
Loner in Danmachi

What happens when a loner's soul merges with the soul of an orphan from Orario? Will the new abomination born from these two souls be able to see the bright side of the world and become a bright sun illuminating the world, or will it stay as an abomination? Read and see the story of Wayne, an orphan from Daedalus Street and a loner from another world. -------------------------------0---------------------------------- This is a Danmachi Fanfic, and there will be no brainless romance in this story. However, there will be R-18 chapters with related female leads. -------------------------------0---------------------------------- For those who are searching for a protagonist that is perfect from the start, please don't read this book and insult me. This novel is, of course, a wish fulfillment, but it is a wish fulfillment of mine. Keep that in mind. ------------------------------0----------------------------------- You can reach my pat reon, if you want to read chapters ahead and support me. There are 15 chapters ahead currently. Here is the link... patreon.com/user?u=84066306

Darkness_Enjoyer · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Saving the Protagoinst

Guys, you can check my Pat reon if you want to support me; I have 15 chapters ahead there.

You can vote for the potential heroines on my Pat reon as well.

Here is the link __< https://www.p@treon.com/user?u=84066306 >__ change the @ with a, or you can search the name 'Darkness_enjoyer'.

You can also check my other novel named "Erotic RPG: I am in a game, but my Heroines are Villainesses" you can check it out if you want.

Then without making you wait too much, enjoy the chapter.


<Urgent quest {Save the Protagonist} generated.>

At that moment, I heard the system sound in my head.

Save the protagonist? What? Did something happen to Bell?

I started thinking at a fast rate.

"Wayne-kun, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

I heard Hestia saying, but I wasn't in a position to chat right now.

"I am sorry, Kami-sama, I need to go somewhere right now."


I said and started sprinting to the last place I had seen Bell.

"Huh, Wayne-kun. Wait, Wayne-kun. Where are you going?"

I heard Hestia saying but didn't bat an eye.

I need to act fast. From the moment I saw the dead eyes of Bell, I knew something was wrong with him.

It was like; he had lost his will to live. However, he wasn't such a person in the anime. That means something is wrong with his life.

When I reached the place, I started asking people if they had seen him.

"Hello, did you see a person with white hair and red eyes? He should be a little smaller than me." I asked a nearby demi-human.

"Ah, you were talking about that girl with white hair, didn't you? Yes, I saw her; she went to Daedalus Street side."

Demi-human said while looking at that place.

Wait, did she just say a girl? Well, that is not important right now. She must have mistaken Bell for a girl since he had a bit girly face and body.

Then without waiting for any second, I started running to Daedalus Street.

You see, since Daedalus Street is close to the colosseum, if he is escaping from some people, it is a high possibility that he went there.

While walking to that place, I decided to cover my face with a black mask and started looking around.

Although I have changed quite a bit in the last month of time, it is still not a groundbreaking change, and there is a strong possibility of someone recognizing me.

However, this street is my hometown, and I know almost every nook and cranny of this place.


I kept running and running while sometimes jumping from the roofs of some houses.

'Iris, do you have any clues about where Bell can be? And what does urgent quest mean?'

I asked while running around.

<Host, sadly, I don't have any information about the whereabouts of Bell Cranel. To explain simply, an urgent quest means the types of quests that you need to complete in a certain amount of time, and it is heavily related to the story itself. When a certain amount of time is passed, you can't complete the quest anymore, and a penalty will be issued.>

System explained. Just as I expected, the urgent quest means a time-limited quest. Although that itself is pretty normal, the contents of quests should be pretty important.

'Then, what is the penalty for this quest?' I asked without stopping.

At that time, I had already covered almost half of the area, but I still didn't get a clue about Bell's whereabouts.

<The penalty for these types of quests is related to future events. For this specific one, the storyline of Danmachi will have shorter intervals, and the power of enemies will increase. This itself is related to the world's spirit, so you should save the child of the plane.>

Iris said. That means the quest itself is related to the existence of the protagonist and other things, which I don't have time to figure out right now.

While I was thinking that, I suddenly heard the sound of someone screaming.


It was the scream of a girl. From the looks of it, she was in a rough position.

However, right now, I don't have any time to play the hero. I need to finish my quest first.

These types of acts are common in Daedalus Street anyway. When you live 13 years on this street, you learn how to ignore those types of screams. Not everyone in this world has the strength to play the hero.

However, I should still check that place. Even though it is a voice of a girl, that doesn't mean Bell can't be there.

Thinking like that, I started rushing to the place I heard the sound.


I jumped from the roof of a house and saw a courtyard-like place empty.

Wait, this place seems a bit familiar. Isn't that the place where Bell fought with the Silverback?

Anyway, the moment I got there, I saw four people, three men, and one girl.

However, that one girl had some particular aspects that were familiar to me.

White hair is like snow, and red eyes are deep like blood.

The moment I saw her, I knew she was Bell.

In the beginning, I didn't see her body below her face since it was a bit crowded, but now that I can see it, I can understand why that demi-human said she was a girl.

But this is a bit weird, no? How come Bell is a girl? Isn't he supposed to be a boy?

However, this is not important right now. The important thing is that I need to save her for the sake of my quest.

'Iris, can you confirm she is the target of my quest? Or is she just someone who looks like the protagonist of the world?'

I asked the system since this change didn't make any sense if not for the interference of the system or that god helped me.

<I can confirm the host. She is the target and the protagonist of this world. Although the reason for her becoming a girl is inaccessible to you, I can confirm that she is the person.>

I heard Iris replying. I see; that saves me from the trouble of researching for Bell again, then.

"Hey, miss. You were able to escape from us yesterday thanks to the patrol of Ganesha Familia, but now that they are busy with subjugating the monsters that escaped from their cages, nobody will come to save you. Now, what are you going to do, huh?"

"Hey, Billy. Don't scare her this much. She will piss herself, you know?"

"Yes, Billy. Let's have a taste of her; I can't wait right now."

"Hiih! Don't come closer, please, don't come closer. Grandpa, where are you? Please som-"

"Shut up, kid. Next time, don't start wandering around by yourself without calling your grandpa. Hey, Pete. How many kids did we taste this week? Was it six? "

Saying that the adventurer on the front blocked Bell's mouth.

"Boss, it seems your senses became a bit dull. She is the seventh for this week. She will be a good finisher dish for this week's haul, don't you think?"

I see, so they are that type of scum. Then, it is not a bad thing for them to disappear, right?

At that moment, I drew my swords in both hands and took my stance.

It is time to remove some filth from the world…

Here is the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I am currently working on my project, so I can't write regularly. Have a nice day!

Darkness_Enjoyercreators' thoughts