
Loner In A Fantasy World

[Heads up: 1.There will be brutal scenes, you have been warned. 2. Everything in this book is based on my imagination. There will be things that will be different from what you expect. This is the usual typical Isekai novel starting with the MC encountering an accident right from the very beginning of the story. But I will not follow the 'Truck-Kun route' like most isekai story. Though getting run over by a truck seems like an easy way to start an isekai book, I will stick to the good old 'stabbing'. Now sit back and follow the story of Karl Perton's journey in his new world thanks to Mr. Robber. ] Karl is your typical loner. His favorite company is himself. He spends his time alone playing games after coming back to school. This is how he relax himself from the pressure of the world. One day after witnessing a robbery, Karl tries to get out of his comfort zone and helped the victim. But it ultimately sends him to his death. Now living comfortably in his new world devoid of the common problems on Earth, Karl does everything that did not get to do in his previous life. But a sudden turn of event changed his dream of a peaceful life.

Hyuuse · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Identity Revealed

Zed walked back to the others, surprising them with the noble-looking kids with him. "Zed. Who are they? No- forget about that for now. Look." Corn points at the dead body on the river bank. Without explaining everything to his friends, he tells everyone to pack up. "It's not safe here. We need to leave." Zed said to Corn sternly.

Seeing that Zed's expression and attitude did not change, Corn's instincts tell him to listen to Zed. "Everyone. Let's pack things up. Make it snappy!" in no time, everything was ready, and they left the river in that instant. Laurence, Banban, and the others carried the injured young noble while Corn and Zed carry everything else.

"What in the world are they doing there? What about the dead bodies? Can you tell me about the details?" Corn asked curiously. "I don't think I can tell you guys about it now- she specifically told me not to disclose it as of the moment," Zed said and noticed that she has a hard time following them. He realized that they must not have eaten anything. "Do we still have a piece of pork ribs?" Corn looked at him and opens his bag.

"I need to watch over Zoldyck. I need to be strong." Zyra said to herself as she forcibly opens her eyes not to lose her brother from her sight when someone pats her shoulder. "Eat this. You look like you did not get to eat anything," Zed said while handing her a pork rib in a towel. She looks at him suspiciously at first and Zed showed her no change in expression, convinced that it is not poisoned, she took it from his hands and starts to bite into the meat.

"I did not expect that commoners to have this kind of food. This is delicious." She said to herself the moment she took her first bite. And a few moments later, nothing but the rib remained. She wants to thank Zed for the rib, but he already retreated to Corn's side and talk about things.


"She looked at you for a moment. Maybe she wanted to thank you for the food?" Corn suggested. "I don't know. Do nobles even thank people like us? I don't think so, do you?"

"Well, that is highly unlikely to happen, so I guess she's just curious as to why we helped her?" Zed nods his head and agrees with Corn's deduction. "I think that's the case as well."

They all reach the town and the injured noble is immediately brought to the physician's clinic who is surprised to see a noble being brought to his clinic for the very first time. "Who is this? I don't think I can operate on a noble without their consent." He said warily. "He looked like he is hanging by a thread. I think we should operate on him, master." His assistant suggested.

The physician's clinic is not the first place that nobles would come to if they are injured as they have their physicians or doctors in their manor, touching a noble without asking for their consent usually ends up in a bad situation which is why there are not many people that are willing to gamble and bring trouble.

"I permit it. As long as my brother is treated, then I have no complaints." Zyra said confidently. The physician turned to Zed, the leader of the group of commoners that brought them, and nod his head. "If you are giving me the consent in his stead then I guess I have no choice in the matter. Harry, bring him inside the room. Children, I greatly appreciate you bringing him here, but this place is off limits now. You too, young miss. I'll call you later if something happens, don't worry."

Zyra looked at the physician suspiciously and the latter realize this, "I am someone that saves people. I would never operate on a noble much less kill them. You have my word." He said with a cold tone. "Will it be okay if I just stay here?" she asked. Seeing that there is nothing that would change her mind, the physician allowed her to stay. "If you promise not to disturb us during operation then I will allow you to stay here," Zyra promised, and he went back to the room to treat Zoldyck.

"Oh, goddess Yura, please grant my brother your blessings." She said as she stroked her pendant.

While the physician tends to Zoldyck, all of the children outside that managed to witness everything are stunned at Zyra's beauty. "So beautiful. Like a flower." All of them are immediately smitten by her beauty, boys and girls alike. Laurence, Banban, and the others are not spared of the sentiment as well, aside from Corn and Zed who have already gone to check on old man Yshka.

"You saw the look on their faces? They are immediately conquered by her beauty." Corn said with a flustered expression. "I know, right? I admit that she is beautiful, but the difference in status is something so wide that I feel bad for those idiots." Zed replied with a casual tone. Corn looks at his friend and smiles. "Well, I guess that's true." He agreed.

After checking on Yshka, they immediately went back to the physician's clinic where they can hear Zoldyck scream in pain. The moment they arrived, they can see Zyra slamming her fists on the door. "Open up! What are you doing to my brother?! How dare you to hurt him!" she shouted. Zed and Corn just stare at her and suddenly, the door opened with the physician covered in somewhat greenish red blood.

"Young miss, we cannot do everything that we can if you are that loud. Please tone it down, your brother screaming in pain is barely tolerable." He frankly said and then saw Zed and Corn looking at them. "Your brother is poisoned by an unknown poison. We did everything that we can to lessen the pain he is suffering, but that will not be enough. This calls for someone that knows the poison. I think it is probably best to call on the physician of nobles. I can only do this much, I am sorry." The physician walks back after hearing Zoldyck screaming in pain once again.

"Hey, you." Zyra turned to Zed and dragged him out of the clinic. "Bring me to the highest noble here in your town." She said with a rude tone. Zed did not like it and just stared at her as if he heard nothing. "What is his deal?" she asked herself. She then realized that she had been rude to him. "Should I ask for forgiveness? But they are just commoners?" she looks at Zed who is just about to leave but since her brother's life is in danger, she instantly grabbed his hand.

"Forgive me, but I need your help. I need to get to the highest noble and ask for help. You heard what the physician said, right? If I don't get help then my brother might die." Zed looks at her blankly and then sighs. "If you're sorry then I guess it can't be helped. Follow me, I will bring you to the highest noble in town." Zed said as he takes her hands off.

All of the children as well as Laurence and the others grind their teeth at Zed for being able to even touch Zyra's hand. "I can feel your gazes, you idiots. Did you want to touch her that much?" Zed said to himself. After walking for a few minutes, they stopped in front of a large manor, immediately Zyra realize that the owner of the manor is the highest noble in town and thanked Zed for accompanying her.

"Leave the rest to me." She said as she walks up to the guards. "I want to talk to the noble." She told the guards, but they only stared at her. "You are well-dressed for a commoner." A voice came from behind the guards and spoke out of nowhere and the guards guarding the gates bow before that person. "I heard what you just said. What brings you here to my home?" the noble asked.

"I am here to ask for help." She replied immediately. The noble just smiles and shakes his head after hearing what she has to say. "I have helped a lot of people this week. And I think I have reached the maximum number of people that I can help. Come back next week." He said coldly, but just as he was about to turn his gaze away from her, Zyra brought out her pendant. The noble is immediately covered in sweat and bows down. "Your highness! Please forgive my action and behavior just now!" the noble cried in fear.

Zed watches them from afar, but he is still able to hear everything, "Your highness?-!" Zed stares at her with his eyes wide open, shocked after finally realizing that she is not just a noble, but royalty.