


The novel, LONELY SOUL is focused on loneliness and futility of life. I acknowledge you, the reader first. If you didn't read my books, I wouldn't write them. Once again thank you.

There are so many people who help this book to reality, and I am grateful to all of them. Once this book started to go from a concept in my head to a manuscript. There are many people to be recognized and thanked. I almost threw my manuscript away, then I reach out to my friend in person of Oyelami Isaac. He then directed me to MOBALUV PUBLISHERS where the manuscript later became published. I want to give a shout out to my patronizers.

Thank You!


I. Prologue

II. Dramatic Personae

III. The text of lonely Soul

IV. Epilogue

V. Themes in the play


The novel, LONELY SOUL is a novel based on Kikelomo who is a victim of loneliness. She is a representation of determination but her dreams is cutoff by the untimely death of her parent. Let's see what later happens to Kikelomo in the novel.

Read and enjoy.

Act One

Scene One

There is a great sound of joy in the house of Mr and Mrs Jaiyeola. Mr Jaiyeola is a successful business man and it can be said that he is the richest business man in his village, the village of Ijetu. Ijetu is a village where everybody is afraid of going out at night because of the howling sound they do hear for they believe it is the sound of the gods. The people of Ijetu have great belief in their own tradition. The name of their King is King Obaloju. The people of Ijetu do greet their King this:

'' King Obaloju the great king,

the sole survivor of the massacre,

the king of many villages.

May you lead us till you grow old.

You won't join your fore fathers untimely".

In Ijetu, people do offer sacrifice to the gods of their land, so that there won't be any hullabaloo in the village. The sacrifice is done every month and the sacrifice consist the use of dove in order to maintain peace.

Mr Jaiyeola and his family can't keep the joy to themselves. The people can deduce that that's the happiest day of Mr Jaiyeola's life. The celebration begins.

Mr Jaiyeola:. ( Dancing ) I'm really happy today. (He begins to hop)

Akanji: ( marvelled and move closer to Jaiyeola ) Jaiyeola

Mr Jaiyeola:. ( Begins to dance with Akanji ) Today is a blessed day

Akanji:. It shows already. This is the greatest naming ceremony

I've ever witnessed in this village. The king's ceremony

is not as hilarious as this.

Mr Jaiyeola:. That's how it should be.( they both start dancing )

( The celebration begins with the king's prayer and the appeasement to the gods )

King Obaloju: I greet you my people

Villagers:. K-A-B-I-Y-E-S-I ooo. May you live long.

King Obaloju: May the deities resides with you all

Villagers:. ASE oo( They all squat as the king wave his horsetail )

King Obaloju: As you all know what we are here to do. We'll start the

ceremony with the appeasement to the gods.

Villagers:. Eeehhhhhhhhh

( After appeasement to the gods. King Obaloju make it clear that the gods have accepted the appeasement and the ceremony can now continue. He gives Mr Jaiyeola the opportunity to give speech )

Mr Jaiyeola: (Stops dancing and begin to address the crowd ) Good day


Villagers: Good day the celebrant

Mr Jaiyeola: Thank you all for supporting and celebrating with my

family. May happiness and joy never cease to happen in

each family.

Villagers: ASE oo

Mr Jaiyeola:. The name given to the child is Kikelomo, Alph and


( The party goes the way it should.The people wine and dine at the party. Those that drink, drink to stupor, those that eat couldn't eat again after they got home. The party is quite hilarious.Now Mr Jaiyeola and his wife with their child is now at home )

Mr Jaiyeola: ( feeling excited) congratulations to us today.

