
Loki the werewolf

That Brat is a werewolf She was living a peaceful life struggling with her boyfriend until that brat who was happened to be a werewolf and her mate came from nowhere and messed up her life. Loki the most impatient, curious werewolf with animal instincts was hiding his identity in the human world.

Mridula_05 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 02

" You get the locker next to me. I can't believe it! " She gave him a happy expression and Loki couldn't help but grin at Lilly's excitement over the locker arrangement.

" Lucky you," he teased, earning an immediate

" Shut up " in response.

Their locker-sharing moment was a brief oasis of tranquility until it was abruptly disrupted by the arrival of a group of girls dressed in pristine white dresses. They seemed to descend upon the lockers like ethereal beings with an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. Lilly's sunny mood instantly shifted to cautious wariness.

As the white-clad girls dispersed to their respective lockers, an intense standoff unfolded before Loki's eyes. Monica, who appeared to belong to one group, locked gazes with a girl in a blue dress, and their eyes engaged in a silent but intense battle of wills. It was a showdown of epic proportions, with both girls seemingly trying to establish dominance through sheer ocular prowess.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn when Monica, clutching her books and copies protectively to her chest, came to a sudden halt in front of a boy. Her lips curled into a low growl, and she demanded, " Move. "

The boy, who appeared completely unfazed by Monica's simmering fury, furrowed his eyebrows at her and chose not to budge an inch. Instead, he leaned casually against the lockers, his strong, muscular arms crossed defiantly over his chest.

This standoff caught Lilly's attention, and she couldn't help but whisper the details to Loki, " He is her boyfriend, Charlie. "

Loki, who had been feeling quite secure in his newfound locker arrangement, suddenly felt a pang of insecurity wash over him. As he watched the drama unfold around Monica and Charlie, it was clear that his college experience was going to be filled with more surprises and drama than he'd initially anticipated.

" I said move, " Monica growled at Charlie yet again, Loki couldn't help but clench his fist, prepared to intervene if things took a physical turn.

" I am sorry, " Charlie mumbled, his voice carrying all the weight of a man who knew he was in deep trouble.

Monica, not one to back down easily, growled at Charlie once more, her patience wearing thin. Her frustration was palpable, and her eyes shot daggers at him. Last night, Charlie had committed the unforgivable sin of lying to her about going to sleep early, only to spill the beans this morning about chatting with Ana, his so-called ' f-r-i-e-n-d, ' all night long. The nerve! How could he prioritize another girl when Monica was supposed to be his one and only girlfriend? Boyfriends should come with an instruction manual! Because in Monica's book, boyfriends were supposed to give priority to their girlfriends and nothing else!

As Monica's irritation reached its peak, she stomped her feet, her teeth clenched in anger. She gave Lilly a helpless look, silently pleading for support in this trying moment.

Ever the peacekeeper, Lilly stepped in to defuse the situation. " Come on, Monica, we're running late, " she said, extending a helping hand. " You can share my books. "

But Charlie, as arrogant as a peacock on display, couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire. " Tell your friend not to come between you and me! " His comment only served to escalate the situation.

Lilly squared up to Charlie, ready for a verbal showdown. " Hey, I'm right here in front of you. If you want to talk, talk to me. "

" I will, " Charlie replied, his tone dripping with arrogance. " But right now, I have serious matters to discuss with Monica. "

Monica, caught in the crossfire, cut through the tension with her blunt words. " I don't want to discuss. Just move. "

Charlie, however, had no intention of moving or backing down. He continued, " Here's the problem, baby. Every time I tell the truth, you get annoyed. Baby, I never lie to you. "

The growing crowd's collective gaze was locked onto Monica, and Monica felt herself growing increasingly embarrassed. Maybe everyone assumed she was overly controlling and jealous of Charlie. She couldn't tell if it was Charlie who never backed away from a confrontation or if she was equally complicit. The standoff between them seemed unending.

Lilly, ever the practical one, realized they were perilously close to missing their next class and didn't want Loki's first day in college to end with detention. Swiftly, she grabbed his hand and began dragging him toward the lecture room, where she knew they could find seats before the real show began.

Loki, torn between curiosity and caution, couldn't help but ask, " Hey, do you really want to miss the show? "

Lilly, determined to keep things light and avoid unnecessary entanglements, replied with a shrug, " This is their daily soap opera. They fight one minute and make up the next. It's not worth intervening. "

" But that was intense," Loki couldn't help but press for more information, all the while trying to hide his genuine concern.

Rolling her eyes at his persistence, Lilly replied, " She's wasting her time with that playboy. "

" Playboy? " Loki prodded, his curiosity now thoroughly piqued.

