
Lolz's Omniverse

This is just a place I put all my unfinished or scrapped ideas. Maybe if enough people like something enough I'll turn it into a full-blown fic.

ForThe_Lolzs · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

So I died... neat

A/n: Good God this is Horrible. I made this when I first started trying to write.


.In an endless white void a featureless old man wearing white robes sat with a grey orb that had a slight dark tint.

MC (Orb)- soooo, let me get this straight.

Mc- I died , right?

ROB (Old Man)- Yes you did. In a quite Horrible way too. Death by falling toilet seat, tragic.

Mc- Waaas that sarcasum?

ROB- No, no it wasn't. You actually were horribly murdered by a toilet seat.


MC- And why exactly can't I remember this incident?

ROB- To keep your mind intact and sane I had no choice. When you first came here you ket ignoring me and rocking back and forth muttering " Toilet seat, why did I have to die by a toilet seat".

MC- Shit, how much damage did that Toilet seat do to me?

ROB- A lot. Lets just say before you died you got a glimpse at a puddle of mush that was you.

MC- Damn. Is the kid I saved fine though?

ROB- Yeah, actually more than fine. After you died the kid found out you studied to be a biologist and geared his life towards your dream of creating Gene Splicing. Eventually succeeding.

MC- * Wideneds non existant eyes* Well hot damn.

ROB- Anyway a powerful entity like me has work to do. So let's skip all the extra and get to the point. You Demetrius Alexzander will be given three wishes , and will be transmigrated into a world of your picking.

MC- Huh. Okay, but first I have some questions. Is that alright?

ROB- * Motions to continue*

MC- Alright . Firstly, do I keep my memories?

ROB- Yes.

Mc- Cool, next up is, can I pick my appearance and backround?

ROB- Yes, and Yes, anyhing else?

MC- Nope.

ROB- Good now pick your wishes.

MC- First wish is the power to multiply/add and divide/subtract anything, and I mean anything with any variable even infinity.

When our mc stated his wish ROB stared at Demetrius for a moument before nodding.

ROB- Your wish is granted.

MC- *Sigh* I'd thought you'd might say n- wait, you gave it to me!?

ROB- Kid something like this is nothing to me. I am Omnipotent. Someone with infinite power is nothing but a ant infront of me. I don't just have infinite power(Which is subjective), I have all power no matter the type. It does not matter to me if you gain infinite power as it is but a drop in the ocean to all power that exsists in the Omni-verse. You would be one of many Infinites.

MC- Whoa... that was deep.

ROB- Yeah, but do you understand?

MC- Yeah I do.

ROB- Good now state your next two wishes.

MC- Okay my next wish is the ability to create anything with no restrictions, even life.

ROB- Granted.

MC- * Raises non-existant eyebrow again* Okay I really expected you to say no at that.

ROB- Why?

MC-I don't know some misguided morality or thinking a mortal shouldn't have that ability?

Finishing his sentence the old man did something the MC didn't predect, he started to laugh.

ROB- HAHAHAHAHAHHHHAAAAAA. Kid please, that sort of thinking is rediculous. The amount of mortals in the Omni-verse that have the ability to create life is in infinite number. Even you have created life at some point even if it wasn't on purpose.

MC- Eh? I created life? When?

ROB- I believe it was a year ago in the ****** hotel.

MC- The ****** hotel? What does that have to do with anything? Last time I was there was to get laid.

ROB-* Stares at MC*

MC- Wha- oh. OH!

ROB- Don't worry about it, your kid grew up nicely and even became a ceo of a comany thats known globally and has billions of dollars in assets.

MC- Oh, okay I guess.

ROB-Good now what's your final wish.

MC-My final wish is that my body no matter what sate or form it takes can withstand and adapt to any changes I make to it, like multiplying and dividing.

ROB- Granted. Now tell me what you want to look like?

MC- I want to look like Karma from Assassination Classroom.

ROB- Alright what world do you want to go to.

MC- Surpise me.

ROB- Heh. Okay kid. What kind of backround do you want.

MC- I just want a house next to wherever the plot of that world will begin, and a bank account that know one will ever check.

ROB- Alright then. Your time is up in the void. Hopefully I won't be seeing you ever again.

MC- I hope the same too.

ROB- Welp, off you go. Have fun, and try not to allow plot armor to interfere with your plans.

With a snap our MC was gone leaving only the Old man staring into the fourth wall compteplating a way to break it as he had for eons now.