While he was falling from the atmosphere, he looked at himself and saw that currently he was in a capsule used by Cybertronians to enter Earth.
He then started to break himself out of the capsule and transformed into a jet. But the moment he tried transform into a jet, suddenly his body turned into numerous small cube like structures which then reassembled themselves into a Cybertronian jet.
Shockwave felt disoriented for a moment but realised the advantages of such a body. If he wants to he can be completely intangible to attacks just be removing the blocks that are about to be attacked.
He looked down and realised that he was in a modern version of Earth. Through the link that he created with the internet he found out that it was currently 2020. But he saw something irregular in the news articles, huge monsters called Kaijus attack the humans of this world. He kept on reading all the articles on Kaijus. He also hacked the databases of various High Tier organisations and read about all the research data on Kaijus. Shockwave thought that the Kaijus will be similar to the Titans of the previous world. But the Kaijus were huge! And rare! It was going to be a pain to steal a Kaiju corpse right from the humans but it was possible.
But something else caught his attention. To battle the Kaijus the humans created giant humanoid machines. And these machines that is called as Jaegers are immensely powerful. He started downloading all the blueprints of all the Jaegers ever created. He now had enough knowledge to create a Jaeger of his own but he felt that just with a few improvements the Driller-bots could be a lot more powerful.
By the time he was done reading all the files on Jaegers he had reached a place in Alaska completely devoid of any humans. Immediately a message blocked his vision.
[Redeploy Driller-bot?] To which Shockwave immediately chose yes. Instantly, his pet started to materialise in front of him. After his pet completely materialised he put his hand on its body and started his Creation ability. He tried to change the body of his pet and make it similar to his. He was only half succesful as he still didn't know the complete composition of his body currently.
He looked around himself and saw only ice as far as his optics can see. He started to use his new Telekinesis ability. He first removed the snow from his surroundings slowly and then used that snow to create mountains of ice around where he would be placing his base. After he had cleared the area he tried to use his new ability of Gravity manipulation.
He extremely slowly started to apply pressure on the ice surface. The surface started to get more compact and firmer. Happy with the results he for now only created a small research room, because he felt like he would have to move soon.
In a different place.
"Sir I lost the signal of that extraterrestrial piece of rock. It's as if it suddenly accelerated in a different direction." Said a man sitting in front of a hologram.
Behind him a dark-skinned man contemplated about the piece of information for a few seconds amd started giving out orders. "I want five ground teams searching for whatever it was that fell down. Search for it in a 50 mile radius of its original calculated landing point. Now, tell me about the whereabouts of Gipsy Danger."
The person infront of the hologram quickly replied to his superiors enquiry, "Sir, though the radar systems of the Jaeger is malfunctioning, the irregular signals recieved from Gipsy Danger indicate it to be heading towards Alaska."
His superior nodded and started barking out orders, "I want a team to head out for the safe extraction of Rayleigh Becket! I want another team to bring back the remains if Gipsy Danger back!" The other members in the room immediately started to follow his orders.
The man who was monitoring the data of the Jaegers started to discuss about their next course of action with his superior. Which caused him to miss the sudden blip on his radar indicating the unknown extraterrestrial object landed in Alaska. But the blip disappeared as soon as it came on the radar.
(AN: Prologue for the next world.
How is it?
BTW, after I asked the question of new world in the previous chapter, I got a whole lot of different options. Some I didn't even know could be written Fanfics about.
On another note, I uploaded the first chapter of my other Fanfic. It is called "Herscherr in the multiverse". No need to worry about this one. This one will be my main Fanfic and the other one will only be uploaded when I feel like it.
Anyways, Thanks for reading~)