
Training & First Time

The schedule changed now with combat training added in the picture.

I start the day around 4-5 am as I needs less sleep now, and after getting ready and doing the morning necessities, I starts the day with warming up and unarmed combat training which is basically karate katas and repeating them.

After that I move on to wing chun boxing practice easing to Muay Thai and finally Taekwondo moves on a durable human dummy.

Breakfast and a quick break later comes archery, nunchucks and bo staff training. Archery is classic target practice but at difficult angles.

Nunchucks and bo staff training includes hitting multiple targets at different heights and all around the body.

During this I eat lunch whenever I feel hungry enough as now I don't need food or sleep for at least a week and still fully function. I just eat because I like eating. I also plan to learn cooking soon, mostly after my combat training is basic done.

This is followed by a music practice session which is mostly an enjoyment and relaxing. This is mainly to get comfortable with different instruments as I'm planning to record a song soon and publish it.

After the break comes gun practice which is similar to archery as shooting at difficult angles and holding on for a long time to increase aim and arm stability till dinner time.

Dinner and most other meals are followed by the hardest magic trick I can think of and performing it with cardistry for Alfred and Beth, which is a delight for all of us.

Time from dinner to sleep is divided into drawing naruto manga and writing harry potter chapters while listening to music that I will publish soon to check for improvements and mistakes as I'm still not experienced enough.

Most of the times there are very little mistakes which I edit and correct in the music track, on my laptop software.

I divided the song into fragments and plan to do it in segments to get a feel for it and then finally record the whole thing in the studio.

This continued for a week and my first ever song was ready. I decided to release it as a single but that needs a video which I will have to record myself but I will not show my face with mask and hair dye to black along with green lens.

{A.N. : The mc pic is here as I found it hard to describe him.}

Now having done with recording it in the studio along with all the instruments and singing, to record the video, I am going to record it in my personal world as it has a lot of scenery. Then I can give it to Alfred to release it.

The recording goes on throughout the night as I had already researched how to do it during one of my breaks.

Improving while recording it and retaking it multiple times, I was finally done by my waking up time.

Freshening up and doing my morning routine till breakfast and during breakfast I edit the video and continue on with the weapons training and during lunch I again edit the video and finally during the music session I finish the whole video.

After completing it and getting it ready to release, I got an unexpected surprise which was a sub quest completion of 1st song. The reward I got was record and broadcasting drone.

[Ultimate recording and broadcast drone - It will record the best angle that you want without manually doing it as it is automatic and will follow your thoughts through brainwave tech from a more technologically advanced world than mine.

It has the best quality camera and voice recording system with multiple drones which separate from the main body for the best recording.]

It will take a few more takes tonight as I want to make it the best as 1st impression matters.

Anyway after dinner, a magic trick and drawing manga and writing chapter of the novel, I went to the personal world and started recording as the music started with piano intro and finally singing started followed by strings and finally beats, then a drop and steady beats with background instruments.

After two takes it was perfect! The best part was that the drone recorded and edited so I don't need to do anything again.

The final video was amazing with the scenery and music. The scenery I took was of a forest after forest fire near a cliff with blue gray sky and clouds. The song was complete and so was the video.

Now all that's left was to give it to Alfred and release it and take the world by storm as it seriously lacks any good entertainment.

So the next morning, during breakfast, I gave him the USB drive.

Alex : "Alfred, I want you to take this song and release it via our entertainment branch. I think it will do good for the company to have some good releases. Also let me know if there is any problem with it. Listen to it along with Beth and tell me your opinion."

Alfred : "Okay young master."

He said and brought a laptop and plugged the drive in and opened the folder and played the only song on it as Beth also came to his side and we all watched the video song while I was having breakfast but also payed attention to their reactions as I was nervous with this being my first ever creation.

Piano music started along with the video of a scenery of the forest fire and grey clouds while a young man wearing black jeans, shoes and a hoodie with a black mask covering his face from his nose appeared in the video.

He had black hair and green eyes and was walking around the forest fire while occasionally jumping off and running as the camera followed him and continued as he finally came to an all but dried up lake and walked to the wooden port which was scorched and half broken, sat on the edge and looked ahead onto the clouds and cliffs and mountains ahead of him as the song came to a conclusion with the starting melody.

Alex : "So? How was it?"

Alfred : "It was wonderful young master! The song ....

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Novice_artistcreators' thoughts