Mrs Jaiyeola: It's a great success for us

Mr Jaiyeola: Today is unforgettable

Mrs Jaiyeola: A memorable day indeed

Mr Jaiyeola: (Coughs) I'm tired

Mrs Jaiyeola:. I am also

Mr Jaiyeola: It's time for us to go to bed

Mrs Jaiyeola:. Yes

Mr Jaiyeola:. (coughs) I pray this sickness doesn't kill me

Mrs Jaiyeola:. Evil shall not befall us

Mr Jaiyeola:. nothing will happen

( They hold each other as they head to the bed room. Soft and solemn sound can be heard from the background )

( - curtain falls - )

Act One

Scene Two

( Like a sculptor chipping away bits of wood, time chisels away bit of their memory leaving the stories with them. Kikelomo who was given birth to five years ago is now a girl and not a child anymore. She prefers to stay alone to staying with people. This act of her attracts more hatred from neighbors and anyone else who wish to play with her as a small girl. Kikelomo is now a pupil in Omowe grammar school. Though she's brilliant but her teacher dislike her because of her failure to associate with her class mate. )

Teacher: Good morning pupils

Pupils:. Good morning sir

Teacher: How are your parents

Pupils:. They are fine sir

Teacher:. You are all going to do sport today

Pupils;. ( Extremely happy ) Ehhhhhhhh

Teacher:. All you have to do is to look for your sport partner okay?

Pupils:. Okay sir

Teacher:. Meet me on the field when you are done

( All the pupils troop out after their teacher but Kikelomo nicknamed by her mate as the loner is seen in the classroom doing nothing. As soon as the teacher notice her, he move closer to her. )

Teacher: Kikelomo

Kikelomo; Sir?

Teacher: Why are you here? when all your mate are already on the


Kikelomo:. I don't feel like playing sir

Teacher:. Have you ever play here before. This is all you do say

everytime. What's your problem? make sure you tell your

parents to come and see me tomorrow here in the school

Kikelomo;. Okay sir

Teacher:. Rubbish

( The pupils were playing and also making jest of Kikelomo )

One of the pupil:. Mrs loner

pupils:. ( laughs hysterically ) Mrs loner ( they chorused)

( The day went by. Kikelomo and his parents were seen the next morning in the principal's office )

Principal: Good morning ma. Good morning sir

Kikelomo's parents: Good morning sir

Principal:. I told her yesterday that I wanted to see you

Mr Jaiyeola: That's why we are here sir

Principal : Kikelomo's loneliness is getting out of hand. Imagine

yesterday we told all the pupils to come and perform

their sporting activities. All the pupils obeyed except

her. She has been doing it for a while.

Mr Jaiyeola:. We are also tired of her loneliness. Even in the house

she will stay alone in her room.

Principal:. We will do something about it. I just want to tell you

before we do anything

Mr Jaiyeola:. please do

Principal:. I will

( Mr Jaiyeola and the principal exchange pleasantries as they depart. The principal started scolding Kikelomo but she doesn't change. All effort to make her associates has proven abortive. The principal leave her for a while ).

( Mr and Mrs Jaiyeola were seen talking about Kikelomo's issue )

Mr Jaiyeola; ( Disturbed ) this child is not making me happy

Mrs Jaiyeola: she doesn't make me happy either

Mr Jaiyeola:. she prefer loneliness

Mrs Jaiyeola:. I'm so confused also. But you know she do talk to you.

just convince her to speak out to you

Mr Jaiyeola:. Are you sure it will work?

Mrs Jaiyeola:. It will

( Mrs Jaiyeola leaves Mr Jaiyeola in doubt as she head towards the kitchen )

Act Two

Scene One

(After two weeks of pestering her to associate but doesn't yield, the principal come up with a suggestion )

Principal: Good morning teacher

Teacher:. Good morning

Principal:. You are Kikelomo's class teacher right?

Teacher:. Yes sir

Principal:. The quiz that will hold on Friday, I want her to represent

your class

Teacher:. But sir, that girl can not be brilliant because she don't

talk neither associate. Her face looks like that of a dullard

Principal:. That's all I want

Teacher:. No problem sir, but if our class come last I'll blame you for

that sir

Principal:. I will take any blame. Don't you know if she participate in

the quiz, it will be a means to relate with people

Teacher:. You have a point sir

Principal:. Just make her name ready and submit

( After the teacher leaves. Principal feel relaxed because he thought he made it already. Friday comes so quick and all participants were being called. The other pupils were shocked when the teacher calls Kikelomo as the one to represent his class. The quiz begin and the outcome really shock everyone for Kikelomo who doesn't relate nor talk win the quiz. The principal is really happy now and then he told the teacher to follow Kikelomo to their house and present the gift to them. The teacher agreed. He followed her to their house. Mr Jaiyeola and Mrs Jaiyeola were so happy and praised the god of the Land ).

