
Lolipop Candy Love

When the coronavirus attack in 2020, the economy shut down completely in some countries. For Claire, her senior year should be amazing but when things happened, she could only wish everything would be better. Living in her own world, Claire do not like anyone and only think about her Thai actor, Arm Weerayut. Little that she knows, her meet with snobbish Aidan change her entire world. Trap in the campsite — getting accused for liking her own friends and almost get killed by her sister. Claire hate Aidan so much that she blames Aidan for almost everything but Aidan does not fall easily. He got his own mission for Claire. Until he achieves it, he will not fall. Would things actually turn worse this year and after? Would Aidan change her perspective towards guys and bring the new Claire? Or would Claire fall for Riera trap?

clairehyacinth_ · Teen
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10 Chs

Episode 9: Boyfriend gone wrong

-That weekend-

"Why did I even agree with you Ivy?" I was protesting over the dress that I was wearing now.

"Because I am your friend and you promise to help me out." Ivy smile as she was busy adjusting my dress.

"Then our friendship will end here. Bye." When I was about to walk away, Ivy grabs my hand and pull me back.

"Claire, listen. Don't you sympathize with me at all? My father was going to marry me off with some random old man." When I heard her words, I let out a deep sighed.

"Fine. But remember this. You own me a lot if your father cancels off the wedding."

"Of course. Now, let's go." Ivy drags me again into her car and her driver drives us away to her house.

-Ivy's House-

I was amazed by her house. Little that everyone knows, all the people here in the school were rich but I do not expect that Ivy was these damn rich. I know that her family was yakuza but that's all I know. I met with her mother often but I could barely see her father was around maybe because of his yakuza works. Today, I will finally look at how the yakuza organization actually works.

"Welcome, Claire." Her mother, Mrs. Young greet me.

"Good to see you, Mrs. Young." I greet her back with a smile.

"So, where are the boys that have got guts to be Mark Lee's future brother-in-law?" Mrs. Young's words make me put on a weak smile.

"Okasan(mother), don't say it like that. He will arrive soon." Ivy was backing me up.

"Okay. Please come inside Claire." Mrs. Young politely invite me inside.

The bouquet was indeed amazing. I was very amazed by how polite Ivy serves people and the way she talks. If it was me, I would spill the tea everywhere. I would definitely have a cram on my leg to sit like how she did for a long time.

"Miss Claire." A young guy approaches me.

"You're…." I was doubting who the hell was this person had to approach me just now.

"I am Noah Young. I am her cousin. We….had meet before." His words make me confuse.

"And where did we meet?"

"When you're with your friend at a night market. Two years before." Suddenly everything becomes clear.

"Ohh yeah. You're the man that I meet with Skylee at that time. The man that sold us street food. How come you're Ivy's cousin?" I was curious.

"Ohh, because I am not the man who relies on my family wealth. I like living on my own and find my own money."

"Ohh, I see you're quite a dependable guy I see."

"Thank you for the praise. You should come again to the night market. I still working there. I can treat you and your friend to some street food again." Noah smile.

"I am pleased to do that."

From far, Ivy who was watching become a bit curious.

"Did Claire knows Noah?" Ivy was questioning herself but before she could approach her and asked, Daniel and Aidan, come and approach her.

"Hey, babe." Daniel hugs her.

"You finally come. Hey Aidan, Claire is having a quick chat with my cousin. You should approach her."

"Ok." Aidan then walks to approach Claire.

When Aidan starts to talk to me, it was awkward at first for me but later, we started to talk about things. About our ball preparation and some other random stuff. The most shocking part was arriving when Mr. Young, Ivy's father arrives and the full ceremony then starting. We sit and drink. The sitting was indeed the most hurtful part for me. Aidan who realize that than reach for my hand and hold it. I look at him cluelessly.

"I know you can hold it for a while. Don't worry." He smiles at me and I smile at him back.

"Thank you."

When the meal was over, we finally move to the most terrifying part. It was like a family gathering and I was still wondering why did I happen to be here.

"Next month, I'm going to marry off Amber with the guy from South gang family." Mr. Young's words make almost all of the family shock.

"Wow, this family indeed something," Aidan whispered to me.

"Why did you say it like that?"

"Because the South gang was one of the most powerful yakuza."

"Ohh, how did you know about this?"

"Because I read the news, Claire. You should do that so or else you won't even know about the latest trend."

'Yeah and yet you don't know that you're actually friends with Mark Lee's sister, the one who almost make your father bankrupt because of your own mistake.' I was talking to myself.

"Quiet. This is not the thing that we should argue now. Claire Lee." His father suddenly shouts out my name.

"Yes, Mr. Young." I greet her with my fearless smile.

"Where is the boy that you're dating?" He asked.

"Here he is. My boyfriend, Aidan." I introduced Aidan to him.

"Greetings Mr. Young." Aidan greets him.

"You should take care of her properly. From what I see now, you already passed. But, that doesn't mean you can pass the next test. Goodluck. You have my blessings." Mr. Young put on a gentle smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Young." Aidan politely thanking him.

"And you Ivy Young, is that the guy you're talking about?" Mr. Young asked while looking at Daniel next to Ivy.

