
End of Germany? (January-March, 1914).


* Tachanka One.

The Tachanka One project gave its first full results in 1914 after years of development and progress, this was an important event for the development of the mechanized or Medved units of the Russian Empire.

Unlike the German, American, French or British designs, the Russian tank was evolving towards more armored and heavier units. With higher degrees of production and reliability.

Adding some elements of foreign tanks in the process.

But the most remarkable thing is that the Tachanka One was the predecessor to some of the most important tanks of the Russian Empire, making its way to the largest and heaviest tanks of the early 20s and late 30s.

(OOC: We are getting closer to the T-34, wait a few more years).

The suspensions, engines and armament of the tanks were improved.

Resulting in the mass production of the Tachanka One generation, a result of the militaristic policies of the War Duma and the military-industrial expansion of the Alexandrian period.

During this process, Kazan became the tank capital of Russia. One of the most important production and research centers for the armed forces of the Russian Empire.

And one of the most important designers in this Tachanka One project was the engineer Nestor Ivanovych Makhno.


Makhno was highly praised right now, his designs had been successful.

Armies from the Far East were arriving and the production of the Tachanka One generation was going from strength to strength, it was hoped that Makhno's designs would help crush the German Empire.

Fame, money and reputation: what more could a man ask for?

Makhno was drinking alongside his men. To those he liked, he treated them like comrades, but with many others (those he disliked) he was tyrannical.

Together with these men Makhno ran a 'union', although it was rather a club for the Makhno leadership, and not a union for the workers.

"Makhno! Makhno! Makhno!" The cheers were magnificent.

Sometimes men forget that they are only human.

The group of men, led by Makhno, still semi-conscious, began to wander the city.

Poor the first woman who ran into that group ...

For the next case, Makhno had been more sober, but he hadn't stopped. The pleasures of the flesh continued, gangbang after gangbang, not always with the consent of the women.

Makhno's drinking and bad tendencies continued.

In the first few times the gang had emerged unscathed, but soon after Makhno was discovered.

He was discovered by someone who allowed him to continue this, but held him tight in his palm.

Makhno's fault was not for his actions, it was for being discovered ...


* [Air Force: Parachute]

The results of the training tests of the Air Force of the Russian Empire and the developments of the Sikorsky aircraft had made something clear, new safety was needed for the pilots of the Russian Empire.

A surviving pilot generally rotated positions with another, to go and train a new generation of future pilots (passing on their skills and theoretical and practical knowledge), but increasing the survival of the pilots was undoubtedly a good idea.

There was potential for other developments as well.

With this came the development of modern parachutes.

And curiously it was not from an experienced aviator.

The modern parachute arises from the improvement of the Russian actor Gleb Yevgeniyevich Kotelnikov's parachute-backpack designs, designed between 1911 and the early years of the New Great War (1912).

Now his design came to light more, and more importantly, the Russian state gave him the means and helpers for better developments.

Of course there were parachutes before, but here we talk about more modern and functional designs for modern aircraft of the time.

With this, in 1914 there were already important advances for Kotelnikov and his team, creating security measures and successful models for Air Force training.

The modern parachute was already getting off to a good start.

And with this, the first parachute units of the Air Force of the Russian Empire would later be created.

(OOC: Thanks to @Ammonios for this part).


[Arab-Egyptian allies]

In the case of Egypt, the revolution against the Second French Empire was carried out by Egyptian nationalists ('Egyptian' prevailed over 'Arab'), while in the case of the Palestine and Transjordan revolts, the Arab element of the revolts (including pan-Arab ideology especially).

* Egyptian case: The main leaders of the movement were part of the elites of old collaborators (Fu'ād al-Awwal and his nephew Prince Kamal el Dine Hussein) and leaders of anti-colonial / nationalist societies (Saad Zaghloul ).

* Jordanian-Palestinian case: tribal leaders and local ideological movements prevailed, some with various ambitions, such as their own kingdom, a pan-Arab country, etc.

But the case of central Arabia was particular.

