
Lone Crusader

A boy who was abandoned in an old barn and was later found by the owner of very old and decided to named him Barney for he was born from barn. Later he grew up developing close relationship with his grandpa and decided to embark a new journey leaving his one and only best parent he ever had.. For he will become an independent adventurer slaying countless of monsters and creatures meeting new friends and discovering new continents as he progress and learning new things..

Nevyr_Maralad · Fantasy
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12 Chs

New Experience

After a goodnight sleep..

I woke up and suddenly basic information flows through my mind..

I immediately learn two basic modes.

'Holy Light'

As I grabbed my sword and suddenly my sword shining with yellow particles feeling as my battle instincts improved..

'Holy Heal!'

As my left hand coated with shiny yellow, I immediately touched all my wounds and felt warmth seeing my wounds slowly heals.

'Amazing! You must have made contract with healing capabilities soul but judging from the color it must came from light elements' Gale said.

I then saw Gale and Kristoff looked at me with awe.

'Then can I make a contract with that fishman I just killed' as Kaisfol pointed the rotten corpse of the fishman.

'No no, you must kill a living being with an aura mostly Phobia danger class only C+ can handle' Gale implied.

'But how you also get a mode?' asks Kristoff.

'If the soul wanders nothing to rests thereof it will find a partner to live with his body just like Barn he must found a soul and made a contract' Gale explained.

'Lucky you Barn, when I get a mode i'll make sure to surpass you again' Kristoff said.

'Ohh??' Gale said.

'Then why don't we have spars I wanna rank you three' Gale implied.

'Barn you'll spar Kris and Kaisfol come at me' Gale implied.

'Why not we three go at you once?' Kristoff said.

'Because Kaisfol already top 1 so I want to measure whose stronger both of you, don't worry I'll stop the fight depending on how it goes' Gale replied.

As both me and Kristoff prepared our stance while facing off,I was weaker than Kristoff since the academy but I improved alot greatly and this will be my test.

Name:Barney Loley(24tp) 7 years old






Mode: Holy Light

Weapon: lvl 4 Holy Sword

As I spell my sword holy light it became brewing with yellow particles and my second skill as I get injured I can heal myself in middle of battle but it would drain my energy.

I perform side stance while Kristoff performed middle stance, at three seconds we suddenly leaped towards each other.

Kristoff attacked with horizontally left, I was able to block with ounce of strength.

I counter with left swing horizontol, Kristoff was able to counter and blew him off 1 meter due to my holy sword oozing with stiff particles as if the yellow particles of my sword holds explosive power.

Kristoff looked hurt alittle bit when I was about to swing horizontal right.

Kristoff was able to block it blowing him one feet.

I could see he is catching his breath, I might able to overwhelm him.

Everytime our swords clash my holy sword yellow particles would lag behind and catching up and hit Kristoff's longsword, I could there's a little force on the single yellow particles would blow him inches away.

As I continue to swing 3rd,4th and then till 11th time.

Kristoff looks more exhausted and sweating more than me as his hands we're shaking while holding the sword.

As I was about to unlease 12th attack, Gale suddenly flashed infront of me.

'You win, I could tell you improved greatly.. you might be able to beat Kasfol but since your worn out maybe next time' Gale implied.

As we all told our tp we immediately knew there's a big improvement on me the most.


Kaisfol Dateum(27tp) 10 years old






Weapon: lvl 5 blade


Barney Loley(24tp) 7 years old






Mode: Holy Light

Weapon: lvl 4 Holy Sword


Kristoff Fagav(20tp) 8 years old






Weapon: lvl 4 longsword

After getting mode and harsh training, I was able to jumped 6tp greatly so I thought surpassing Kaifsol soon..

'You can't beat me Barney' Kaifsol speaks.

'Ooh?' Gale increasing the tension.

'Then let's do it tommorrow' I gained confidence and talk back.

Who do you think who saved you back then when the buggle monster would have killed you.

'Guess it's settled then' Gale said.

2 hours later..

As we finished our training we we're able to journey for 5 miles now, it's now afternoon.

As we walked our way through the swamp area, we we're finally able to go out in a steeoed rocky mountains was the exit and our next destinsation..

As we journeyed straightly through the rocky path, the moment we enter this area we couldn't shake it off but feel eerie sensation.

'What's that' Kristoff pointed human figure across the mountain.

Suddenly more humanoid figure starts appearing from the mountain, we could there was tents a rocky tents.

Gale with stronger and higher human being has 7 times better vision could see clearer miles away.

'Let's move out' Gale respond.


As the ground shake the figures from the mountain running down the mountain towards our direction, we can get a better view then.

'Orcs??' Kristoff speak with uttered voice.

Gale suddenly grabs us then moving to the rocky boulders where as large and harder to find us.

As we completely zigzag our way through the rocky maze, we we're heading northeast even though our destination should be northwest.

As the sounds got closer, we we're able to got out through the plain deserted place nothing but grey dust and dry soil with lifeless woods.

We have no choice but to run away there, as we got farther through the place, the chasing sound stopped.

We decided to venture our way through the northeast nothing can we do when orcs had lived in our destinstion path.

We we're planning to visit a village since then, but the more we venture east side, the more creepy as it gets.

As we could hear strang sounds th moment we entered in this place, so we turned heading to the north.

After two miles to the north, suddenly we heard a ground shake as a giant purple looking bug came out from the ground, Gale suddenly stepped in to protect us.

'Get back!' He said.