
Lolipop Candy Love

When the coronavirus attack in 2020, the economy shut down completely in some countries. For Claire, her senior year should be amazing but when things happened, she could only wish everything would be better. Living in her own world, Claire do not like anyone and only think about her Thai actor, Arm Weerayut. Little that she knows, her meet with snobbish Aidan change her entire world. Trap in the campsite — getting accused for liking her own friends and almost get killed by her sister. Claire hate Aidan so much that she blames Aidan for almost everything but Aidan does not fall easily. He got his own mission for Claire. Until he achieves it, he will not fall. Would things actually turn worse this year and after? Would Aidan change her perspective towards guys and bring the new Claire? Or would Claire fall for Riera trap?

clairehyacinth_ · Teen
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10 Chs

Episode 6: Trap with him

-Later that night-

I walk out of the tent, trying to find some space for myself. It was cold that night and I didn't even bring along my coat. I walk into the woods. I walk without any direction and stop when I saw a small creek. I sit and look up into the sky. The night was cold and the weather was not too good for me because I will easily fall sick if exposed to the air for too long.

"I wish that all my pain will be gone."

Just then, I heard something coming towards me. I was scared that my skin turns pale. Turn out, it was Aidan. I sighed in relief and ignore him. He then comes and seat next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I'm asking him.

"I thought it will be dangerous for a girl to walk alone so I follow you." Aidan sighed lightly.

"If I was a burden, you shouldn't follow me."

"No Claire. You're not. I'm willing myself to follow you."

I sighed and continue looking at the sky. The night breeze makes me cold. Realizing I was cold, Aidan put on his coat on me.

"Thank you. Won't you feel cold?" I'm asking.

"No, why should I? You need it more."

We then continue looking at the sky. We were likely absurd into the night sky.

"When I was a kid, my parents forbid me from going out and socializing with my other friends. I was the only child so I felt a bit lonely. I played with myself. I celebrated my birthday with myself but despite that, I still hope that my parents will have a little bit of concern towards me. I used to look at the sky like this at night on the roof. At my house, my room has a specially customize roof for me to fall asleep with the stars." Hearing his words makes me a bit concerned about him. Maybe, he was also like me.

"Same as me. Since I was raised away from my birth parents, I usually sleep in the treehouse that I made together with my sister and brother. I love looking at the sky until I fall asleep."

"Claire, did you hate me?"

I smirk and look at him.

"What do you think?"

"I think yes because I was being very rude to you ever since we meet."

I get up and sweep some dirt on my pants.

"You were on the trial period, right? You will get the answer if you do well. Let's go." I walk and he follows me.

We walk in silence. As we were walking further, we noticed that we don't even know where we're going.

"Did we take this road just now?" I'm asking him.

"I think….we're lost."

"Hah? What? No." I started to panic.

"Claire relax. Why don't we turn back to the place before? I am sure that tomorrow they will find us." He tried to calm me down.

"Ok." Because of heavy anxiety, I just followed him.

I sit and he started to collect some stone and dried leaves along with woods to make fire. For quite a few times trying, he still couldn't manage to start the fire. Frustrated looking at him, I took the stone, and just in one try, the fire turns on.

"Wow. Where did you learn that?" He was amazed.

"I am a king scout. That's why Ivy mad at you that day when you called me a city girl who afraid of going into the woods because I got a skill you know." I try to lighten up the atmosphere around here.

"I'm sorry Claire. I should learn more about you before I simply judged you." Aidan felt guilty.

"No worries you still got times right? Learn as much as you want." I sit down near the fire to heat myself.

I look at Aidan. He was also trying to heat himself. Judging at his appearance, I am sure he was cold. I sit next to him and we share the coat.

"Claire, won't you felt uncomfortable sharing this with me?" He asked me and I put on my poker face.

"I don't want people to blame me if you fall sick."

"Ohh, thank you." He smiles and blushes.

"I heard that you punch Liam. Why?"

"Because he lied the fact to me. The fact that you get into the hospital made me really worried. I was thinking of visiting you but…." His words stop.


"When I was at the hospital, I saw a lot of bodyguards guarding the whole hospital building and one of the staff told me that Mark Lee's sister was also warded on the same day. I was afraid of him since he knows who I am. After the incident of me and Liam, I was grounded for almost a week and by the time now, there is still sometimes before I could return to school so yeah. I should enjoy my vacation." I was shocked. I didn't accept that he would be grounded by his action.

"I'm sorry."

"No. It was my fault for trusting him. I should trust you more."

Just a few moments later, we fall asleep on each other shoulder. What a long night that I was trapped there with a man that I don't even know.




(The next day)

I wake up realizing that Aidan was still asleep. I gently pun his head on my lap and I lean on the tree. After a while, I realize that his face was quite a bit handsome. Just then, he awake and I quickly look away. He gets up.

"Am I sleeping on your laps for the whole night? I'm sorry." He felt guilty.

"No, well….should we get out from here? It's already 8 am. Daniel and Ivy might be worried about us if they wake up without us." I try to get up but I lose my balance and fall.

Luckily, Aidan manages to catch me. He then gives me a piggybank ride since I accidentally hurt my legs. After walking for a few minutes, we finally reach back to our campsite. It was too dark last night that we couldn't find the right road. Aidan put me down but I still could not walk by myself so I hold on to his hand and walk slowly.

