
Lonely Lord: The Apex

An ambitious man has a wish. To reach the highest apex. And he is willing to do anything to achieve that. The Lord has arrived, kneel and listen to his commands! "I am Lord, heaven and earth are my subjects, the Grand Dao are my followers!"

Scottg · Book&Literature
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3 Chs


Before Qing Xitian could get out of the grand tower, someone appeared right before the five old men and himself, right in the center of the great hall.

It resembled a youth. Be it not for his profound, almost limitless starry sky painted in his eyes, Qing Xitian would have thought it was a ghost.

"I heard there's a once-in-a-lifetime genius in the sect?" The young man said, his voice anything but powerful. However, strangely enough it was as if he was just a mere mortal standing there.

Just now did the five old men stood up instantly and kneeled on the ground, crushing their heads and saluting respectfully: "We greet the old ancestor!"

The youth simply waved his snow-white sleeve and instead focused his now profound gaze on Qing Xitian.

"Mm, I see now. Fifty seven years, no spouse, no childs. Family killed by a few evil cultivators. Oh, that's a shame, really." Murmured the youth, his voice still reaching for everyone present.

A peculiar look appeared on his eyes. "So, that's how it is. I have seen many, many mortals in my long life, but none like you. Having been imprisoned for that long with a mortal's mind, and managed to withstand and keep moving on, truly a miraculous feat that no one has ever achieved at your standing."

"It's decided then, I'll persuade the others so you can be allowed to freely grow. But of course, we must get a guarantee that you will give us some face too", he said with finality on his tone.

He would not accept a no for an answer, although his bright smile and carefree manner expressed that he did not care at all in the outside.

Qing Xitian just kept his face straight, his eyes now completely void of any emotion. His mind, however, was racing at his full thought process' speed.

He still raised his voice after contemplating the youth in front of him that seemed anything but powerful, besides his eyes.

"Rest assured, whenever the Wuyi Daoist Sect does not interfere with my business, I shall give it some benefits".

Of course, he didn't tell him more in-depth as he didn't want to. What he didn't say, however, is that were the Wuyi Daoist Sect, or its resources, be of any benefit to him that overcomes the losses, then he would not doubt in the slighest to scheme for them.

After all, all he cares for is his ultimate wish.

He has already done a lot of horrible, unscrupulous things in order to get some benefits. Above all, he's a business man at his core that has only one wish, the ultimate apex.

And in the apex, there's only loneliness, schemers and murderers that are willing to do anything to achieve their own goals.


The youth smiled at him, not commenting anymore and just disappeared without any sound or flashy lights.

It was really as if it was a ghost that came and went and no one would notice.

Just now did the five old men get up from their kneeling position. They looked at Qing Xitian with a lot more respect and a little bit of hope in their eyes.

Some of them were old and strong enough to have access to hidden information that only the very higher-ups of the sect knew about why they only had six Heavenly Lords despite the impossibly long period of time that they have been through since their last one.

Which is why they will do their best to nourish the supreme genius in from of them.

Even more considering the kind of terrifying monster this genius is.

For even one of their old ancestors to come out personally and greet him, it was just enough to show how much they cared for him. Mainly because it was not easy for their ancestors to come out easily after they are at a certain cultivation level, even though their lifespans are huge.

The matters to consider next were the most important ones, such as the technique that Qing Xitian would learn and cultivate as his main one, and who will be his Dharma Protector.

The news about his talents were completely suppresed the very first moment a certain old ancestor greeted him personally, so they were not too worried about any assassination attempt at the moment.


Inside a dark space with seemingly endless dots of lights of every color possible, dozens of old men and old women were discussing when a youth in a white-as-snow robe appeared.

Everyone stopped their discussiones and instead looked at him with various expressions.

"I'm back with news! Great news, actually", he said with a smile on his face.

One decrepit old man, with a foot inside the tomb already, raised his voice, cutting the next words of the youth. "We know already, you need not mention it to us. Instead, let's just focus on who will be his Dharma Protector and what he should cultivate".

"Sanqing, what's your view on this matter?" Asked the old man, pointing towards another green-robed middle-aged man with a long beard that almost hit his own foot.

The man in question simply said: "According to my calculations, I must say that it can't be any of us. The villainous heaven won't allow it if I decide - if any of us decide to become his Dharma Protector", his teeth were grinding towards each other at the end.

As if by demonstrating that he is correct, there were already signals of lightning and thunder above the firmament, unknown to almost any being.

Some of the present powerhouses actually looked up and their eyes seemed to traverse through the most profound expanse of the sky, able to see the warning already.

"Hmph, then let any lesser protector fulfill the roll. That is barely enough to ensure his safety from any attack below greater-level in an instant, if there is one before we sense it." Decided one of the old women of the few that were silent. Her identity would shock the world if anyone recognized her in the current Era.

"It's decided then. I already called Jianshi here, so let's wait for him and in the meantime we shall plan for his future."

"I propose..."

So began another long discussion that spanned to several thousands of years in the possible future.

If anyone were to hear this conversation and the secrets it covered, they would have been driven crazy for knowledge of this magnitude.

However, none of this mattered to Qing Xitian. He was now sitting on his cave abode that was hundreds of thousands of miles in range. It was a dimension entirely for him, with a sky as clear as the real world's.

Being completely naked and bathing in a pool of white, pure energy, his focus was completely on cultivating. However...

With the exception of himself, nobody actually knew that he wasn't planning on cultivating with the preestrablished system, or any existing power system, but rather one completely new that he himself created!

If anyone were to witness his method of actually creating a whole new power system, nobody would be able to keep their cool anymore!