
Loner's Journey

The universe has been destroyed by a calamity the gods having no choice they take the remains of each planet and placed them In a sort of bubble in which it provides air and protectes the living beings inside of it and they created the academy to raise beings called liberators that by their name they free planets to add them to the bubble and try to kill the monster issued of the calamity

Ming_Chung_Ae · Action
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Chapter 0 Prologue

100 years ago the universe got destroyed by an entity later called the calamity it destroyed and infected planets with monsters born of her powers to try and stop her the gods got envolved and tried to fight her but she was too strong they all were defeated she was just like a black hole the more she killed and devoured the stronger she became

So they decided to take the remains of the planets and species and created a bubble that could protect the beings inside it

The bubble provided air and everything they needed to survive like resources an example of them are water and food

then the gods in a desperate attempt to regain planets they created the academy of ``liberators":

the liberators where people who free planets of monsters and try to destroy the calamity

And the Liberators have been classified within ranks depending on their power from the lowest rank ``F" to the highest that is ``ascension":

Ascension is when a mortal ascendes and becomes a constellation more known as gods

The liberators Used magic or martial arts depending on their preferences

And they were granted an andividual system that varies depending on the person Also the System was created by the gods