
Chapter 12: Zenora Princess

Three days later, Kill went to the guild for the upcoming orientation and to know what their role would be in the raid. "Thank you so much for attending you four, you will be a big help for the upcoming raid" Florida said.

All the warriors who were going to attack were looking at the four of them. "You? Are you involved in the raid?" Asked by a muscular warrior who was about to attack the dungeon as well.

"Yes, we are involved" replied by Oliver. "You don't look like you're from here? Don't be a burden" Said by the one of the group of muscular warrior.

"Maybe they are the reason why our attack fails HAHAHAHA" Said by a man who uses magic. And they all laughed.

Kill was looking at the muscular warrior and suddenly the muscular warrior approached Kill. "Hey you? What are you looking at? Haaaa!?"

The muscular warrior shouted at Kill. But Kill was not shocked by what the man did to him and he turned his back on him. The man got even more annoyed So he took his axe and when he was about to throw his axe away Paul suddenly stopped and said "Oi Albert, That's enough, for now they're on our side"

Albert stopped his attack on Kill. And repent from the orientation. When the orientation was over, a woman suddenly appeared and came from above.

"Before you leave, line up outside first, make seven lines. Said by the woman who came from upstairs. 

"Wait, isn't it her? A warrior asked.

"Yes, it's her, the Zenora Princess, Isabella Midnight". A warrior also answered.

They lined up and Isabella started walking again.

"What is she doing?" A man in front of Kill asked.

"What yet, he's looking at If your aura is enough to fight there in the dungeon, If your aura level is low he won't include you in the raid" answered a male warrior.

"He's the strongest in this town? It's fine too. She is beautiful, she has black hair and blue eyes, her hair is slightly curly and just the right size. It's okay, she's beautiful, what's her name again? Isabella Midnight. Let me try this." Kill said in his mind and smiled.

"What are you smiling at?" Isabella asked. "Huh?" Kill said.

"You don't even have an aura? Then you want to join the raid? Fall down, leave here and it will be a burden" Isabella said.

"Hay! What are you thinking Kill, you're really crazy" Oliver said in his Mind. Kill left the orientation and as he left all the warriors who were going to attack the dungeon laughed.

"HAHAHAHA you thought he was strong, there's even no aura HAHAHAHA" Said by Albert's companion in his group.

And they all laughed again. The orientation was over and Kill  was on the rooftop of the main building of Zenora Town. 

"You're Kill Right? Asked by an old man named Jyedrode. 

Jyedrode is in charge of the village of Zenora.

"You're great, you noticed me here even though my aura is hidden" Kill said.

"Ahh Yes, even I'm old, my senses are still fine" The old man replied

"Ahh it's her, you're one of those who will attack the dungeon four days from now Right?" The old man asked.

"It's not , she failed me, the one that they call the Zenora Princess" answered by Kill. "HA? What? did he drop you? Why?" The old man asked again.

"He didn't feel any aura on me," Kill answered. "HA? How come you just hid it. And besides, they say you are the one who destroyed the mountain where the bandits stayed?" asked by the old man.

"Yes, I am but I'm only trying my new attack on them" Kill replied.

"Ahh, is that so? "That's why" replied Jyedrode.

"Chief, who are you talking to there?" Isabella asked.

"Ahh nothing, I'm just venting and talking to myself" The old man said.

"I chose those who will join the raid in the dungeon" Isabella said.

"Ahh, is that so? It's good" The old man said and they got down from the rooftop of the main building of Zenora village. While Kill was still lying down and venting there on the rooftop. "That old man is also cunning " Kill said in his mind.

It's afternoon but they still can't find Kill because his aura is hidden. Kill has come down and Isabella saw him when he came down from the rooftop.

"What are you doing on the rooftop?" Isabella asked. "Hmmp" Kill said and turned around when someone grabbed Kill's shoulder.

"Hoi, a girl is talking to you and then you just turn your back?" Albert asked and all the warriors who were there looked at where they were. Suddenly, Albert's overflowing aura came out, but Kill didn't even panic. "Stop that Albert" Isabella said.

After that, Kill left and when Kill's three companions were there, they couldn't catch up with anyone and they couldn't catch up with Kill.