"Good evening Mr. Young." Daniel greets him.

"We already talk about this right Ivy. You're going for the arranged marriage with my choice." His words make everyone there shocked.

"No father. You promise me before that you will let me find my own soulmate." Ivy was against her father.

"You're too young Ivy. You don't even know what love is."

"But father, I like this guy so much."

"Stop with this nonsense. There is no use even if you bring Claire Lee to prove to me that her relationship with her boyfriend is going smooth but I know my own kid. I know how will you act in the future. I will not allow you to be with this guy." Mr. Young was being firm.

"Then, what will be the reason for you to do that?" Ivy suddenly stands up in boiling anger.

"Ivy Young, mind your manner. We're at the dining table." Mrs. Young was very furious.

"Sister, brother, Noah, uncle please say something." Ivy was asking for her relative's help but none of them seems to likely helping her.

"Uncle, I'm sorry even if I know I shouldn't interfere with this but could you at least give yourself time to get to know each other more? Maybe you could accept him later. Who knows?" I tried to suggest.

"Claire Lee, I'm sorry but I'm already deciding." Mr. Young then walk away from there with his bodyguard.

The small bouquet finally over and Ivy and Daniel were nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, Aidan and I were busy talking to Mrs. Young in the living room.

"I'm sorry for today Claire. I had made you and Aidan felt uncomfortable." Mrs. Young deeply apologize.

"It's okay Mrs. Young." I smile at her and also Aidan.

"My husband was always like that. He wants everything to be perfect for Ivy. He really favors Ivy so much. Maybe because…." Suddenly Mr. Young cut in.

"Claire, I think you should go home now. Send my regards to your brother." Mr. Young sounds like he was chasing me out.

"Yes, Mr. Young. We will take our leave first. Thank you for the food uncle, aunty." I politely greet them same goes for Aidan.

On Aidan's way to send me home, I was feeling guilty.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You know what, today our act supposedly making Mr. Young confident in having Daniel as his future son-in-law but at the end, we're the one who actually got his blessings."

"Well, maybe like what Mrs. Young said earlier, her husband was being protective."

"Yeah maybe. I shouldn't interfere with that right? Whatever it is. Tomorrow, we will be hanging around the second part of the decoration. Make sure you come early."

"Yes, princess. I will."





I receive a call from Mark and I gulped before I decide to answer his call.

"I can explain."

"What? You're going to explain about my plan to take your sister on a honeymoon?" He sounds curious to me.

"No. Sorry, I mistook you with someone else. So, you're going to take Aileen somewhere right? Take care."

"That is one. Another one is about you and Ray." Here goes the act.

"Umm, wait for a second Mark. Yes, babe. No, it's in the upper cabinet. What? Wait." I was pretending that I was with my 'ghost' boyfriend.

"Hey, Claire, who is that?"

"Hah? Who?"

"I kind of hearing you're shouting to someone. Who is that?"

"My boyfriend?"

"Your boyfriend? How come?"

"You will never know about this."

"Great then bring him to see me."

"No way. Why should I?"

"Bring him or I will make sure you marry Ray instead."

I gulped. I thought by having a 'ghost' boyfriend will shut him up but instead, it lead me towards something unpredicted.

"Later ok. I'll promise."

"Ok. See you."

I bumped my head on the desk. Just then, a notification comes in.

'Mark's Birthday in one week'

'Going home for a short break in one week'

"No way. I'm going home in one week? God. I should just hang around in the city."

I walk to the music room to take my guitar but I was greeted with something really amazing, from the small windows, I could see Phi' Joss and Iris were kissing. I was shocked and slowly walk back so that I won't be noticed. I walk straight to my class. There was no one here at this hour so I thought they were not accepting people to see them together.

"What the hell is going on with this world? I saw my own best friend kissing my own teacher. I saw my own best friend having a relationship with an asshole and I even saw my roommate failed to convince her father about her lovers. Is the love god Eros is personally teaching me right now or Adrestia, the god of vengeance was actually punishing me? I should go and pray tomorrow." I took my things and left the room.





I put my hand together and keep praying. I was wearing a veil that was given by my late grandmother. She said that when I was in trouble, seek help from god. When I finish praying, a handsome young man comes and approaches me.

"Greeting miss."

"Greeting father."

"No. I'm not even a father here. I am the father's son. Just call me Jun. You're?"

"Ohh, I'm Claire."

"You look like you were lost just now." He was being concerned.

"I think that God had punished me."

"Why did you think like that? Did you ever do any sin?"

"I…I…I did not believe in true love."

"Well, I don't know much about this but if you want, you could come and confess your sin here to my father but he was not here."

"It's okay. I thought a father shouldn't have married right?"

"Well, I'm not his biological son. I'm just someone who passes by and turns to be his son." Jun smile.

"Ohh, ok. Well, I'm better off now. So, see you later I guess."

"Of course. See you later."

I walk away from the church.

"I really think Eros was mad at me and keep putting guys into my life so that I would understand my life better. I'm sorry Eros, I will only be married to Arm." I chuckled and walked back to school.




"I just saw her leaving the church."

"Nice. Just keep watching her for a while."

"Yes, master."