Mr Jaiyeola: Thank you teacher

Teacher:. You are welcome sir

Mrs Jaiyeola:. So she won

Teacher:. Yes ma

Mrs Jaiyeola:. How? is it written or oral. Because she can't talk

Teacher:. It is oral ma

Mr Jaiyeola:. Oral? ( she faced Kikelomo ) how did you do it

Kikelomo:. I'm determined

Mrs Jaiyeola:. Determined?

Kikelomo:. Yes ma

Teacher:. I'll like to be on my way now

Mr Jaiyeola:. Okay. Let me see you off ( Mr Jaiyeola and the teacher

leaves ).

Mrs Jaiyeola: See my daughter, that's how it should be. Be determined,

be outspoken.

Kikelomo:. Okay ma ( Mr Jaiyeola enters)

Mrs Jaiyeola:. Let me go and cook ( she leaves )

Mr Jaiyeola:. My dear daughter

Kikelomo:. Sir?

Mr Jaiyeola;. You make me happy today. I want to tell you a story


( He made a sigh and start )

Once upon a time, there's a rich man called Olowolayemo. This man is very rich but he only have one child, a girl called Tara. Everything seems to be happy with their family not until when Mr Olowolayemo died. He died as a cause of his sickness. His wife went through the widowhood stage and when she's back, they chase her away and deprive her of her property. She died as a cause of brooding every day and night leaving their only child in this vile world.

Kikelomo:. What later happen to their child

Mr Jaiyeola: That's what anyone don't know. They did not know

where she is

Kikelomo:. That's serious

Mr Jaiyeola:. Though it can still happen at our own time

Kikelomo:. What do you mean

Mr Jaiyeola:. ( He immediately grab that she doesn't comprehend

that because she's still a small girl ) nevermind my

daughter. If you are the one what will you do?

Kikelomo:. I'm not old enough to make decision. But if it happens

I will kill my self also. So that I'll go and meet you and


( Mr Jaiyeola made a great sigh as he coughs )

( - curtain falls - )

Act Two

Scene Two

( Kikelomo grows in wisdom and understand. She turns more beautiful every year. Kikelomo the small girl is now Fifteen years old. She's now in senior secondary school three. She is now a girl that relate, gives advice, and also lecture his mate. She has won many awards to the school ).

Kikelomo: Good morning sir

Principal: Good morning Kikelomo. How are your parents

Kikelomo: They are fine sir

Principal: I can't believe this is you. You that can not even talk then

Kikelomo:. ( feeling shy ) hmmmm

Principal: I'm happy you are now a changed person. Your determination

has made you this. Don't stop to being determined okay?

Kikelomo: Okay sir ( she leaves )

( Kikelomo is not happy buh she didn't let people to be suspicious. She kept it with herself. Whenever she think about her father, she feels bad because her father is now getting close to his grave. The way he cough now is more frightening than before. Blood do ooze from his mouth and nose most times. Not long after Kikelomo gets home that his father go gentle into that good night ).

Kikelomo: pim pim pim ( she sings as she begins to hop to their house )

( she got home quickly. He saw his father coughing more than ever. Blood oozes from his mouth and nose. Mrs Jaiyeola has gone to the market. She ran to her father ).

Kikelomo; ( out of fear ) Daddy what's happening

Mr Jaiyeola: ( can't talk but pointing to the market way )

Kikelomo: ( She ran to the market to go and call his mother )

( Not long after they arrive. Mr Jaiyeola let go )

Mrs Jaiyeola;. My husband ( she quickly go into the kitchen to bring the


Kikelomo:. ( at the top of her voice ) M-U-M-M-Y

Mrs Jaiyeola: ( she's back with the herb ) my husband

( Mrs Jaiyeola started crying after knowing fully well that her husband is gone. The wailing make the villagers to come closer to them. Before the twinkle of an eye, all the villagers has gotten the bad news. Mr Jaiyeola's family doesn't agree with the news claiming that they don't die young in their own family. Mrs Jaiyeola is to go through the widowhood stage. This stage revolves around staying outside for three days. The head of the family nicknamed as the head will be the one to pick a date ).

