
Ch. 7 Night N Day

Kobayashi and Makoto were finally leaving after an exhausting long day of work. It was already dark out and the air was not friendly. It kissed your skin and took your warmth away. Just like a toxic partner in a toxic relationship.

"Oh no…." Makoto checks his pockets. "I think I left my phone at my desk" He sounds down. They walked close to the station and now he has to walk back.

"Really? Want me to tag along?" Kobayashi flatly says. She was tired but was relatively fine. She was used to being tired and low on energy anyway.

"No, I'll be fine by myself. Thanks though. See ya tomorrow" Makoto turns back around and begins heading back to the office.

Kobayashi continues on towards the train and sees familiar tall foreign guy wearing a suit sitting beside a blond curvaceous girl with horns and a tail in a maid outfit.

It looked…. unique. To say the least.

"What are you two doing here?" Kobayashi walks towards the pair. She figured they would have left after they dropped her off.

"Oh thank the Devil you're fina-" Evan began saying in an exaggerated exhausted tone as he slumps further against the bench they were sitting on.

However Tohru had other plans and leaps to her feet as she cuts him off mid sentence. "Miss Kobayashi! Is your work done?!"

"Err….Yeah, it's done for the day. It went longer than expected. So you spent the day with Evan?" Kobayashi was grasping at straws. "Why don't you tell me about it on the train" Kobayashi awkwardly says.

"Well, it's not that I wanted to spend the day with him. I would have much preferred being with you, but Evan 'bribed me'. As he put it" Tohru had a sad expression as she stood with Kobayashi.

"Don't phrase it like I 'bribed you' Tohru. I simply....fine I bribed you" Evan couldn't even bother to come up with something more clever. But now that these two were together he could enjoy the show.

They get on the train without saying a word. Tohru wasnt really paying attention and just following Kobayashi.

"So why couldn't I just fly us back?" Tohru innocently asks.

"Because, it's late at night now" Kobayashi doesn't want to say the real reason.

"But I have the ability to see perfectly in the dark" Tohru says while pointing at her eyes for Kobayashi to see the reptilian like eyes.

"Oh, really? Can't help that now, I guess. So tell me about what you two were up to" Kobayashi sits in a vacant seat and Tohru happily sits next to her.

"After we dropped you off Evan-" Tohru began explaining in a happy tone.

"I asked her if I could do magic or not. And while she didn't say no, there wasn't a yes either-" Evan didn't exactly want to blab about his tattoo on the train. He wouldn't keep it a secret from Kobayashi, just from the public.

Tohru narrowed her eyes at Evan and smoke began exiting the corners of her mouth. "Yeah, he asked me 3 questions. And then we began to walk towards a small little cafe near the station. And then Evan beat up 5 humans. I normally don't praise humans, but I would say that you picked an adequate servant Miss Kobayashi" Tohru knew Miss Kobayashi was stronger than Evan so it only made sense that she had someone to take care of the small fry for her so she doesn't have to waste her energy. Kinda like how a ruler delegates small tasks to his competent underlings so he can focus on his kingdoms. Or however the humans do it.

"Servant?!" Evan nearly falls to the floor. "I'm nobodies servant! I am not an M! If anything I think I'm an S! I can call some women from America and they can tell you in depth abou-" Evan did not like the literal way Tohru spoke about him being a servant. He doesn't even know how his social status kept falling.

Kobayashi cuts him off. "We don't care about your sex life Mr. self proclaimed S" She sends a near disgusted face, but she was almost used to his weird outbursts about odd topics. "Now why would you call Evan my servant, Tohru?"

Tohru looks at Kobayashi and can tell that she misunderstood something or did something bad. Her mood drops, she didn't mean to disappoint Kobayashi. "Well Evan talked about his interactions with you because I wanted to know more about you. And while listening it seemed like he was your servant. I understand that some people treat their servants greatly compared to others. And with the way you allowed him to speak I assumed….. and the way you beat him with the stick and your hands I assumed that he was….."

Evan facepalms. He looks through his fingers and sees Kobayashi with her dead eyes wide open and a regretful face as realization dawns on her.

She put her hand on Tohru's shoulder. "Uhm, about that whole me beating Evan thing. He just let me do it. Most of the time he can either run away, dodge, or block my strikes. But sometimes he lets me beat him when I'm drunk whenever he finds it funny…. Like last night" Kobayashi scratches her cheek as she looks out the window of the train.

"Why would he let you beat him?" Tohru asks the real question. Then she drops her fist into her palm. "Oh! So he is an 'M' then?"

Evan falls out of his chair exasperated.

The people listening also want to know now.

"Because it's funny!" Evan states like it was obvious as he stands up. "She already said it" Evan points at Kobayashi. "Since you know the way she gets when she's drunk it makes it easier to explain" Evan gets serious. "Because when she's drunk she isn't so pissy and uptight like she is when she's sobe-" Evans eyes go wide as he looks down.

Kobayashi had teleported one second and appeared in front of Evan the next. That wouldn't have been so bad, but the fact that she slipped on a random marble and fell backwards is what made it so, so worse for Evan.

