
Loki And The Hidden World

Zion_Paton · Fantasy
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4 Chs

In the Beginning...

There was nothing. Then a titan smashes into another titan making a massive sound. then fast forward a few millennia then you have Asgard, yes, the true throne of the Gods the home of the aesir.

They all lived happily together ruling realms of their own. Some realms they ruled together and even some realms were not ruled at all. Before we get to the painstakingly long process it will take to explain all of that, the first thing you need to know is above all else the most important thing in Asgard is power.

Some of the aesir like Odin were born with the strength of a many aesir and increased his power by trading an eye for infinite wisdom, others were blessed with much more power like Aphrodite have the power to charm others to do their bidding, never needing to make such exchanges. No matter how you look at it the one that holds the strongest power is the one the rules Asgard.

Our story is as complex as the history of Asgard its self and is as tall as the family tree of the aesir. We will be following one aesir teenager named Loki. He is the most misunderstood aesir alive. All aesir and most mortals see him as evil, being that he is the one foretold to bring about Ragnarok the end of days.

What if I told you he was just a young man trying to fight the same prophecy he is despised for. What if I said he would rather see lives saved rather see lives wasted. With a passionate belief in the potential of others, this aesir is more selfless than the rest.

Loki is living his life trying to find who he is and why he was cursed to live as he does, while under this great expectation of his heritage. His father Farbauti a giant and mother Laufey a Goddess. Adopted by the great All-Father Odin so he himself can keep an eye on the child of calamity. In Name, Linage, Race and Prophecy he has a lot to live up to.

Loki always hated that people saw him as evil. He hated how people never asked his opinion. He hated that no one tried to spend time to get to know him. He hated how other aesir would disregard him. He was alone and shunned.

What would you do in that situation? How would you bring worth to a life where no matter what you do it will be seen as a failure? what lengths would you goto to prove them wrong? how many years would you endure it until your will crumbled into dust?

Loki did everything he could just to get noticed, maybe his mother would look at him today, maybe Odin would spend time to scold him today, maybe one of the other aesir will speak to him today. Every day was the same fighting for interaction no one was ever going to give him. Against all odds Loki kept believing in his potential he can be recognized, he will be important, the aesir will recognize his power. Alas never has this goal been even close to been realised but never did Loki give up, never did he lose hope for one day it will happen.

All of the aesir have their own measure of power and abilities. Loki has the ability to hide in shadows and the power of telekinesis - to move things with his mind. He can also make himself look like other aesir and even look like mortals, he can appear as a woman if the mood strikes him to do so. He can also force others to assume a different appearance, but only for a short time.

For the most part as an aesir he is rather lacking in real power, he is young for an aesir. 8 Millennia old the human equivalent of 16. He is inexperienced and has had no one teach him how to develop his power. At this time all his abilities are only good for is playing a few pranks. Getting out of trouble, and bringing a mug of ale floating across a table.

(Note: Though Loki is a teenager in maturity only he is an aesir of thousands of years of age, Drinking underage is extremely dangerous to your health and wellbeing. Always wait till the legal age of drinking and always drink responsibly)

Life for Loki was always like this thanks to the curse of his birth. The day of Loki's birth a Norn, a future seers came to read his fate. For the whole day, she wailed and cried for hours on end, screaming "This cursed child will be the one to rule over Ragnarock" saying this over and over till she passed out from exhaustion.

Ragnarock has been the name of the end of days a story of a great calamity. This caused much drama for the aesir. knowing this child would be the one to bring around Ragnarok made the aesir consider many dark and depraved options, Enslaving, killing, brainwashing and everything in between. Killing a god is no easy feat even if it is a baby. The closest any of the aesir came to this was Odin when he revolted against his father. It took himself and 2 of his brothers to attempt to murder him, with the outcome been only able to behead him. This means the murder of an Immortal is out of the question and that only left one other option, the day of the awakening.

(By Asgard law no God can be tried as an adult unless they participate in the awakening, no God can be stripped of their immortality unless they are convicted as a criminal, by failing the awakening you commit the crime of not fulfilling the order of Odin)

The day of awakening, the day Lord Odin gives a realm to any fledgling aesir to look after and do with as they see fit. A rite of passage, coming of age, an awakening of dormant power. Only here can Loki be stripped of his immortal life and then his life be snuffed out, the balance of power kept intact and the days of the realms continue counting.

As for the next day of awakening, there are 3 Fledgling Gods to be tested:

Rachel a snot-nosed kid younger than Loki only been 5 millennia old maturity of a 10-year-old. Has no understanding of the Asgard, Doted over by her father Poseidon. Daddies little princess getting everything and anything she asks for. In simple words a stuck up snob bitch.

A noble knight type Flint the son of Aphrodite, around the same age as Loki. 8 and a half millennia maturity of a 17-year-old. sees all others aesir as beneath him. Having dreams of grandeur to be the hero of all realms trying to save mortals from accidental death, even though knowing in a short time their life will end no matter what you do.

Loki, the despised adopted son of Odin. A boy with no real talent or power. A nobody that can be swept under the rug for no one to ever see again. That is if the aesir has their way with him.