

Amy a young adult who has always hoped to fill the space of loneliness, emptiness inside her. She and loneliness have been one for a long time. There was nothing that could pull her out of her trance of loneliness. Not even her own family members. What would happen when she meets a guy who she befriended and then turned her world of dullness into a colourful world??

Daoist7TvEr5 · Urban
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13 Chs


The next morning I woke up and looked all around, one of Courtney's roommate was up already and trying to get hold of the hangover I guess, I looked around and the others were sleeping.

I looked to my side and woke Courtney up so we could get ready for class...'class, oh shit, we would be late for class' I said to myself. I even forgot to set the alarm to wake me up. I took my phone from under my pillow and checked the time, ' fuck, it's 7:45am and we have a class by 8:30am' I said out loud and that brought Courtney out of her sleepy self.

"we're going to be late" we both said as we rushed and took our towels and headed for the bathroom. As we ran through the halls people kept looking at us like we were two crazy people, I mean we were running through the halls in bathrobes and flip flops.

The bathroom was a public bathroom, I didn't have time to think about infection or whatsoever. we both rushed into the bathroom to take our bath and seconds later we were back to the room.

Courtney rushed to her wardrobe while I went to my bag to bring out the matching sweatshirt and pants that I had taken yesterday from home and also a white sneaker.i started applying my body lotion and everything for my skin. I didn't have time to start making sure I applied them with the processes I usually use.

I put on my clothes and my shoes and did my hair in a tight but cute bun. 'i need to look so presentable at least so I won't be given away that I rushed everything' I said to myself. I picked up my phone to check the time and we had 10 minutes left to get to class.

I looked back and saw that the rest of Courtney's roommate were awake but they didn't look like they were ready for class even if they had one that morning. I looked at Courtney and saw that she was completely dressed wearing a blue jean and a black and white striped button shirt, she let her hair down and even did a minimum make up to complete the look and she put on a white canvas.

we have 10 minutes left before class starts, we picked up our bags and were almost out of the door when one of Courtney's roommate spoke and said " Courtney you didn't even introduce us to your friend" smiling.

" oh my bad Rosa, Stella and Stephanie meet my friend Amy" she said pointing to me .

" Amy these are my roommates, Rosa, Stella and Stephanie" she said while looking at me and pointing to them.

"hi, it's nice to meet you, however we have class now, so we'll be heading out then" I said to them.

Stephanie smiled and said "okay, we should catch up later then. we have a party coming up next weekend , it'd be nice to have you there"

"I'll think about it" I said and dragged Courtney out of the room while we hurried to her car. Her dorm wasn't far from the campus so we should be there in time.

we reached campus and it was remaining a minute before lecture started. I know by now the lecturer would be in class. it's cw 103 we have that morning and none of us had an idea on what the course entails, so he should be explaining what the course is about now.

we ran as fast as we could and we finally reached class. I opened the door and all eyes were on Courtney and I as we greeted the lecturer but then something wasn't right,the lecturer looked so familiar. it felt like I had seen him before, I stared at him and he was also staring back at me like he knew me.

After some seconds, he said "are you here for cw103?"

'that voice, I know that voice' I said to myself

I nodded and he told me and Courtney to go take a seat. The hall was almost full but we manged to get a seat in the middle row.

Class started immediately with him giving the introduction about the course and all other things. Class ended and we were about to head out of class when I bumped into someone I didn't think to bump into here, in this environment.

it's my ex, we used to date and everything was going fine until he maid stupid claims about me which made me end it all. I became shaky and sweaty almost immediately but I Kept a stern face and I said " sorry, excuse me" and dragged Courtney along but his voice stopped me " how are you doing you cheap slut?" I turned back and he smiled like the crazy bastard that he is.

I fumed in rage and was about to hit him when Courtney pulled me back. "sorry we have to go now" Courtney said and pulled me away from the scene. many people were already staring and was wondering what was happening.

we went to the car park and Courtney unlocked the car and we both got inside. She tried to start a conversation about what happened but I told her I wasn't in the mood.

she dropped me at the bus stop and I entered the bus immediately.

I reached home and went straight into the room without acknowledging Tracy. i locked the door and threw my bag on the bed in anger.

I wasn't going to cry but I was feeling hurt and pained. I want to do something terrible to him that he will never forget.

In anger, I shouted and scattered everything I saw. I heard footsteps and I knew that was Tracy, she called my name many times and asked me to open up the door. My room was a total mess but I didn't care and just threw myself on the floor crying till I fell weak and slept.


I woke up and was feeling weak, took my bathrobe and entered the bathroom to have a cold shower. cold showers are the best.

I finished and took out a short and top to wear. I was hungry, but I looked around my room and saw the mess I made. I took out my phone and opened TikTok to watch videos to make me relieve this stress when I heard a knock and Tracy's voice followed after.

"honey, are you okay?" she said.

I closed the app and went to open the door for her. immediately she saw me, she hugged me and that made me remember mom and dad. if they were here they would console me and find that guy and threaten him.

I pulled away from the hug. she looked at the floor and saw how scattered it was and she took my hand and asked if I had eaten, and I shook my head.

"let's go eat, I made your favorite, Mac and cheese and I also made your favorite smoothie" she said smiling happily while she dragged me along with her to the dining room.

I sat down and she dished out the food for me and placed the drink beside my food. I smiled lightly at her and she smiled back.

I was done eating and she cleared the plates, she then came back to the dining room and she sat down and looked at me for some minutes before saying "Amy, what's wrong?, what happened in school today, who made you like this?"

"woah, calm down with the questions, you know how I don't like that " I replied her and she smiled

"well, I bumped into my ex today at school and he called me a cheap slut which made me so angry and felt like beating him up" I answered her questions

"oh dear, I'm so sorry, at times don't listen to people who talk down on you because most of them are insecure and childish, and besides you know you are not a slut right? She said with a serious looking face

"oh yeah, she is" we both turned to the direction of the voice and Sarah was standing at the entrance with a smug smile on her face.

"you know, she went out with different men and even followed them to hotels and her 'boyfriend' then caught her" she said while removing her shades and putting her leather bag on the table.

"Sarah how dare you say something about your elder sister that isn't true, you had better apologize right now" Tracy said getting up angrily

"But it's the truth and she knows" Sarah said while smiling like the devil she is.

I stood up angrily and went into my room, while Tracy scolded Sarah.

I started to pick the items that were scattered on the floor one by one.


After I finished cleaning, my phone rang and it showed that it was Courtney that was calling.

I picked the call and she asked "Sarah are you okay?"

"yes, I am" I replied her with my voice really low

"Are you sure, you can send me your location and I'll come see you right away" she said

"No, I'm okay seriously, you don't need to come" I replied

"and oh by the way I won't be coming to class for the rest of the week, so please help me keep notes" I added

"why?"she asked almost immediately

" nothing, I just need some days off that's all" I replied her

" okay, if that's what you want, and you can call me if there's anything you want to talk about" she said

"thank you, I have to go now" I replied her


"bye" and we ended the call while I laid down on my bed to sleep.

Good evening you all, thank you for reading my book, I'm so honored. However due to the fact that I'm not feeling too well, I will be updating the chapters late. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

By the way, you can support my book, by leaving a honest review and rating it.

I love you all, thank you so much.

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