
Logic Between Love

"Do you want to be a career woman or do you want to be my wife?" asked Wildan with a serious face. Nafisa is clearly surprised, she understands that there are men who like her. Meeting with Wildan with the aim of just looking for work, turned out to be a love bond. One strong reason for Nafisa not to pursue the love of her life is because she was born as a simple woman. Meanwhile Wildan, who has been looking for his true love, He used his logic to chase Nafisa. Is their love really anchored in the same heart?

Fifilani · Urban
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23 Chs

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Nafisa could only mumble in confusion. Her mother spilled all the complaints that were much more important at this time. In the midst of their anger, suddenly Fadli—Nafisa's last brother, approached the two of them.

More precisely, approaching her mother with a bit of her desire to be expressed.

"Mom, any money?" asked Fadli with his innocent face.

Saharia chuckles annoyed at her son's request. While Nafisa looked at her brother with a cynical look.

"The feeling yesterday you take money with mom, right?" said Nafisa frowning.

The boy was silent hearing the question from her daughter. He just looked at his mother with a sad expression. If it's like that, Saharia will surely melt.

The middle-aged woman took out a fifty thousand note from her purse. But it looks so heavy-hearted.

Nafisa's mother actually wanted to give the exact amount of ten thousand. But only big money is in the wallet.

"Don't spend it all. Give the change back to me," said Saharia with great emphasis on her son.

"Yes, Mom. Fadli go first,"

"That's a lie, Mom. Most of the rest is used for fun," said Nafisa annoyed.

"Ugh, what's wrong brother? This isn't your money, is it!" rebelled Fadli.

Nafisa wanted to immediately pinch her sister who was a dissident. But her mother immediately gave the eye code to Nafisa.

She was forced to restrain herself and could only snort roughly.

Meanwhile, Fadli casually stuck out his tongue as he passed Nafisa.

The boy walked cheerfully without guilt. After Fadli left, Nafisa looked at her mother with a flat expression.

"Mom … Fadli was given thirty thousand yesterday. Now ask for more. Don't you mind if Fadli always returns the money left over from the change?" asked Nafisa reminded.

Nafisa can't deny that her mother loves her youngest child too much.

"Don't be too harsh with your brother, Naf. The important thing is that he asked and was warned. That's much better than your brother stealing,"

Again, Nafisa could only hear such an answer from her mother. Defense answer. Never mind, compared to Nafisa with her brother, she is always cornered.

"That's why you quickly find a job. Or you look for a business on your cellphone. Instead of staying silent like this," Nafisa's mother continued.

Nafisa has always been the child to blame among all her siblings. But she understands, because the burden of being the first child is indeed very heavy. She is quite old.

However, Nafisa feels that she is not a child that the family can be proud of.

'Dear God, when will my suffering end up being a burden on the family?' Nafisa muttered while looking down.

Nafisa exhaled slowly and admits that she is the type of person who thinks more than acts.

If you are forced like this, Nafisa is eager to move quickly. She will come back again looking for work for sure.

"Yes, Mom. Later Nafisa will try to find another job. Hopefully someone will accept it,"

"Heuh! Where else do you want to find work, Naf? You have distributed all your files to offices. Those with your files will be misused by other people,"

Nafisa's mother is a little pessimistic if her child will look for an office job. Although her intelligence is quite good.

Still it's all pointless. Plus, her daughter's stature is far from good looking.

"At the very least, the files are thrown away, Mom. Come on, Mom, you don't have to think negatively first. Can you just pray for Nafisa to make it easier for her to find a job?" asked Nafisa quietly.

"Mom always prays for you. But I just doubt it. How can you not use insiders. Don't expect too much from office work, Naf,"

"So this mom told me to do odd jobs?" asked Nafisa coldly.

Nafisa rolled her eyes lazily. She should be encouraged, instead his mother made his spirit even more discouraged. Nafisa understands the direction of her mother's conversation, which asks Nafisa to be more tolerant.

If Nafisa's destiny is not to work in a company or office work, wear uniforms and go home from work regularly, then Nafisa should be self-aware. That's what she meant.

"Rather than we don't eat?" challenge her.

"Yeah, Mom. But isn't it—"

"Stop the prestige system, Naf," her mother interrupted firmly.

Nafisa who had intended to argue, now her tongue can no longer dodge. Nafisa is actually prestige if she doesn't use her diploma to apply for a job.

Nafisa is known on campus as a smart woman. In the smart sense of academic affairs. But not to have prestigious achievements such as participating in competitions and winning.

Moreover, until it is known by lecturers throughout the campus.

No… Nafisa's intelligence is just standard. Being diligent in going to college and doing assignments with the internet at that time might be very helpful.

Nafisa was able to get a good GPA and finished faster than her contemporaries at the time. After graduation, Nafisa realized that there was no point in pursuing a high GPA.

"I don't know, Mom. Nafisa comes in first. Dizzy thinking about life," Nafisa said then immediately shuffled off the sofa and walked to her room.


It could be because of what her mother said that she doubted that Nafisa worked in an office, so Nafisa did not get the job vacancy she hoped for.

It was quite difficult for Nafisa to find vacancies that matched her education.

Most of what she gets is work in food stalls, laundry, and shops.

But it looks like it's a lot better than zonk's quest. Because last night, Nafisa was even willing to stay up late just to look for information.

Nafisa is not too enthusiastic about her activities. Not how, Nafisa's efforts to apply for jobs have been countless.

Yes, once on a finger count Nafisa tried to apply at supermarkets, boutiques and the like, but Nafisa couldn't compete. Maybe because there are so many jobseekers.

Nafisa sighed heavily looking at the photocopy of her diploma. It has an almost perfect GPA. He put the photocopy of the other strata diploma back into the drawer of her cupboard.

Nafisa then took a photocopy of her high school diploma. This time the job he got was a sales clerk in a shop. It seems that Nafisa is embarrassed to wear the other strata diploma.

After all, the requirements she saw were more to 'appear to be attractive'. Instead of boasting of a high-level diploma, Nafisa tried to find a loophole by appearing all out today. 'Well, how come it looks putty and gray like this?'