In Transjordan, Palestine and Egypt, there were already unified central and colonial power structures. So the uprisings were more similar to revolts, revolutions and civil wars.

The case of the central parts of the Arab peninsula was different, there were not such centralized structures and it was more similar to a total war. Tribes against tribes, family against family, all against all.

For one simple reason: Supremacy.

Supremacy was the main thing, then future personal ambitions, ideological, etc.

And this is partly why the Russian Empire supported the Emirate of Jabal Shammar, led by a young and inexperienced Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Rashid.

The emirate lacked centralized structures, cousins and uncles were trying to assassinate the emir, and in general the country produced little (alfalfa was one of the few important products of the emirate).

Helping Saud bin Abdulazis Al Rashid brought Russian primacy over many local issues.

* The young emir needed protection from assassination attempts, giving Russia the excuse to meddle in internal affairs. Using the KGB, purging unfair or harmful elements, etc.

* The country needed money and weapons, of which Russia had and produced a lot.

* Russia could train a new generation of military officers and administrators for the country.

All this and other reasons translated into influence in the short and medium term for Russia in the country, while they fought against the Imperial Federation.

Keeping Arabia and Persia on the same side was difficult, but this was especially useful and necessary during the New Great War.

On February 5, after Emir Saud bin Abdulazis Al Rashid met with his sponsors, the country continued to win important victories in the unification of the Arabian peninsula (central, eastern and western regions).

The centralization of the country was an important step for this, the tribes had to be submitted to the authority of the state apparatus for the unification to work properly.

And again, a mix of elements worked.

Intelligence services, military services, money, education, forced assimilation, etc.

A man joined this dream of unification, supporting the Russian Empire and the Emir Saud bin Abdulazis Al Rashid, Abd Allāh Al-Awal ibn Al-Husayn.

Abdullah bin Al Hussein for Westerners.

This 32-year-old man (after February 2, 1914) began working for the 'cause', creating successful movements in favor of the Allied Bloc in Transjordan and Palestine.



It was a very important dream of Tsar Alexander III, but with his death approaching, it is obvious that the dream came a little early (the tentative date of foundation was 1917-1919).

In March 1914, the Russian Empire founded the Moscow Film School (Московская киношкола, Moskovskaya Kinoshkola), today better known as the All-Russian State University of Cinematography (Всероссийский государственный университет кинематографии, Vserossiyskiy Gosudarstvennyy Kinematografii Universitet, VGUK).

Its first director and one of its important founders, who helped teach future directors of the Russian Empire, was Vladimir Rostislavovich Gardin (born as Vladimir Rostislavovich Blagonravov).

Gardin's film career was young, but he had risen to the top quickly in the year 1914 and made enormous efforts to further elevate the qualities of Russian cinema thereafter.

Gardin was immediately a major producer of propaganda for the state during the New Great War, "Under the bullets of the German barbarians", "The horrors of the Raj", "In the fire of a Slavic storm", "The feat of the Cossack Kuzma Kryuchkov "(fun fact: This movie was shot in one day) and" A traitor to Greece. "

A series of patriotic films against the enemies of the Russian Empire.

Of course, there was also room for real art, but you have to admit that cinema was propaganda too.

Going back to the founding of the Moscow Film School, this was a historic event in itself. It is the oldest film school in the world.

The Russian Empire had early recognized that cinema had potential and importance.

With one of the largest film industries in the world, Russia simply leveraged what it already had to further expand domestic talent.

Many important directors from Russia would come out of the Moscow Film School.


The war was not over, after the peace treaty with China, for months the Russian forces in the Far East were occupied.

Men had to be left behind to administer the still-occupied territory, train local loyal forces, and help the Russian forces from Korea to arrive (to support the occupation, the area of the Korean peninsula was very safe and these forces had to be harnessed For something).

After this, there was finally a free door. The armies of the far east available were mounted by rail and went as quickly as possible to help the western forces of Russia.

This was a huge reinforcement that would help General Aleksey Brusilov a lot.

Within this logistics was a young man, about to graduate from the St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Engineers, Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein.

