
Lone Crusader

A boy who was abandoned in an old barn and was later found by the owner of very old and decided to named him Barney for he was born from barn. Later he grew up developing close relationship with his grandpa and decided to embark a new journey leaving his one and only best parent he ever had.. For he will become an independent adventurer slaying countless of monsters and creatures meeting new friends and discovering new continents as he progress and learning new things..

Nevyr_Maralad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

First Mode


As bird singing melody in a tree branch while the bright sky surrounds the beautiful morning in this honest forest..


As the droplets are dropping with echoing water falling from the leaf..

A new morning fresh sounded a new fresh start for these three.. I mean four young adventurers awaiting their new adventure..

As Kaisol the early bird tries to wake up moving his upper body..

'Anna!?Ha ha.. You're early today..' as Kaisol blushed when he saw Anna infront of her inside the tent.

'Anna? Ha ah.. Hey.. You know it's too early for us to get married' as Kaisol smirks wiping his upper lips.

'Anna..?' as Kaisol inspected something is wrong with Anna..


Kaisol realized she could'nt see Anna's body as he slowly gaze upwards he saw Anna's buldge eye staring at him..

'Eek' Kaisol suddenly leap backward using his upper body..

'Sorry.. I didn't mean to-'


Kaisol wiped his face in order to get clearer view as he watch something dripping in Anna's hair..

Turns out to be blood, he realized Anna's head was too high 6 meters flying and he realized Anna's neck has a bitten mark realizing one more time as he check Anna's eye looking like dead eyes, his heart starts to beat faster his breath starts to exhale faster as his sweats turn to cold and then..

He walks slowly going behind Anna as he realized Anna's hesad wasn't moving then..


He found that there's rope with brown color scale connected to Anna's head through the teared hole through outsifde of the tent..


'AAAAHH-' a male boy voice suddenly heard outside from the tent as Kaisol rushed off outside.

He saw Kristoff with terrifying expression on his face pointing upwards to his tents, then Kaisol turned around to find the source..

As he turned around he saw a giant green looking scale humanoid creature with 8 eel looking heads with bulky body..


Kaisol realized the creature is eating something, suddenly..

Kaisol realized something as shivers run down through his spine..

As I got outside due to the commotion early in the morning 'Why are you guys up so ear-' I realized a giant green scaled humanoid creature just in Kaisfol tent, the I turned to Kristoff he peed his pants, I was holding my laughter and tries to analyze how to defe-

The creature then suddenly turned his front towards us, as we saw blood dripping throughout his body from his mouth.

As we looked upward we immediately saw Anna's clothes torn apart stuck in his teeth.


As the creature excitedly look at his new three meals appeared infront of him, suddenly..

An 9th 3 feet width eel head seemed to be pulling from the Kaisfol's tent in fast speed.

'Auurgh.. Gaakh'


I turned to Kaisfol dead eyes blanking infront of him..


As the creature bit the whole head off what seems to be identical to Anna's head..

'Backpack' suddenly Kaisfol imagined the memories of Anna laughing at his jokes what cherish him most.


Suddenly, I saw Kaisfol on his knees staring blank at the ground tears coming out of his eyes.


The monster moving closer to defenseless Kaisfol shaking the ground..

I have no time to waste..

The monster 1 foot away from Kaisfol lifting his giant arm preparing to swing..

'KRISTOOOFFFF' I immediately shouted at Kristoff to alert and nothing I can scream at Kaisfol as he was already traumatized and defeated and as I run towards Kaisfol..

'Weapon' I summoned my lvl 3 sword and immediately fend the swing the monster giant arms..


As the difference of our level I was blown away by the heavy force of monster's arm 10 meters away in left field.


Kristoff boldly stood infront on the monster..

'KRISTOFF NOO!' as I shouted while I standing up hardly from the ground with minor scatches and bruises from flying away 20 meters..

Kristoff stood shaking his knee and determined to fight the monster..

'KRYAAAKK' as huge body of 23 feet monster lunges towards Kristoff at high speed..

Kristoff wide eyes and the death flashing before his eyes as the violent monster face what's infront of him..


Suddenly loud bang just happened by covering the Yaisfol's area fog and dust..


Something just throw away at high speed strucking trees and stopping at the giant rock..

As I analyzed clearly the monster can be seen from the rock with major injures tearing its scaled skin..

'Don't worry, I'll make sure to obliterate this monster for you' as the fog can be seen dusting away and I can get clear view of the guy talking.

