
Loki's Redemption

Loki's in for it now. Odin has had enough and has banished him to Earth to relearn some lessons. Too bad he hadn't paid attention to where Loki ended up. Now Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, has to deal with memories that aren't his own while he gets his revenge on those who sought to use him as a weapon. Can Harry regain what he lost, or will his past self take control first? This is not mine i found it onlineand like the scrolling function on webnovel so posting it

UnknownSI · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 6

Harry woke to the sound of banging. He looked at the clock.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" he demanded.

"2 in the morning. Come on, there's an event happening," said Jane bluntly.

"What sort of event, and it had better be damn good or I'll be leaving even more traps in your system," he warned.

Jane showed him the picture she had taken a few hours ago. Harry blearily looked at it as his eyes were strained from reading for hours, and he had just gone to bed an hour ago.


"So this could prove my theory!"

"Right. I am leaving new traps in your computers for this. I only went to sleep an hour ago," he said yawning.

"And I thought you would be interested in coming," she said annoyed. At this point she was used to the little 'traps' Harry somehow left on her computer. She could exit within five seconds after setting one off.

It took Darcy five minutes, and Erik ten. They found it easier to just hit mute and let the video play out...by that time they could exit out without setting off a secondary trap.

Jane took solace in the fact that if anyone did steal her computer, they would be in for an unpleasant surprise. Harry had made a magical virus that would infect any servers near the computer that was trapped. If someone tried to hack her computer and steal her research, it would immediately jump into any computers near her laptop and trap them all until they paid Harry to remove it.

If he was feeling particularly vindictive, he would leave it dormant to be activated again at any time.

Harry was leaning against the door, his eyes half open. He had decided against taking any pepper up, mostly because he fully intended to go back to sleep once this was over.

Suddenly an aurora appeared over the desert, and Darcy started racing towards where the instruments said that something would hit.

Harry was wide awake, and he felt the memory block straining and finally settling.

He knew what this was, he had traveled it before multiple times before.

The Bifrost.

He was very glad he had buckled up, because Jane was fighting Darcy over whether to enter it or not. Suddenly there was someone there and they narrowly avoided hitting them.

This...this was entirely too familiar.

Memories were really trying to break loose now and Harry wasn't happy about it. If he had wanted to remember, he would have broken the block months ago that day when his body slowly shifted away from being entirely human.

He didn't know who he had been before, but he knew there was a reason why he had been sent to Earth in human form...and why the name Loki had felt so hauntingly familiar.

Whoever they had hit started yelling names only Harry recognized.

'So this is an Asgardian? Wonder what he did to piss off his superiors...' mused Harry.

The second his eyes met with the blond lunatic, memories came to him of a name.

Thor. God of Thunder and Prince of Asgard.

He also caught glimpses of Thor doing something that angered another, one he remembered on the days prior to his body shifting away from humanity.

Odin, King of the Asgard and Thor's father.

So Thor had done something to anger Odin enough to warrant a lesson in humility? How amusing.

"Loki! Send me back now!" he roared.

The moment Thor touched his arm, he reacted.

Harry didn't just focus on his studies when he had been taking those college courses...he had also taken time out to learn how to defend himself after one too many drinks.

Harry slammed his leg into the lunatic's body, sending his center of gravity off-course and giving him the perfect chance to flip him. Just to make sure the idiot got the message, he kicked him hard in the balls.

"My name...is Harry you imbecilic moron. And if you touch me again I'll do worse than kick you in the chones," he snarled.

Harry was not a very nice person when he hadn't had much sleep.

Seeing him about to get up, Harry took the taser Darcy always had on her and gave the idiot a good reason to stay down.

"Who the hell is that guy anyway?" asked Darcy after they had dumped him at the hospital. It had taken four men to subdue the raving man.

"His name is Thor. And he's an idiot. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to get some much needed sleep. Wake me up only if the Frost Giants descend or the world ends. Anything less than that will earn you some rather humiliating hexes," warned Harry, yawning widely.

"Night short stuff," said Darcy waving him off.

Erik wanted to know how Harry knew the man, but wisely decided to wait until morning first. No way in hell was he getting on Harry's bad side when he was tired and cranky.

Harry woke up around noon the next morning and immediately poured some pepper-up potion into his boiling hot coffee. Two shots of that and he was ready to deal with this headache.


"Hey Harry. It's noon," said Darcy cheerfully.

"Where are Jane and Erik?"

"Getting the mystery man from the hospital."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Call me if he says anything intelligent. I need to fly after being dragged out of my bed at two in the damn morning just to find a raving idiot," said Harry.

Darcy tossed him a bag. He opened it to find donuts inside. He winked at her before he took off on his new broom.

It was thanks to his flight that he stumbled across what appeared to be a meteor landing site.

At the center was a massive hammer, one he recognized as Mjolnir.

Placing a single hand on the hilt of the hammer, Harry reached out with his magic.

It thrummed, almost as if it was alive.

He tried picking it up. He picked it up, but it was too heavy for him to use at all. Still, the very fact it had deemed him worthy enough to pick up seemed to be a very good thing in his mind. He left it there, but laced enough spells that anyone who tried to take it or move it would find it very hard going.

He left the area to get something to eat...lifting that hammer had taken all of his strength and he had the feeling that this mystery person named Thor would have answers.

He came into the dinner just as Thor destroyed the coffee cup. He could hear Jane chastise him and rolled his eyes.

"A cup of coffee and perhaps a burger and fries," he said to the waitress.

Thor's eyes immediately went to him and he said happily "Loki!"

Harry turned and glared at him.

"My name you simpering oaf, is Harry. If I am to be forced to deal with your presence then for the love of magic get my name right. Loki may be my patron god but that does not give you the right to call me by that name," he snarled.

