
Loki And The Hidden World

Zion_Paton · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Rock in Space

As the fading voices and commotion of the great hall start to clear from Lokis mind he opens his eyes to see a grey dust cloud clearing. As his eyes adjust Loki sees that the ground is grey the rocks are grey not a single plant in sight. The sky is night and the temperature is fridged. (I need to get my bearings before I attempt to find any people)~Loki. Loki begins to walk for a while until he comes to footprints in the grey sand. (well at least there is someone here) ~Loki. Loki then picks up the pace walking faster than before following the footprints until he sees a 2nd set appear in the grey sand. At that point what is going on dawns upon Loki as he sees the 2 sets of footprints are the same. "That conniving old man sent me to an asteroid!" ~Loki. As Loki plays closer attention to the stars he can tell the asteroid is flying at an incredible speed. (I'm done, I was set up by that bastard Odin, no way will I ever find a worshiper here. I better say goodbye to my immortality,) Loki decided to walk to the very front of the asteroid and sits on the grey sand looking in the direction the asteroid is flying. watching nothing but the stars fly by. (Maybe I might see something interesting if I sit here,) ~Loki.

Back in the great hall Poseidon, Aphrodite and Odin all stand together watching the events unfold from the projector crystal balls. Seeing that Loki was sent to an empty asteroid has caused a commotion among the aesir some saying it was unfair and Loki has all rights to be tested properly, while others rejoice at his bleak situation. "Been that Loki will be mortal by tomorrow maybe I should prepare to visit him in Midgard," ~Poseidon. "Never assume all is done until it has happened," ~Odin. "We need to make sure nothing changes over the next 24 hours. This cures can finally end," ~Aphrodite. The announcer for this event is Baldr a Major Aesir and son of Odin, Baldr starts his broadcast to the Aesir in the great hall, "And that mark's the first hour of the awakening. Rachel surprised us all with been teleported right into the heart of a summoning circle a small witch's enclave made. She played along and she now has 12 Worshipers. The world she was sent to is a world completely covered in water, the race that inhabits the world Merpeople. Playing to her strong abilities and powers, Poseidon made a fantastic choice. Flint appeared out of thin air on a road where a battle between men and beasts was been held. Flint using his incredible strength, one of his abilities slaughtered every best in the area to our count 121 beasts in 1 hour, that's 2 a minute. With that action he has been hailed as the God of the hunt - 51 soldiers are worshipping him. The world Aphrodite choose is earth type world its people have lived by a strong Knights code that suits Flint to the ground, the people there should be able to connect to him through his convictions alone, The inhabitants are Human. That leaves the final contestant, Loki in the last hour has walked around an astroid 3 times and decided to stargaze. has he already given up? I will keep you updated as time ticks down, Loki is in the danger zone here and may lose before we get started. Remember to place your bets, current odds are Flint 1:3 Rachel 3:1 And Loki 5000:1 odds change hourly so get in fast,"~Baldr.

(Gambling and betting is an adult pass time, in all things in this matter remember to never bet what you cant afford to lose, in fact never think you will ever win no matter how much you put down. Believe that if you gamble you only do it for the enjoyment of playing a game never for the chance to win money. gambling can be very addictive if you know anyone that has a problem with it help is never far away. Seek advice from your Doctor.)

Loki, sitting and steering into the abyss of space. (Its been about 23 hours now and nothing has happened I guess this was truly a setup, I can't believe Odin would do this to me, he always said he believed in my potential as an aesir. Well I can't do anything about it now, I could just vanish when I am teleported back and just run away but what the point, Odin always was able to find me.)

"We are coming into the last 15 minutes of day 1 it looks like things are looking bad for Loki"~Baldr

As Loki is steering into the abyss he sees the sea of stars fade away around him, all that is around is just blackness looking in disbelief he sees a small planet system, a star a planet and two moons, the planet starts to grow bigger and bigger, it becomes a small blue ball and continues to grow. "I hope this astroid ain't heading towards that planet, that's the last thing I need"~Loki. The planet gets closer and closer appearing huge in front of Loki, the astroid keeps hurling itself directly at the planet. Knowing that this asteroid is going to hit soon Loki's thoughts turn to the people that could live there. (I must try and prevent any casualties, this must be the old man's idea of a joke to send me out like this. All things have potential didn't you teach me that father, why waste lives even if they are mortal?) Loki begins to try and control the asteroid with his telekinesis, (I must force its speed down and get it to land in the water) "Rock that has cursed me, you will slow down and obey my will, you will turn towards the water and become a new island, you will cause no damage and no lives will be lost, you will become land for new life and your potential will be realised," ~Loki. A great aura seeps out of Loki and envelops the astroid and begins to slow it down. (If only someone was worshipping me this would be easier I hope I have enough power to do this) as the astroid is flying over the land Loki can see distinct villages dotting the land. "Astroid I command as the Son of all Aesir you will obey me, fall to the feet of this land and become new land" ~Loki. Loki falling to a knee exhorting every ounce of his power to slow this rock down, Blood starts to drip from his nose and tears of blood fall from his eyes. With every effort, Loki can muster the asteroid is been slowed and aimed towards the Southern coast of the main continent.

*Bang... BOOM... Splash....* The astroid touches down in the water with a ginormous sound sending tidal waves out in all directions. *Crack... BOOM... Crack... Creak...* The entire world shakes violently as what seems as a tectonic plate cracking in half. The seas start to uncontrollably move violently reshaping the world and the oceans. Many people lost their lives in the great star-fall floods, tidal waves and earthquakes. only people that were inland were safe but they all felt the effects of what was happening and will continue to do so for years to come.

Loki standing on top of the space rock looking over the ocean can't believe he is still on top of the rock.

"What a twist of events, for Loki, but it may be too late for him to do anything we have less than a minute remaining," ~Baldr.

(Well maybe I saved some lives,)~Loki... With that passing thought, Loki drops flat on the astroid face covered in blood, Losing consciousness a females voice rings in his ear "Thank you"~Unknown.

24 Hour total count:

Rachel - 32 Worshipers,

Flint - 103 Worshipers,

Loki - 1 Worshiper.