The head:. ( The family members has assemble) Good day everyone

Families:. ( All crying ) Good day

The head: I want us to take this incident as God's plan. Such will not

happen again.

Families:. ASE

The head:. The main reason why I'm here today is to tell Jaiyeola's wife

that he will be outside tomorrow to start her three days

widowhood stage. That's all I have to say( crying ).

( Everyone begins to leave one after the other ).

( - curtain falls - )

Act Three

Scene One

( The second day comes so quick and Mrs Jaiyeola is to be out of the house. Meanwhile because of the fear of the evil spirit that is believed by the villagers to be out making noise at night, Mrs Jaiyeola sneaks a knife into her cloth ).

Mrs Jaiyeola:. Oh the deities, the ancestors what have I done wrong.

Jaiyeola, this not the type of lifestyle you promised. You

said we are going to be together for ever. So what is my

offence. Why so quick. Oh death! you did wrong this

time around. But I have accepted my fate. I know the

evil spirit will kill me either I'm guilty or not. It is

better for me to kill myself than for you to kill me

( Mrs Jaiyeola picks the knife in her cloth and stabs herself. Dirge song arises from the background ).

Kikelomo P.O.V

( She's in her room hearing the sound they do hear at night and also praying to the ancestors to keep her mother safe. Not long after, she could feel coldness in the whole house ).

Kikelomo: ( Frightened ) why is everywhere cold this way ( she continue

praying )

( The third day comes so quick and the news get to everyone that the evil spirit had killed Mrs Jaiyeola which means she guilty. Kikelomo couldn't feel her self being alive anymore. Everything still seems like movie to her. Not long after, the head arrives and Kikelomo is being chased out of the house because it is believed that if the evil spirit should kill her mother it simply means she killed her husband and the child also is a bastard ).

Kikelomo:. ( Brooding as she's walking away ) I know I'm in the wrong

world. Mummy and Daddy what have I done wrong. I didn't

know the story Daddy was telling me then will come to pass.

So Dad you told me indirectly that you and mum will die,

or is it a coincidence? but why did you name Alph which

means lonely. It can be deduced that I'm lonely. Yes I am.

No father, no mother, no siblings, no family, no friends.

What a vile world. I'm also waiting for the evil spirit to

kill me. ( she collapsed )

( Night comes so quick. Kikelomo is willing to see the evil spirit )

I am waiting for you evil spirit ( she shouted )

( Not long after, she heard the sound they do hear again. After waiting for some minutes without seeing anything. She moved closer to where the sound is coming from. She could sense that the sound is coming from the top of a tree. She started throwing stones to the top of the tree ).

Kikelomo: ( throwing stones and she later saw that it is a bird ). So it is a

bird. An OWL ?( After looking at the bird very well, she

could see that the bird keeps shouting because it has been

stucked and couldn't find its way out ). So you are not an evil

spirit. ( She begins to shout and the villagers troop out. They

we're amazed with what they saw. They were disappointed for

they have been scared of an owl for a very long time ).

( Morning came as usual. The king call on the priest that it is an evil spirit that's shouting. After waiting for hours the messengers brought the news that the priest is dead. The king after thinking on what to do on Kikelomo's matter, He commanded the head to give Kikelomo all her father's property ).

King Obaloju: Give her all her father's property

The head: ( disappointed ). she's our child

( After collecting her father's property, Kikelomo give thanks to the king. After this, she leaves for her house. After staying for a month in the house she sold it out and leave the village leaving no traces of where she could be found ).


Kikelomo leaves the house to seek greener pasture. Her courage favoured her.

Themes in the play


2.Joy of giving birth

3.Wickedness of people

4.Futility of life



i.Life in the University

ii.Reward of Covetousness

iii.Betrayal of Love

iv.Lonely Soul