"Yeah, Harry is not a happy wizard when his sleep is interrupted and he has to deal with idiots in the morning," said Darcy.

Thor looked very confused.

"Your magic and speech is almost identical to my brother Loki's."

"I'll take that as a compliment. From what I know of Loki he seems to be the only intelligent one of the two of you," said Harry sarcastically.

"Order up!" shouted the cook.

"Thank you," said Harry, setting down next to the counter to eat his lunch. He was going to need migraine relievers at this rate.

"So Harry, where did you fly off to this time?" asked Jane.

"I went out into the desert. Someone's left a rather large warhammer with Norse runes all over it in the middle of a massive crater. Which means that SHIELD is likely on it's way to confiscate it...and once they find out about tall, dumb and blond they'll probably steal your research. I'll be sure to make copies of everything once I'm done."

"What's SHIELD?" asked Darcy.

"Some UN organization that tries to end threats before they become threats to the world. Once they find out about this idiot being here through unusual means they'll be all over you three. The man who runs it is extremely paranoid. Fortunately they can't touch my residence because of the spells I have on it, though I would enjoy watching them try," said Harry evilly.

Once he finished his lunch, he went to work making duplicates of Jane's research. He had already set his laptop on monitoring SHIELD last week and right now it was a hotbed of activity. It would take them several hours to come down this far and he planned to make their stay miserable at least.

Once he was done he left Jane's old laptop out with the virus she hated so much dormant for the moment.

Jane had gotten a new one after he had infected her first with that virus, only to discover that it could jump computers. She had kept the new laptop and left her old one as a back-up in case her new one crashed.

And now it would be his trap for when SHIELD confiscated Jane's research. That should be amusing to watch.

Harry woke up from his nap to find Thor outside.

He took a shot of migraine reliever, as he felt that this idiot would be getting on his nerves very quickly.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I want to know why Odin sent you to Earth in the form of a human. I can tell you are my brother Loki, but at the same time you are not," he said flatly.

"I thought Odin made you human? How the hell can you possibly know if I am Loki or just a wizard who happens to worship him?"

"I knew Loki best next to our mother. Despite the mortal shell you wear, I would know him anywhere."

"Get in here. For the time being I will allow you into my house. Annoy me too much and I will have the wards throw you out."

Thor went in, noting with surprise how big it was.

"Now what do you know of Loki? And what do you mean by mortal shell?" said Harry flatly.

"Loki is my brother. The last I saw of him we had just come back from an ill-advised trip to Jotunheim to demand answers for why they interrupted the coronation ceremony. Father sent me down here as a lesson and took all my powers...when I saw you I thought he had done the same," said Thor.

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"A few months ago I felt something being removed...a block of some type. Shortly after I was able to bend steel. If what you say is true, then chances are that I am also paying for something and have recently been released. However, that doesn't mean that Loki and I are the same. I have no desire to see Asgard and frankly I find you irritating beyond belief," said Harry.

"So you are Loki! I knew it!" said Thor happily.

"All signs point to the fact that I used to be Loki, and that I was sentenced to the same lesson you are learning right now. However I have no intention of returning to being Loki at the moment...I'm having far too much fun here on Earth to want to go back."

"Fun?" Thor perked up.

Harry gave him a tooth-filled grin.

"I'm a magical lawyer...people pay me to get out of trouble and to make the lives of others miserable. I'm well known to the minority groups with powers as the Viper, and anyone caught on the wrong end of my bad mood is liable to get bitten," said Harry.

"What is a lawyer?" asked Thor.

"Someone paid to talk people out of trouble after stupid stunts, or to defend them if they are charged with something that wasn't their fault," said Harry. It was his basic job description.

"Truly a job my brother would enjoy! We called him the Silvertongue for all the times he got us out of trouble!" said Thor jovially.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Now unless you have something you needed, would you mind leaving? Being around such rampant stupidity gives me migraines," said Harry.

"Of course brother!"

"For the last time, I'm not Loki! My name is Harry!" he snapped.

"Of course...Harry," winked Thor.

"Gods he is such an idiot!" said Harry closing the door and locking it.

In Asgard...

"My Lord, Thor has found Loki's mortal self. I believe his memories are now returning," said Heimdall.

"Good. What of Loki's mortal self?"

"...He was able to lift Mjolnir, though he did not keep it," said Heimdall.

Odin paused and looked at Heimdall in shock.


"Harry Potter recognized the hammer and was able to lift it, though it appeared too heavy for him to keep it. He also left spells so that no one unworthy could remove it without consequences. Thor has also recognized Loki despite the fact that his memories are more or less still sealed."

"What happened?"

"Loki not only beat Thor in combat, but he also incapacitated him with ease," said Heimdall very amused.

"What magic did he use to accomplish such a feat?"

"No magic. He used some form of martial arts that no one on Asgard would use to knock Thor on his ass."

Odin laughed, though it was a heavy sound. Perhaps Harry would give Thor the kick in the right direction he needed.

It was too easy to call Loki's mortal self by another name...Harry Potter was like him in many ways but his personality was almost completely different. Once Loki was banished again perhaps Harry would retake his mantle as the God of Mischief.

It would have been interesting to see how Loki reacted to his mortal shell...and the fact that Harry Potter was a known Loki worshipper. That headache alone would have been worth seeing the look on his face.

Thor went into the area Harry had found his hammer, and tried to pick it up. Harry could have told him that he wouldn't succeed, but the chance that the idiot would be away from him for several hours had stilled his tongue.

Instead of dealing with his current headache, Harry decided to grab a dictionary and look up synonyms for idiot. He would spend the better part of an hour coming up with ways to insult Thor without letting the man know he was insulting him.

Ah, the fun of being a lawyer. You could mock people and they wouldn't even realize what you called them until later.