear male voice: "Master, it's time to eat."

Lin Yuqi opened the door, Xin Li was standing at the door smiling with two big lunch boxes.

"Someone delivered the food to the door of Qingyang Pavilion, and those people brought it back to the room to eat, so I took back the share of Uncle Shi."

Looking at the lunch box in his hand and smelling the fragrance in it, Lin Yuqi swallowed shamelessly, but did not forget to maintain his face, and gave Xin Li a very profound look , said faintly: "I have long been fasting, how can these vulgar things be imported?"

"Oh? Is that so?" Xin Li walked in without seeing anything, and laid out the dishes in the lunch box one by one, as if he didn't hear Lin Yuqi's words at all, but set them up Holding the bowl, he stared at her, "Won't Uncle Master come and try it? Jianzong's dishes cannot be eaten outside."

Lin Yuqi fought a battle between heaven and man for a moment, and finally sat opposite Xin Li. Although it was embarrassing to eat with a disciple who had only met a few times, Lin Yuqi saw that Xin Li was very considerate in dividing the meal into two parts, and the dishes placed in front of her were very much in line with her taste. Still reluctantly accepted his invitation.

Sure enough, the dinner table is an excellent place to draw closer revolutionary friendship.

Lin Yuqi may be a little cautious when facing strangers, but Xin Li opposite him has a good grasp of the degree of enthusiasm and politeness. After a meal, Lin Yuqi had a very happy meal.

She learned that Xin Li's parents died at home, and only a frail younger sister lived with each other, and immediately thought of Chu Junli, who had the same experience.

He mentioned his sister, with a little pity and sadness in his eyes, and his eyelashes drooped: "I entered Tianzhaozong to cultivate, only hoping to find a way to heal her body. In addition..."

Speaking of the second reason, the tip of Xin Li's ear suddenly swelled with two touches of red.

"My...my sweetheart, he is very good. I have worked hard for so long, but I still can't catch up with him."

The green vegetable that Lin Yuqi was about to put in his mouth fell into the bowl.

Oh! This is a pure love story.

"Don't be discouraged." Although Lin Yuqi did not have any actual combat experience, but seeing the self-denial on Xin Li's face, he immediately comforted, "Are you together?"

This sentence gave the opposite disciple a heavy hammer.

Xin Li's eyes dimmed and shook his head: "Not yet."

Lin Yuqi silently replaced the word love with secret love in her heart.

Add a touch of sympathy for Xin Li.

She didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, and instigated: "Then you go and show her your heart. Don't you say she is very good? You can't catch up with your hard work for so long. Maybe after you confess, she is willing to wait. What about you?"

Xin Li glanced at her silently, and for a moment, Lin Yuqi even saw a trace of struggle in his eyes, sitting upright body suddenly leaned forward, as if the person he wanted to confess was himself In the same way, the distance between the two suddenly narrowed.

Lin Yuqi leaned back abruptly, the chopsticks in her hand fell, and fell to the ground with a few dings, she was frightened by the sudden thoughts in her mind, she quickly shook her head, put those Outlandish ideas thrown out.

Xin Li's eyes immediately sobered up, he sat back to his original position, and helped Lin Yuqi change a pair of bamboo chopsticks.

He lowered his head and didn't look at her, and muttered, "Sure enough."

He raised his eyes again, with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth: "Uncle Shi also thinks it's very strange. He may disappear at any time, how can he stay because of my words?"

"...Oh." Lin Yuqi didn't know what to say, so she responded awkwardly, and lowered her head to count the rice grains in her bowl.

"However," Xin Li said firmly, "Wherever he goes, I will find him."

Lin Yuqi was so stunned by the strong mid-second breath in these words that she didn't want to raise her head, let alone attack the other party's enthusiasm.

It seems that the person Xin Li likes is still a windy person, and if she wants to stay, Xin Li may have a long way to go.

"There are always a lot of irrelevant people around him," Xin Li began to ramble, "It's clear that I was the first to know him, but his attention is always easy to be distracted. When others are scattered, I can't help but get angry."

Lin Yuqi: ...I hear it.

"But he doesn't know anything."

Lin Yuqi: You are miserable enough.

"Like the one in front of me," Xin Li suddenly turned around, looked at the door, and said solemnly, "I can't drive away."

Lin Yuqi was confused, raised his head from the bowl, and followed his line of sight to the door of the house. When he saw the person coming, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, but fortunately he covered his mouth , otherwise it may be sprayed directly on the table.

Situ Xishuang stood stiffly at the door, her neatly rolled up bun was changed into a long black braid, and her indistinguishable black clothes were replaced by women's clothes.

The top is bright red, the bottom skirt is pale green, and there is a goose-yellow silk sash around the waist. The impact of his sight is no less than the Northeast big padded jacket in Lin Yuqi's memory.

Only the silver axe on the waist is in line with Situ Xishuang's consistent style.

"You...you!" Lin Yuqi pointed to her clothes, which was really soiled.

"What?" The eldest lady looked down at her clothes, "Is something wrong?"

Lin Yuqi thought that she couldn't distinguish colors, so she had to hold her forehead: Miss, you can't see colors, so are you going to come out and destroy everyone's eyes?