Lilly, clearly relishing the opportunity to spill the tea, leaned in closer to Loki and lowered her voice conspiratorially, creating an atmosphere of shared secrets. " Yes, Loki, he is a full-fledged Casanova. The kind who thinks he's auditioning for a romantic movie every day. "

Loki raised an intrigued eyebrow, trying to visualize the character Lilly was describing. " Every day? Seriously? "

Lilly nodded with a dramatic flourish. " Absolutely. He's like a one-man show in a dating circus, and every act is more spectacular than the last. "

Loki couldn't help but chuckle at the amusing mental picture forming in his mind. " Sounds like he's got quite the reputation. "

Lilly's eyes sparkled with amusement as she continued, " Oh, you have no idea. He's got a different leading lady every semester, and each one believes she's 'the one' until the next act begins. "

Loki played along, adopting a mock-serious tone. " Then we should save Monica before it's too late! She deserves a better boyfriend. "

But Olivia, always quick-witted, saw right through his act. " Don't you worry about her. Considering Charlie's track record, she's bound to crack his code eventually. But in the meantime, don't get intimidated by her looks and try to play your heroics in saving the damsel in distress. Just a heads-up, she's got a Charlie who's stuck to her like glue, and she doesn't seem to have any intentions of parting ways with him anytime soon. " Lilly warned Loki with a knowing grin.

Loki quickly retorted, " Don't worry, Lilly. I didn't pack my superhero cape today. Also I am not Intimidated. Not even a little. I am here to keep my eyes on you only. Because i'm more interested in inner beauty like you. "

He patted her head teasingly, but Lilly smacked his hand away, clearly unimpressed. " You've become quite the flirt, Loki. Watch out, you might accidentally leave Charlie in the dust with your charm! "

Loki chuckled, playing along, " Oh, don't worry. I'm not here to steal anyone's spotlight, especially not Charlie's. I'll let him keep his crown as the college Casanova. "

Lilly couldn't help but grin at Loki's response. " Good call, my friend. We'll leave the 'Charlie Chronicles' for another day, and you can continue honing your flirtation skills elsewhere. "

They both shared a laugh, at their playful banter then settled into their seats just in time for their French class with Mr. Geven.

Just as the class was about to start, Mr. Geven, their French teacher, decided to quiz the students on the previous lecture. He was like a pop quiz ninja, stealthily springing questions on unsuspecting minds.

But then, completely oblivious to the fact that Mr. Geven was already in the room Monica barged into the lecture room still flustered from her encounter with Charlie.

Mr. Geven, their no-nonsense French teacher, wasted no time and snapped, " Où allez-vous? " ( "Where are you going?" ) in French.

Monica, eager to avoid any more trouble, quickly responded with a humble " Désolé monsieur  " ( "Sorry, sir" ) in French.

Mr. Geven wasn't in a forgiving mood and promptly delivered his verdict: " Detention. "

And with that, the first day of college had already descended into drama, French-style.


As Mr. Geven, the French teacher, continued with his lecture, Loki couldn't help but sneak glances at Monica, his one and only mate, who happened to be a human and already had a boyfriend, a rather foolish one at that. His thoughts were filled with a mix of curiosity and longing, wondering how this unexpected twist in his college life going to challenge him.

Monica sat a few rows ahead of him, her posture tense, and her face a mixture of concentration and lingering frustration. Her attempts to focus on the French lecture were evident, as she flipped through her textbook and scribbled down notes with determination, all in an effort to push the earlier confrontation out of her mind.

Mr. Geven, a man with a penchant for making his students sweat, posed a particularly challenging question in flawless French. The entire class held its breath. Monica hesitated for a split second, uncertainty clouding her eyes, but then she answered correctly, her pronunciation impeccable. It was a skillful dodge, ensuring she didn't draw any further attention from the teacher. A collective exhale of relief swept through the classroom.

Despite her success in avoiding the teacher's scrutiny, the tension in the room remained palpable. The earlier confrontation with Charlie still hung in the air like a heavy cloud, casting a shadow over what should have been a simple French lesson.

Loki, too, was trying his best to follow Mr. Geven's lecture. However, with the ongoing drama and the anticipation of his first day at college, his mind wandered more than once. He glanced at Lilly, seated beside him, who appeared to be the embodiment of diligence. She was taking meticulous notes, her pen dancing gracefully across the pages of her notebook.

The minutes dragged on like hours, and Loki couldn't help but feel relieved when Mr. Geven finally announced the end of the class. The collective sound of students packing up and shuffling their belongings filled the room, a symphony of relief and anticipation.

Monica, however, remained seated, her expression still marred by the earlier confrontation. She seemed lost in thought, perhaps contemplating the impending detention or her ongoing relationship troubles.

happy reading guys

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