
New enemy

The nanotechnology used by the planet was not conventional nanotechnology. The problem with using nanotechnology as heat conductors is that the cooling systems for the nanotech itself is extremely delicate. Even a single wrong heat distribution can destroy whole machines based on nanotechnology.

But the planet used nanotechnology as microorganisms. The microorganisms of the planet Cybertron were also robotic based. The microorganisms were a icosahedron in shape. The microorganisms created heat distribution pathways in real-time by sensing the location of the highest temperatures.

But another thing that the microorganisms used was the aerogel that Shockwave was trying to use. The microorganisms produces a powder-like substance, which protects the microorganisms directly from the heat and helps them survive in those conditions.

Using the data and parameters he recieved he tried creating those microorganisms but failed everytime. The problem was that he couldn't properly program the microorganisms to behave the way that he wanted.

He tried using his Creation ability, but he was facing a large and peculiar problem. Randomisation. The microorganisms would not be the same and should not be the same. Each microorganisms HAD to be unique. The reason, if one model of the organism couldn't handle one task, they would find the one who has the best body structure to handle the task, and replicate that. But one thing that Shockwave is not good at is making random things.

So after thinking about it, he created a different machine the size of a human fist which was then placed inside Shockwave's chest. This machine was given the base parameters of the microorganisms and would create random organisms based on the variables provided to the machine. The machine would take energy from his core, but due to it being energy-hungry, the machine will only be activated when the previous microorganisms are dead or are in critical condition.

With the problem of heat distribution solved. He started working on the laser. The laser worked in a very unique way. When he is about to start the lasers, the insides of his cannon transform into a reflective surface. Then Honkai energy from his core his then transferred to his arm, where the potent but dissipated Honkai energy gets reflected off of the reflective surfaces again and again till the energy forms an extremely thin but powerful beam which is then released. But each usage of the laser costs nearly 5 units of energy. Creating the laser weapon was an easy task for him. After creating it, he tried it out on the Titans and trees of the nearby forest. Satisfied with the result he started work on his next project. A way to keep his vehicle mode flying even in low speeds. To improve this he just had to do a very task. Change the thrusters in his jet mode so that the also provide levitation. After changing those, he was finally going to experiment on the Titan blood that he recieved nearly two years earlier.

The first thing he did was to try inserting the spinal fluid of the Titan shifters into pure Titans. The result was the same as when he tried it out with the spinal fluid of the Female Titan. All the tests subject died within a minute from the application of the spinal fluid.

He then tried a different approach next. He tried inserting the mixture of the spinal fluids into a single pure Titan. Though the Titan was alive for a little longer, the death of the Titan was extremely violent. After trashing and screaming for 10 whole minutes, the Titan then exploded into pieces.

Interested in this, he went outside his lab to capture more pure Titans, but he found out a taller than average Titan just a few hundred metres away from him. He was about to turn around to go hunt that Titan, but he was suddenly under the barrage of hundreds of rocks trying to hit him at high velocity.

The rocks impacted Shockwave's body. Though the rocks left many dents and cracks on his armour, he was relatively unharmed from the barrage. He started repairing his body and looked up towards the one who threw the rocks. He looked towards a 17 meters tall Titan. It had a very hairy body and had extremely thin and long arms. The Titan then picked up another rock from the ground and was about to throw it again, but Shockwave was faster. He quickly lifted his cannon up and activated the laser, cutting the Titan in two pieces through its chest. Shockwave reached the Titan and saw that even on the ground, it tried to throw the rocks without any proper aim. As if it was doing it in a trance.

Shockwave inserted his fingers into the neck of the beast Titan and extracted a little bit of spinal fluid. He then tore open the neck of the Titan and saw that the Titan was actually a Titan shifter. He about to crush the human but the human kept on repeating over and over again, "Beast Titan. kill. Demon Titan. For. the. Founding Titan. for Ymir. for... Historia..." After which the human died on his own. Shockwave was a little weirded out but decided to ignore it. He then extracted the blood of the human from its corpse.

Finding such a great find, he was about to go inside his lab again to try out new experiments. But suddenly, the ground started shaking.

In his radar, Shockwave saw all the Titans in his surroundings, heading towards him. But another Titan was leading all the other Titans. He looked up and saw the Titan leading the other Titans. A 300metre tall Titan, which looked like the female Titan but was crawling on all fours. The abdomen of the Titan was opened up and he ribs were getting dragged along the ground. Suddenly, the tremors started increasing. What he saw next was enough to even make his cold robot mind become suprised. Thousands of Colossal Titans were walking towards him.

The huge Female Titan then lowered her head and brought her face right infront of Shockwave and roared extremely loudly. Hearing that roar every single Titan present started going into a frenzy and also started roaring.

Shockwave then got into a combat stance and his driller bot also surrounded him gaurding him from the other Titans.

Shockwave was now prepared to fight one of the most difficult battles of his life.