The young Eisenstein, son of an architect (and 'prepared' from an early age to continue this business), met his 'comrades in arms' at a curious event.

"Come on, I'll go if you do." One of Eisenstein's classmates mentioned.

"Okay, I'm going to try." Eisenstein accepts. His companions had set up a small stage, and soldiers, engineers, and others were coming up to do small acts.

Jokes, songs, dances, entire performances.

Eisenstein's little acting career was a disaster at this event, but he found himself fascinated by various issues.

Among them, the scenery and the direction.

A start so that after the New Great War, Eisenstein went to the Moscow Film School.

The capital city of Russia and a school where they served free food, everything Eisenstein wanted.



January 1, Nigeria (which was under French possession since the Fashoda War) falls back to British hands in its entirety.

More than 18,000 British troops begin to occupy various parts of the territory, which is expected to be re-integrated into the British Colonial Empire.

There are small pockets of resistance, both from the last French officers and from the natives.

January 4, several US tankers are captured by the Royal Navy, such as the Oklahomo ship (which was bound for Port Arthur, Texas).

January 5, various political trials begin within Imperial Germany, the factional struggle involves various internal purges of military and civilian officials.

The Imperial Federation comes into contact with the German Minister of War, Erich Georg Sebastian Anton von Falkenhayn. The deal is that Falkenhayn does not immediately get out of the war, but that both Germany and the Imperial Federation seek a diplomatic agreement of some kind.

The Germanic friendship ends where British dominance interests begin.

Henry Ford, National Republican of the United States, announces an important electoral promise: The 8-hour workday and the daily wage of $ 5.

January 7, the conflicts in French Egypt intensify, the authorities of the Second French Empire continue to lose control of the town.

Egyptian nahda (rebirth or rebirth) is on the rise, although there are differences between EGYPTIAN nationalism and PAN-ARABIAN nationalism.

Some of the Egyptian nationalists see Egypt as different from the rest of the Arab world and some pan-Arab nationalists do not see the Egyptians as part of the pan-Arab dream. While some Egyptian nationalists believe that Egypt should dominate the Arab world, other pan-Arabists include Egypt within the pan-Arab dream.

Among the most notable Egyptian leaders are Fu'ād al-Awwal (Hussein Kamel's brother), Prince Kamal el Dine Hussein (son of the aforementioned Hussein Kamel) and Saad Zaghloul.

On the other hand, in Palestine and Transjordan, pan-Arab nationalism prevails.

January 8, railroad workers strike in the Boer United States.

January 10, problems within the National Assembly of China, among the most democratic and anti-democratic.

Part of the problem is set by Sun Yat-sen's Kuomintang, which asks President Sun Yat-sen for oaths of allegiance.

January 11, eruption of the Sakurajima volcano in Japan. The lava flow made the island that was formed linked to the Ōsumi peninsula.

Later, on January 12, the eruption caused a magnitude 6.7 earthquake in Kagoshima.

January 16, Mohandas Gandhi fails in his discussions with the South African interior minister (Imperial Federation), as a result Gandhi remains in prison and civil problems between whites and Indians continue in South Africa.

January 18, several terrorist attacks by Irish revolutionaries on the island of Ireland against British rule.

January 21, various factions of the German Imperial Navy unite with Erich Georg Sebastian Anton von Falkenhayn against Paul von Hindenburg and Kaiser Wilhelm III.

January 22, the province of Bengal, British Raj, is completely independent de-facto. Despite this success, the Bengali revolutionary advance is stopped by British troops, who incidentally put the province under siege by sea.

The British plan includes re-creating an artificial famine in Bengal.

44 Bengali revolutionaries form the first Supreme Committee of Revolutionary India.

January 23, railway workers strike in Japan (along Sukaguchi, Jimokuji, Shippō, Kida, Aotsuka, Shobata, Fujinami, Tsushima, Nishi Biwajima and Shinkawa)

January 25, American General Smedley Butler successfully achieved the liberation of Hispaniola from British hands.

January 27, British collaborators in the former Haiti and the Dominican Republic are executed by military courts.