When Kobayashi tripped Tohru caught her, but not before Kobayashi's leg flew up between Evan's legs.

"Critical…..Hit" Evan falls to his knees, clutching the area that was just struck.

Everyone on the train flinched when they witnessed the kick. It was violent and fast.

"Im so sorry Evan. You gonna be ok?" Kobayashi was assisted in standing up by Tohru who enjoyed the brief contact.

Evan could barely talk. Just air barely escaping his throat. Now that his body had fully registered the pain it got worse. After a minute he could talk.

"I….taste…coconut?" Evan was doing his best to not think about his unfortunate injury.

"That's not normal for humans is it? Because it's not for dragons. That is, to taste coconuts without eating them or something similar in taste" Tohru asks and adds her tidbit of info.

"That is indeed not normal" Kobayashi responds to Tohru. "Was that comedic relief or an actual fact" She crouches down to Evan and asks. It's hard to tell with him.

"…Joke….I actually think I can taste…." He stops himself from saying he might be able to taste his balls in reference to the guy he did the same thing to earlier in the day. Evan's pain wasn't as bad.

"It's my fault…. for having…." Evan starts out.

"Made fun of me?" Kobayashi asks.

"Yes, but…..it's my fault….. for having such a big target to hit" Evan says as he puts on a painful smile. He just had to get one more in.

"He's fine" Kobayashi moves back over to her seat with a neutral face.

"Eh?" Tohru looks back at Evan and he does seem to be recovering. But to call him fine is… surprising. She moves over to Kobayashi and also sits back down.

Evan wasn't too far in front of them, just a few feet. But he decided to stay down for a while longer.

"What did he mean by having a huge target? Is someone trying to kill him?" Tohru wants to know so she can be prepared if the attackers decide to attack Kobayashi next. Priorities.

Kobayashi didn't even know how to start explaining what the idiot meant and chooses to ignore the question and change topics. Tohru then talks about various things and asks Kobayashi random things as well.

They get back to the apartments and while Evan could walk normally now, he would not be running for a while. They go their separate ways to their respective apartments.

He just lays down and thinks about what's next. He hopes that he can meet the other dragons soon. But all of a sudden he's losing his steam fast.

He didn't think that Tohru would be like this, or at least this bad. She was usually bubbly and kind from the few things he watched of the show. But now he knows it's only towards those that she knows and respects. And he is neither, but he's tried, and he can only try more. But he isn't a saint. He has his limits.

Then he hears a loud explosion from the other side of the wall, from Kobayashi's place. He hears them still talking, mainly Kobayashi yelling.

He rolls off of his bed and moves towards the door after grabbing a bath robe. It's not even been 10 minutes. He grabs the key to his apartment and then walks over to Kobayashi's place and knocks three times. "FBI open up" He casually jokes.

The door opens and Tohru stands there. "Who dares to…. Oh it's you"

Tohru was in her Demon-Dragon form but turned back to normal after noticing it was him. "Really?" Evan glares down at Tohru. "Is Kobayashi ok?" Evan folds his arms. He's wearing a black bathrobe and not even wearing sandals or anything on his feet.

Tohru places a hand over her chest "Of course she is-"

Evan just walks away without saying anything. He just wanted to make sure. And after getting confirmation both women are alright he goes back towards his apartment. He's had enough rude Tohru for the day.

"Who was it?" Kobayashi asks as Tohru returns. She didn't see who was there because she was making sure that nothing disappeared after Tohru destroyed everything and then made it reappear with magic.

"It was Evan. And he left while I was talking" She says somewhat upset.

"That's not really like him" Kobayashi holds her chin with her thumb and index finger as she thinks. "He's most likely not in a good mood because I kicked him accidentally. I should apologize again the next time I see him"

Tohru goes back to learning about being a maid from Kobayashi. Tohru was surprised that Kobayashi knew so much and paid close attention to every word Kobayashi said.


Evan was standing in the middle of his apartment. He had his eyes closed and was just trying to calm himself down. "Haaaaah~. I need to talk with Tohru tomorrow. I'd rather not just let this problem persist"

He goes to his bed and lays down. Evan wonders how he can make the sword on his back appear and if he can actually do magic. Maybe he can help Kobayashi get some passive income to help her out. She won't quit her job, but more money doesn't hurt.

Evan slowly drifts off to sleep as he imagines what will happen in the future. And he tries to picture the many dragons he will eventually meet and hopes they will be more friendly than Tohru.


Evan comes home from his morning run. He ran much farther than he met to so he missed Kobayashi and Tohru leaving to work.

"Hah~" Evan climbs the stairs to get to his apartment. "What am I gonna do today. Maybe I should invest a bit more?"

Just as he gets to the top of the staircase he sees two men crouched down in front of Kobayashi's door.

Evan begins sprinting at the pair of thieves.

"The person living here is away at this hour" The thief that isn't picking the lock says.

The lock picker grins. "Let's finish this quickly either way. There" He picks the lock, stands up, and opens the door.

