
Lone Crusader

A boy who was abandoned in an old barn and was later found by the owner of very old and decided to named him Barney for he was born from barn. Later he grew up developing close relationship with his grandpa and decided to embark a new journey leaving his one and only best parent he ever had.. For he will become an independent adventurer slaying countless of monsters and creatures meeting new friends and discovering new continents as he progress and learning new things..

Nevyr_Maralad · Fantasy
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12 Chs


As we continued our journey, walking with our large backpacks, sweat falling off our brows, we finally arrived at the entrances of the academy. The sheer size of the place was overwhelming, with it being about 30,000 square kilometers and 3000 times bigger than Earth. There was so much to explore.

As we approached the entrance, a guard raised his hand and a blue circle emanated from his palm. "Scan," he commanded, and we watched as the blue circle registered our names. "32nd-Z Kristoff Fagav, registered. 33rd-Z Barney Loley, registered. Follow me," a man in a black and yellow trimmed robe and eyeglasses said as he appeared.

He led us through the bustling lobby, and we were in awe of the gigantinormous buildings that stood before us. People swarmed everywhere, and there were numerous marketplaces, shops, and taverns. Despite it being an academy, there were plenty of places to explore and enjoy. We tilted our heads, taking in the sights and sounds as we walked by, until we arrived at our destination.

"Here we are, and hey, my name's Arechoveus," the robe guy gestured.

We stood in front of one of the largest buildings we had ever seen. It had 30 floors, and we followed Arechoveus as we made our way to the top. Huffing and puffing, Kristoff couldn't help but comment on the seemingly endless journey.

"We're here," Arechoveus said, patting us on the back.

As we entered the building, we counted the sections, going through W, X, Y, and finally Z. We opened the door slowly, and all the students turned to look at us. A woman stood in front of them, and she nodded, reaching out her hand as if expecting something.

"The registration card," I whispered to Kristoff, and we handed it to the teacher.

"You may go and take your seats," the teacher said.

We quickly found chairs at the back of the room. Despite there being 33 students, including us, in this section, there were many vacant seats. Each section usually contained 300 students, but since this was the last section, it was smaller. Arechoveus had explained earlier that there were other buildings for different age groups, ranging from seniors to adults and retired workers. Our classroom had a mix of kids and older students, as some individuals could live up to 3,000 years. The average age, however, was around 2,000 years, and some could even halt their aging by drinking an elixir that randomly appeared from the ground. The elixir could be found three times a year, with each person allowed to consume 1kg of the 30kg liquid to receive the ageless effect. This meant that only 90 people could receive the elixir each year. The world was populated by various races, with the majority living in undead territory and infernos. Any opposing factions were considered enemies, and the human territory only made up 7% of the world. The other factions were much larger, and the human world was on the brink of extinction. To defend against these factions, there were 10 SSS-rated warriors stationed at each corner of the human territory. The opposing factions would start their conquest every 300 years, which was why many people rushed to the academy to train and become warriors. The fourth and fifth monsters were captured from the neighboring enemy factions, witchlock and deadeater. Only those with an A+ rating were able to capture residents from opposing factions alive, as the other factions' demonoid creatures were much stronger. There were also mysterious superpowered humans ruling the country from the shadows, which prevented other factions from attacking carelessly.

"Hi, I'm Anna Rabel," a girl on the left waved at us.

"I'm Barney, and this is Kristoff, my friend," I replied.

"Nice to meet you, Barney and Kristoff," Anna said with a smile.

As the day turned into night, the class ended, and Anna offered to show us around the canteen, training grounds, and our dorms. We arrived at our dorm and finished our snacks. The schedule for the academy was as follows: training grounds from 7-10am to enhance our capabilities, a lunch break from 11am-12pm, and studying about the world and our weaknesses from 1-4pm. As night fell, Kristoff and I settled into our dorm, sharing a room as dormmates. Each dorm had two occupants of the same gender.

Yawning, I said, "Time to sleep," and Kristoff quickly rushed to his bed.

I turned off the light switch and climbed into bed, wondering about the impending war as we reached the 223rd year. With a sigh, I drifted off to sleep, knowing that the world was on the edge of chaos.

And so, our adventure began in this vast and dangerous world.