On the same day the 27th, the influence of private bankers increases exceptionally in New York and parts of the federal government.

January 29, the main preparations begin for the Coup in the German Empire against Kaiser Wilhelm III.

January 30, the Free Republic of Mexico adopts international regulations for the treatment of prisoners of war. Starting a 'more humane' treatment.

Chess master Alexander Alexandrovich Alekhine reaching the final in his first All-Russian tournament, although it is not a 'victory' it is a draw (between Alekhine and Aron Nimzowitsch, they both won 1 game each).

February 2, Charles Spencer Chaplin, better known as Charlie Chaplin, is forced to leave his native Imperial Federation for his sympathies towards socialism.

In the United States there are problems because he is originally from the Imperial Federation.

February 4, in Saint Petersburg (Russian Empire) SPOMO (Sankt-Peterburgskoye optiko-mekhanicheskoye ob "yedineniye, Saint Petersburg Optical Mechanical Association) is founded.

A manufacturer of lenses and other medical-optical care items.

(OOC: OTL LOMO, Leningrad Optical Mechanical Association).

Cuban chess player José Raúl Capablanca won against Ossip Samoilovich Bernstein, from the Russian Empire. This at an exhibition game in Moscow, before major tournaments in April 1914.

February 5, the unification of central Arabia continues successfully after meetings between the Emir of Jabal Shammar, Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Rashid, and his sponsors (the Allied Bloc / Russian Empire).

February 6, 30,000 people in Stockholm suffer violence from the government, after having made protests against the current New Great War, in which Sweden is involved on the side of the Berlin-London Axis.

February 7, various factions of the German Air Force are in favor of the plot against Kaiser Wilhelm III.

February 8, internal problems begin in Hispaniola, again.

The nature of the Haitian part of Hispaniola (US territory) is quite conflictive, plagued by poverty, socio-political problems and natural disasters, among others.

February 10, protests in Tokyo turn violent between government agents and the Imperial Japanese Navy against civilians and populist leaders.

February 14, Russia and the United States send various economic aid to Japan so that the country remains in the New Great War, helping to prevent the economic situation of the country from getting out of the control of the central government.

February 15, the King of Albania, Juan Pedro Aladro y Kastriota, dies without a heir.

With this, Albania becomes a Republic (still inside the Russosphere and the New Great War).

February 17, attempts at protest and political reform in Sweden fail, so the Swedish Social Aristocracy and the pro-British government successfully remain in power.

February 20, Falkenhayn's coup against the government of Kaiser Wilhelm III and Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg is launched.

In Berlin, the fighting between factions of the armed forces translates into violence in various parts of the most important buildings of the German government, such as the Reichstag (parliament, which is burned in the process).

In the end War Minister Falkenhayn's coup succeeds.

* Kaiser Wilhelm III is placed under arrest by the authorities.

* Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg is placed under arrest by the authorities.

* Erich Ludendorff, an ally of Hindenburg, was killed during the coup.

With this Falkenhayn declares the end of the German monarchy, while a new government is established, leading to a brief armistice between the Berlin-London Axis with the United States and Argentina.

However, the armistice is not carried out with the Russian Empire, several Latin American countries or the socialist countries for various reasons. Which is troublesome.

Although the Allied Bloc was never very united in the first place, this was a huge failure.

February 21, various groups of bandits begin to attack various positions of the government of the Republic of China.

Small rebellions that actually cause a lot of damage to the Republic of China, since crime involves damage to infrastructure and a lack of socio-economic security, both for the Chinese themselves and for foreigners.

February 22, loyalist attempts against Falkenhayn's coup in Berlin fail.

February 24, assassination attempts against President James Connolly by British services fail.

February 28, Peruvian officials begin their plans to dominate the country of Bolivia, bringing back the ideas of a Peruvian-Bolivian state.

This as a possible counterweight to Brazil and Gran Colombia, which is what sells the idea to the Imperial Federation.

In addition to this, the Imperial Federation continues to have influence in Peru, which gives many of its resources to the British (including labor, cheap native labor, etc).

