
Login in Ben 10 (adaptation, not original)

(english is not my first language) Bryce was reincarnated into the Ben 10 universe and now begins his journey with a login system alongside max, ben and gwen. It is not my original novel, I just use a translator and then try to adapt it to make it more enjoyable for others this is the original link http://ffxs8.com/trxs/16908/1.html

Dagon_vcg · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Capitulo 35

Chapter 35 Mama Krakken to the Rescue!

XLR8 quickly knocked Jonah out so he wouldn't waste any more time.

With Jonah's entire group knocked out.

The krakken took no more artillery fire, so he was able to get closer to the deck to look for her hatchling.

XLR8 took the sealed box and placed it in front of the krakken and before he could witness the reunion, he disappeared in a blur of blue and black, he needed to reach the shore before his time ran out.

He didn't want to worry his family by waiting for the omnitrix to recharge, but when he was halfway there.

"biu biu biu~"

at that moment.

The omnitrix icon suddenly started flashing red.

He watched the omnitrix icon flicker, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he yelled in his heart, "it's over!!"

Bryce appeared in the middle of the lake with a burst of red light and began to sink very deep due to the speed of XLR8!

He tried to forcefully swim to the surface of the lake as fast as his boyish body would allow.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!!"

Bryce gritted his teeth, exerting his physical energy to the extreme in a short period of time, waving his arms under the water.


The surface in front of his eyes became brighter and brighter, and as he headed up, his body reached its limit.

His physical strength was gradually exhausted and his limbs became a bit sore and weak. It seemed that he had no strength to continue swimming!

My own strength is not enough to swim that high! Not even an adult can do it!

"It's over... I thought I'd die under the Vilgax army at the very least. I didn't expect to drown directly. This is too pointless, right?!" I look at the Omnitrix, he is still in the recharge state, showing red color!

What I can do?


at that moment!

Bryce felt that the water below had violent fluctuations, and there were even waves around him, as if the lake water in this area was rough!

A huge back suddenly emerged from under Bryce, supporting his gradually weakening body from him!

It's the kraken!

His body was against the surface of the lake, supporting Bryce's sunken body with his back, his head slightly above the water, and facing Bryce.

His pups were rescued by bryce. At first he didn't know that Bryce was the strange creature that helped her.

But after the red flash, where the creature that gave him his offspring disappeared and in his place a child emerged, it was that he understood, in his eyes, the child who helped him is his friend!


Bryce spread his arms wide and grabbed the fur on the kraken's back. He thought that the krakken would want to eat him, but seeing that he brought it to the surface, his originally nervous expression loosened and he breathed a sigh of relief: "thanks for the help".

His ability to understand helped him understand a little why he helped him.

"go there please"

Bryce pointed his finger at the position of the boat, and he could vaguely see a small black shadow in the distance, it was Max and the others with a boat!

The sea monster began to swim, and Bryce's palms gripped the monster's fur firmly. The next second, it was like riding a yacht, and the surrounding environment began to move rapidly. The sea monster below began to swim with all its might.

There is no water sport more exciting than this!

A/N: I'm sorry if the chapter seems rushed, but trying to summarize and fix 10 pointless filler chapters and make sense of the follow-up plot doesn't make it easy for me, the krakken didn't attack bryce because she was more worried about his eggs, and she doesn't know that ripjaw is bryce, he only knows that bryce is XLR8, the next chapters are to close this story arc, I'm planning a batman the dark night moment, thanks for reading