
Loki's Death

Gungnir shook as did Zeus lightning bolt, the lightning bolt shot from Hercules hand shooting off like a star. Gungnir soon did the same, Hercules feel to the ground like a drug the lost of power made him crave it more but he was temporarily paralyzed.

The lightning bolt had left but the storms only got crazier. Soon Thor wielding his mighty hammer Mjolnir showed up. Usually he would jump straight into the fight but he could feel his brother's life force fading. Behind him stood Syr with a face of panic. Thor immediately landed next to Loki kneeling by his side. Loki opened his eyes coughing up blood doing his best to keep his trade mark smirk on his face.

Loki chuckled looking at Thor who's duress had already started to water"You're late once again Dear brother." Thor laughed hearing Loki ever since they were kids he struggled with being on time but this was one of the moments that he wished b he had shown up earlier.

Thor leaned over picking Loki up " I would have been here sooner but Father and Zeus had a small fight one that left me trapped in Asgard. Syr here did her best to speed things up but it appears fate wasn't on our side." Syr could barely hold herself together she kneeled beside Loki she knew he wouldn't make it.

"Thor train with everything you have I'm sure father and Zeus will agree that things should end here. With Hades death and my own things are even but peace won't last for long. Asgard will need you father can't be king forever you just become the king they need."

With those words Loki's lifeforce depleted leaving his body cold his eyes lifeless. His body turned to ash in Thor's arms if anyone ever retold the story one thing they would remember is a smirk never left his face even in death.

Thor's Screams could be heard miles away he looked towards the Greek Gods wanting to attack. To avenge his fallen brother but he trusted Loki so he grabbed Syr and flew away back to Asgard.


In the beautiful city off Asgard Odin say upon his throne his eye patch removed as he shed a tear for his dead son. His right eye was missing but for Odin that was his advantage for he saw every thing through that missing eye. The past, the present, and even the future he knew that Loki would return one day.

He looked down at Midgard where Loki sent his children and his pregnant wife. They would be In danger Zeus wouldn't be content with just Loki's death he would target his friends and family.

Odin raised his right hand as his right eye shined white "A line divine, on Midgard Lay, No Gods in no Gods out Starting on this day." Odin whispered these words making Midgard a God free zone. This wasn't possible with just his power he had friends in higher places than himself that would make sure his words came to be.


Only Three Gods were on earth when Odin passed his magical decree. All three were Kin and children of Loki. They each had spouses and children who they would never speak to again.

Fenrir's wife gave birth to a new race known as werewolves. Loki was known for his shapeshifting which extended to his children Fenrir married a human in his human for he had white/silver hair. Each of his children had the ability to shift into werewolves their for was silver like fenrir's.

Jormungand The world eating serpent's wife gave birth to a race just as powerful Vampires. Each child had serpent like teeth and red eyes.

Loki's daughter Hel gave birth to a more humans but like their mother they had control over the supernatural, Witches.

All three siblings were close and that extended to their families but when they were dragged from Midgard each family split up.

Loki's wife created a beautiful kingdom named Valyria. All supernatural beings were welcomed there. Things were peaceful but as time passed bloodlines started to weaken.

The werewolves number grew leading to more Alphas those whose eyes shined red. this power couldn't be stolen only given but now only one alpha had white/silver fur similar to fenrir's.

The Vampires soon realised the weaker their bloodline the harder it was for them to have children.

War soon broke out between both races weakening them even more. The witches stayed to themselves wanting nothing to do with either race.

Soon centuries had passed Loki was still dead and his descendants weak. Odin did his best to keep other gods from Midgard but he had no idea how long it would last.

The Royal family of Valyria soon found themselves in trouble. Someone had cursed their bloodline and though they kept it under wraps it was still troubling. Every king would go crazy making irrational choices and becoming paranoid. It got so bad that they only allowed themselves one son knowing a family if lunatics could destroy Valyria. ( just so everyone know Valyria another world like fillory in the magician tv show. They can travel to earth but they haven't developed knew technologies become dependent on witches and the supernatural.)


700 years since the death of Loki

In Valyria a broken land once plagued by wars between werewolves and vampires a new king was crowned. His name, Alexander Anthony Wilson the new king was currently standing in his bedroom looking out the window.

He turned as he felt someone land behind him. "Who are you." A beautiful woman stood behind him her beauty surprised him. He was speechless as he stared at her.(Margot Robby maybe)

"I'm Emilia Storm, your mother sent me to warm you not to take the throne once you do a curse will fall upon you."

Alexander could only sigh he could already feel it something was happening to his body. "It's too late I didn't have a choice, My father failed as king and for that this place has suffered I had to take the throne to free them from this oppression."

He looked behind her to see a man with long black hair in a suit and tie. He reminded him of Loki from the first avengers movie. The man was leaning against the door bored out of his mind.

Alexander was right he didn't just look like Loki he was Loki. Though not the one from the movies the real Loki. Loki looked on as Alexander stared at him.

"Did you bring someone with you." Alexander asked Emilia with a glint of crazy in his eyes.

"You hear it don't you?" Emilia asked worried.

"Hear what?" Alexander turned back to Emilia, "Every king hears the voice, it never stops talking the more it does the crazier they go. Though the words do give them strength they also twist their mind making them erratic and paranoid."

Alex shook his head "No I don't hear anything but I can see him I'm guessing he's the one that's been talking every king before into buffoons." It was Emilia's turn to b be shocked no king had ever reported of seeing where the voice came from.

"You can see me?" Loki's voice filled the room yet only Alexander could hear him.

AN:This is just what had happened since he died if you guys are interested check out Verdun Accademy it's about the vamps,wolves, and witches. Next chapter will be a time skip right now Loki's body is incorpereal but next chapter it becomes tangible.