March 1, political instability in the Republic of the United States of Brazil intensifies after the constant defeats against the Empire of Brazil, led by Emperor Dom Pedro III.

Large parts of the center of the former Brazilian territory have been dominated by the imperialists, although the most populated and wealthy coastal areas of the republic remain under the possession of the republican-oligarchs.

The first elections of the government of the Republic of Greece are being prepared, the leftist united front nevertheless begins to falter.

We speak of radical socialists and anarchists against the more moderate republicans, reformists and democrats.

We also have to mention that although the republic has de-facto emerged from the war, the truth is that in the south the dictatorship and the monarchy continue.

March 4, the modernization of the armed forces (army and navy) of the Free Republic of Mexico continues successfully under Minister Emilio Madero.

March 8, begins the publication of the magazine Rabotnitsa (The Woman Worker), one of the oldest and leftist feminist magazines in the world.

March 9, several important victories of the Chilean Air Force against the Argentine Air Force.

* There were also some mysterious apparitions, which while most consider simply undocumented military casualties, for others it is the start of UFO sightings and alien activity by military forces in Chile and Argentina.

(OOC: Based on semi-real events, the Chilean military forces have a vast compilation of supposed UFO's XD).

March 11, several rebel brigades (between 500 and 600 people) launch a minor uprising in Hubei, Republic of China.

It is looted, government supplies are stolen and several innocent civilians are killed.

March 13, large parts of the Kingdom of Italy suffer problems with local rebels, especially Tunisia.

Meanwhile, nearby French Egypt is almost entirely controlled by the Arab-Egyptian rebels.

The Charles Maurras government and the French imperial family are surrounded, with little chance of escape to 'allied' or neutral countries.

* The Federative Socialist Republic of Italy began supporting socialist rebels in Tunisia and Libya, with more success in Tunisia than in Libya.

March 14, some floods occur in villages near the Sea of Azov.

It is estimated that around 12 villages were evacuated and 100 people died as a result of the aforementioned flood-surge from the Sea of Azov.

March 18, fierce storms hit the Russian Empire, more specifically the Don region.

March 19, Jiang Qing is born.

March 20, certain problems at various British Army stations during the New Great War.

Especially soldiers who want better pay, pensions, etc.

March 21, the government of the Free Republic of Mexico continues its purges against various reactionary elements, remnants of the country's imperial, colonialist and capitalist legacy.

March 24, the Imperial Japanese Navy takes precedence over the National Diet of Japan, effectively maintaining the current New Great War budgets and dominance over the navy over the policy of the Empire of Japan.

Various groups in Japan complain that this is corruption or a military dictatorship.

The next day there are strikes by railway workers at Kawata, Anabuki, Oshima, Sadamitsu, Awa-Handa, Eguchi, Awa-Kamo and Tsuji stations.

March 25, foundation of various socialist militias in the Republic of Greece, the 'Aris' militias named after Ares, god of war (war more in the violent and not so strategic sense) of Greek mythology.

March 31st, the replacement of the English inhabitants of Gibraltar continues with success by the Union of Iberian Socialist Republics.


*[Perspective of the Russian Empire.]

"The coup in Germany means nothing, the war between the Germanic peoples and the Slavs continues. There is still an enemy outside, beyond continental Europe, hiding on their islands." Premier Mikhail Skobelev announces.

"The Brusilov Offensive is about to continue, we just need a little more time and preparation." One of the couriers and logistics managers, contacted Anton Denikin, announces.

"Perfect then, the New Great War is getting closer to the end." The Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov announces.

It wasn't prophetic, it was obvious. No war like this is eternal.

Besides, the war was bad for the Russian way of doing business.

Once the war ended, resources had to be focused on the reconstruction and integration of the new puppets, the colonies, etc.

The fate of Wilhelm III and Hindenburg did not matter to anyone in Russia, while the Socialists wanted to execute both.

Germany was still on the ropes on three different fronts, and the Imperial Federation had to do something to end the war on slightly favorable terms for themselves.