A black robe muscular guy with white hair, it's an instructor!

As I felt safe, I immediately rushed towards others and we all cried..

'GRAAAWNNKKK' as the huge monster sprinting towards us running in four..

We are scared to death watching it's violent body and face, the monster got major injuries but right now it's regenerating..


'Third mode-Posta De Falcone!' as the instructor raised his stance inside right with his blade a color vibrant red flame flowing through his sword as his eyes turned fire as the giant creature closing in..

While he was unleashing his attack we felt his pressure through unleashing making us light headedness and headache..


As the monster closing in immediately we haven't seen the instructing swung his sword but suddenly the air flowing with red liquid we realized the monster was already obliterated all the body are scattered everywhere splashing intestines..


'You guys okay?' the instructor looked us, I realized Kaisfol raised his head towards him and still staring with dead eyes like blankness.

The instructor quickly analyzed the situation there were 4 tents and he saw a girl's shoe lying in ground..

'I see' the instructor suddenly grabbed three of us st the same time hopping 20 meters through trees..

At some point.. We arrived at the mountain we can see a clear view of the forest and the grassland.

'What's happening mister' Kristoff suddenly speaks.

'The Mongrow Faction has suddenly expanded their territory' Instructor replied.

'What does tha-'

'It means they're declaring war against us' as instructor cuts off his sentence.

The Mongrow Faction contains 13% occupation in the world and about to occupy the southeast human territory just about we realized the Jungle Zone is in the corner of the southeast territory now we realized some monsters are unidentified.

'They're gonna release hordes of monsters soon coming this way' Instructor implied.

'Then shouldn't we go back' Kristoff respond.

'We can't just before I was sended here I realized the teleporters look sudden change of ugly expression as if he was reaching out to tell me something was wrong.. My guess is some high level enemy was able to disguised and hijacked the teleportation and outside communication and now we can't communicate and teleport through the academy..' as Instructor explained.

Some minutes we told the instructor about Anna and we we're grieving making a graveyard as Kaisfol is still grieving and crying in her grave and Kristoff is so traumatized something happened too fast.

As the dawn sets.. We setted up a four sleeping bag given by our instructor and while instructor returns with it's rabbit catch and cook.

As we filled our stomach only Kaisfol didn't ate so we understand and left him alone..

As we all turn off the fire, we layed in bed while others are snoozing off and Kaisfol still looking at the sky weeoing bitterly, then I suddenly sleep after that hard event.

'Barney.. Wake up.. Wake up!' just before I saw s bright light then I wake up it's gone nothing can be seen or the person speak to me.



As I heard chopping sounds near the wood, I suddenly realized Kaisfol is gone and might I be scared and terrified again so I sneaked up towards that sound..

As I saw Kaifsol shirtless chopping trees with his blade, he looks haggard and too much sweat he produced just low he been here, although it's not up for me to decide.

'Look behind you' something whispered me again the same voice in the dream.

As I turned around a light orb flowing just infont of me.

'Come' the light orb spoke.

As I followed him closely suddenly we arrived at the pond, the pond is color yellow vibrant flowing with glitters.

'I've been trying to find my successor for s long time ago since there was no one to visit here I waited for 300 years until you arrived now it's time for me to be absorbed by you get all my powers' as the light orb implied.

'wait, what are you?' I replied.

'I am a fallen angel battling demons now that I was defeated in the battle my has nowhere to rest and I can't go anywhere because my body is in this deep bond' as the light orb answered.

'What's your name?' I said.

'My name is Blessings for I will bestow you with light and healing powers to oppose against darkness my friend' as the light orb replied.

'If so why did you choose me not the others' I questioned as im in curiousity.

'Because you are the brightest smong them all the dark haired boy is swelling with grief,anger and vengeance as he is not the best type right now while the other one is bold but weak willed still but not the best option right now' as the light orb answered.

I asked one last question.

'What about the white hair guy isn't he the strongest?' I replied.

'He may be but his heart is not pure but yours I seen potential even if that guy is pure he already have something living in his body what you call mode' as the light orb implied.

'I-' suddenly the light orb goes through me and I felt warm,gentle and fire swelling in my body I felt like I could burst any moment, I snapped off and closed my eyes..



I opened my eyes and suddenly I realized what happened last night, as I stood up the pond infront of me last night has dried up and immediately I ran towards our camp..