"Where did you guys go?" Asked Ivy who seems a bit worried.

"We have gone for a morning stroll and Claire fall and hurt her legs." Aidan passes me to Ivy.

"Gosh Claire, please be careful. Let's put some ailment." Ivy slowly brings Claire to their tent.

"You went out last night with her right?" Daniel's sudden words make Aidan shocked.

"How did you know?"

"I woke up last night at 3 am and you were not around and so do Claire."

"Well, we couldn't find the way back so we spend a night somewhere."

"Aidan, did you fell in love with Claire?"

Daniel's words make Aidan smile and he walks away.

"He sure does."




(School) A few days later

I walk to the student council room and I throw some documents on Iole's desk. She was shocked and stand up, glaring at me. Luckily, there was no one there at that time.

"What the hell you think you're doing?" She asked me.

"I trust you but you betray me. How could you?"

"What I ever did to you, Claire? What are these?" Iole was confused.

"This is all the records from our head librarian, Ilyean. You're helping Phobe with her dirty works."

"No Claire. This must be a misunderstanding."

"No Iole, I already saw the CCTV recording. I saw you there."

"Yes, Claire I do meet her but not for that purpose. I met her to asked her about the school's upcoming event. Please trust me Claire and about the incident at the exam paper room, it was not Phoebe. It was Ilyean herself. She was the one who planned this with one of the student council assistants but we do not know who is she yet." He begs me a lot.

"Why I should trust you?"

"Because Iris….she got something behind her back. You shouldn't trust her."

This was making me more confusing. I then walk away. I sit in the garden behind the school building. The most peaceful place I have ever been in this world. Where people rarely come and noticed this beautiful scenery. When I was thinking, someone taps on my shoulder and pass me a cup of vanilla latte. He is Phi' Joss. He takes his seat next to me.

"What happened to you? I could say you lost a lot these days. Did you need help?" He asked.

"Phi', I think someone is blackmailing the student council."

"What made you think like that?" He asked.

"Because I got a lot of trust issues this day. Even my own best friend, Iris. I was doubting her. She was the one who helps me around when Lyra was not here. And, when Iole, one of my loyal friends said that I shouldn't trust Iris, what should I react Phi'?"

"I could not give any comment about this. You should ask yourself. You must think not to feel Claire. I know you will find a solution to this problem. Maybe you could ask that sports girl."

"You mean Ivy?"

"Yeah. She seems trustable."

"She was way too busy."

"Claire, you should be asked before making any conclusion."

"Ok. By the way, did you stalk me Phi' Joss?"

"Me? You? Claire, we're just students and teachers. Not more than that. I take you as my own sister.

"Hehehe. Thank you, Phi' Joss. I'll better get going." I walk away to my room.




"Claire, have you heard about it?" Aubrey and Andrea come and approach me


"About Iris."

"Hah? Why?"

"She….actually…." Before both of them could say anything, Iris comes into the room and walk towards us.

I could see Aubrey and Andrea's face. Both are changing.

"Claire, can we talk for a while?" Iris glare at Aubrey and Andrea.

"Sure. Let's go." I walk away with Iris leaving both of them behind.

"Shit Andrea. What should we do now? Will Iris harm Claire?" Aubrey turns pale.

"I don't know but none of our friends would trust us either right?" Andrea shakes her head.

"What if the rumor about Iris is true?"

"I don't think….no….urghh….I don't know Aubrey." Andrea sits on the bed while holding her head.

Just then, Ivy comes in and looks at both of them.

"Hey, what happened?" Asked Ivy.

"Ivy, you must help us to save Claire."

"Huh? Why should we save Claire? I saw her just now walking to the garden with Iris."

"No Ivy. Iris is going to trap Claire."

"Why don't you guys stop her just now?" Ivy raised her voice for being a bit shocked.


"Because of what? Urghh, such a waste of time talking to both of you." Ivy throws away her bag and runs to the garden.

Aubrey and Andrea look at each other and sighed.

"We should go help her right?" Ask Andrea.

"No. Do you want our family to die?" Aubrey's words make Andrea flinch and she started crying.

"We're sorry Ivy, Claire."




-The Garden-

Iris and I both talked about the rumors spreading around the school about her. I was aware that the rumors were getting over the line and could hurt Iris at the same time.

"I'm sorry to take your time Claire. Thank you for listening." Iris smile with relief.

"It's okay. I'm fine with it." I pat on her shoulder.

Just then, I saw Ivy coming and she grab my hands and pull me away from Iris.

"Stay away from my friend," Ivy warned her.

"Hey relax Ivy. What with this fuss? I'm just giving her advice." I try to calm her.

"No, you're not. Hey Iris you should listen. You could hang around with every man in this school. I don't care. But, don't backstab your own friend."

"What do you mean Ivy?" I'm asking her.

"Don't you know about it, Claire? Iris is taking advantage of the student who is being suspected of stealing the exam paper for her personal desire." Ivy's words make me stunned.

"Tell me she is wrong Iris. Tell me. Why did you stay silent? I trust you all this time." I was mad that I grab her collar and almost slap her.

I walk away from there with Ivy leaving her behind.

"I'm sorry Claire. I'm doing this for good."