"Special double kick!" Evan shouts as he jumps and plants one foot on either thief's skull.

"Aaaagggghhhhhhh!" "Eeeeeeeuuuugghhhhh!"

Evan drives them both into the wall of the building a few feet away. And after he falls to the ground he quickly gets up.

Both thieves are unconscious and the wall is slightly cracked.

"Are they dead?" Tohru peeks her head out of the apartment.

"No!" Evan turns around and faces Tohru then he looks back at the thieves. "At least I hope not"

Tohru walks out of the apartment and approached the thieves. "Well they deserve death for attempting to steal from Miss Kobayashi" Tohru turns into her half dragon form and stands over they're unconscious bodies.

Evan stands between Tohru and the thieves. "Tohru, think about what Kobayashi would do if she finds out you not only killed people. But you killed people just outside her apartment!"

Tohru pauses and then goes back to her human form. "True. Then this should suffice" She holds her hand out and a magic circle appears on the slightly cracked wall and beneath the thieves. The cracks mend themselves and the thieves disappear.

Evan looks at it in amazement. "Magic…." He runs his hand over the wall that is now fixed. "I really need to learn magic. It's so convenient"

"It is indeed. Especially if you need to eliminate any and all threats. I especially like my destruction magic. Very useful in destroying entire armies at once. Very convenient" Tohru boasts.

Evan gives a wry smile. "I don't think I'll need to destroy armies….. or anyone for that matter. I just want to learn magic that can be fun and help in my everyday life"

Tohru tilts her head to the side. "Nobody thinks they need to destroy armies until they have to. You humans are like insects. But you have the egos of gods. Truly a stupid race. Except for Miss Kobayashi of course!"

Evan shrugs. "Either way" He looks at the open apartment door. "I thought Kobayashi and you had left? Why are you still here?"

Tohru bumps her chest with her fist. "I am holding down the fort!"

"Oh" Evan looks out over the city. "Like, all day?"

"Yes!" Tohru nods.

Evan looks at Tohru. "Won't you get bored?"

Tohru smiles widely and shakes her head. "No! Because Miss Kobayashi has given me tasks to complete! Although…" She looks into the empty apartment. "…. I suppose it will get lonely very quickly without Miss Kobayashi here"

Evan nods. "Yes. I will admit that life can get very lonely without Kobayashi"

Tohru raises her hands like claws. "I knew it! You did like Kobayashi!"

Evan shakes his head and moves his hand back and forward to deny Tohru's statement. "No, no, no. I just meant that she's a good friend. I don't harbor any feeling or interest in her above that of a close friend. She's all yours Tohru, she's all yours"

Tohru grins and folds her arms under her bust. "Exactly! She is all mine! It's good that you understand that, human"

Evan rolls his eyes and points at his head. "I have a name you know. I'd prefer you use it. T-oh-ru"

The dragon maid. Looks Evan up and down. "Very well. I suppose you have proven yourself. And since you aren't Miss Kobayashi's servant that means that I am special to her. Me and me alone"

Evan flinches as he realizes that Tohru is kinda going down that dangerous Yandere path. But it's kinda ok because she's a dragon and all. "Yep. She's all yours. So, how are you going to fair without her being home?"

Tohru's mood drops and she looks at the door. "I will be fine when Miss Kobayashi returns home"

"Well" Evan walks past Tohru and goes to his apartment. "If you need company you know where to find me. See you later Tohru. And if you want to pick Kobayashi up from work let me know and I'll tag along" Evan gives a small smile and a wave as he enters his apartment.

Tohru looks into Miss Kobayashi's empty apartment. She frowns for a few seconds before smiling and walking inside. "I have plenty of tasks to do!"


Evan goes inside his apartment and takes a shower. He then gets dressed in one of his suits after making and eating breakfast. Evan then decides to spread his investments. He checks the stock market.

"Hmmmm…." Evan taps his finger on his chin. "If I take the money I would use to buy Kobayashi a birthday present and invested it now….. It would still technically be her birthday present and she can't complain if it goes well….. right?"

He shrugs his shoulders. He will only be investing 50 dollars right now. And who knows if the investment will even come back with anything. And if it does, he will just put the money into something else.

Evan smiles. This is the most fun he's had investing and checking the stock market in a while. He wonders just how much money he can make for Kobayashi….. Maybe he should do one for Tohru too? Evan doesn't know when or even if she celebrates her birthday, but surely he will eventually find out.

"Hahaha! Look at me giving out money for a birthday present. I guess it's technically not cash until Kobayashi wants it to be….." Evan talks to himself. "Devil, I need some friends…. preferably of the dragon variety….."

Evan makes note of the two separate investments. He will show both women that he started with 50 dollars so that Kobayashi can't complain. Although she most definitely will.

And so Evan goes through his day investing some extra cash he has laying around to try and fill the day. He also tries to get his sword to come out but it won't. He tried different poses and phrases but nothing worked.

And before he knew it, there was a knock on his door.

3,081 words

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts
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