
Logic (A Prelude To Something)

=============================== What happens when our favorite sociopathic scientist and decepticon gets transmigrated in worm with a Thinker power and the memories/powers/skills of Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne? I don't know. It's better than it sounds in your head, probably. =============================== I don't own Worm, Marvel Or DC. I wish I would though. It's the property of their respective owners, duh.

Optimizing_Mind · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Step 1.3


*2 Weeks Later*

Shockwave Pov


ShockwaveCorp was finally an official business. It still only had a couple of facilities dedicated to the production of better technology. Right now they are mostly dedicated to cheaper household technology with small bits of surveillance technology made cheaper.

That was ShockwaveCorp's motto "Everything you need made cheaper and better". And with the large amounts of connections I had made by loyalizing the most important people, I had almost free ads. I just needed to loyalize all the employees to truly turn all the businesses into my allies. And after I can loyalize all of Broton Bay, Well, Then I can start loyalizing all of America. Then The entire continent.

Then? The world of course.

On that note, Medhall was associated with the Empire 88. Max Anderson is Kaiser. The Biermann twins are Fenja and Menja. Kayden Anders is Purity and so many more. It wasn't as shocking as how shitty their security systems were. I had expected their security systems to be better than that. 2 Other companies had better security than them and they were just starting.

The incompetency of Nazi's show's even after their death... No, I had worked with Nazi's and they were more competent than this.

That aside, I could now finally go to Mars to fully automate my production facilities to endlessly create my new variation of the Loyalty Bot™. With the use of highly specialized [Efficiency & Minitaurizations] cramming and [Neurotechnology & Simulations] hormone manipulation and suggestion implantation, We can control the mushy biological computers of inefficient and outdated humans so we can-

Let's not try to get off-topic. 

While I would love to get Big Rigs specialization to research and build my production facilities faster, I cannot waste my time to try and set up an appointment with Toybox and then white-box the things I need to get rid of that atrocious amount of maintenance. I need to get my production facilities started as fast as possible. Brocton Bay was always a lit bomb. It was just a matter of time for it to blow up. And with the capture of Lung, The bomb is inching nanometers for it to blow up.

Just a matter of time until the gang war begins. One of the reasons only a quarter of my corporation's facilities were in Brocton Bay. Mostly because the land was so cheap.

It's a shame that I couldn't white-box the artificial brains of [Neuroscience & Simulations] but it is expected. The artificial brains were an ingenious invention. Some would think that not having any emotion would be a drawback. But it wasn't for me. The artificial brains couldn't simulate emotions. But it could simulate everything else of the brain. But I will still have my brain religiously guarded. And when I can get Bonesaw's specialty, Well, Then I would have no fear to get my brain destroyed. I could always perfectly clone it. And I also won't have to worry about losing my memories. [Neuroscience & Simulations] will be a very good countermeasure for that.

So many countermeasures to work on, And so many in development. And an AI to turn.

My AIs have been doing their work diligently. But they had found another AI roaming the internet. They were hiding their presence as effectively as they could and the AI hadn't sensed them yet. It was obviously a tinker creation. I do not think an AI can simulate emotions as much as It could from the residue It left. 

Whoever had that programming specialty. I need- No, I want it. It would make my AIs so much more superior. I couldn't track It because It was better than all of my current active AIs. I needed to get more AIs completed to take It over. The only thing stopping me from doing It is time.

I absolutely despise time. It's such a fascinating thing to study. But It makes preparation so much harder. If only I had a specialty dedicated to [Time].

"Haphaetus, Progress for the space suit's completion?"

"73.6%, Sir"



*On The Moon, 2 Days Later"

Shockwave Pov


Sphere's work was absolutely fascinating. Even after so much time has passed since Sphere was turned into Mannequinn and his moon base had stopped being maintained because of the Smiurgh. It was still standing. I knew if I had his specialty then I could rebuild this whole base extremely fast. His tech had only degraded in certain parts of the base and all the other parts were degrading extremely slowly.

Such impeccable work was destroyed because of hate. Another reason why pure logic is the only thing all sentient and intelligent beings should have. Emotions only cloud judgment or lead to decisions that are sub-optimal.

It will be a shame that I will have to deconstruct these structures of time. But the material they are made of, It's absolutely amazing. I do not have enough resources to start the production of Cybertronium. But until then, I can start to try and white-box the process by which this material was made. It will be great for building any structure and foundation in space.

A shame I couldn't loyalize Alan Gramme before his idealistic self was annihilated... Or would chained be a better metaphor? The man who dreamt of the moon. But there is still a chance that I can break him from the chains The Smiurgh put on him and make him into one of my greatest minds. The only thing containing me is time and another added drawback, resources.



*On Mars, 1 Month Later*

Shockwave Pov


So much has happened in sweet little Brocton Bay. From Bakuda's bombings to the Empire 88's civilian identities being revealed. The Empire 88 was irrelevant to my plans at this point. Rabid dogs that needed to be loyalized. But, Then again, They did have the infinite meat machine that was Alabaster. So, Still slightly useful.

And I had so much to do in that timeframe.

Before the bombing had started I had already perfected my Loyal Bots™. I was mostly trying to white-box even more technology from the 3 tech trees I had available to me and watching the mass production of my loyalty bots. I had already produced a sizable amount of them when I had first heard about her.

So, Of course, I had gone out for her specialty. [Bombs] was a very broad and at the same time narrow specialization. It would have been perfect for my Endbringer contingencies. I had then went to her hideout through the use of hacked satellites and my space bridge. 

It was easy enough to load her up with hundreds of microscopic tranquilizer darts and then let a loyal bot inhabit her. Of course, I had then loaded her up with many more dormant specialized loyal bots. I wanted her to get into the birdcage for me. I had to get rid of the faerie queen and a few other humans of interest. I had also loyalized both Uber & Leet and then linked up with Leet's specialty.

And he was an absolute treasure trove of knowledge. I had theorized that the more complex his tech is the more unstable it becomes. One of the reasons I didn't want his specialty was because I had thought that the higher tiers of his tech tree would have been completely illegible. I was wrong. His specialty [Prototype] was exceedingly powerful. Exceedingly powerful if he had worked with other tinkers. 

His entire specialty was that he could create technology from any tech tree but the more he used a tech tree the more unstable his tech became. It had a refractory period of course. But that refractory period was a week. Because he wasn't meant to mass-produce tinker-tech. He was supposed to create extremely powerful tech that should be mass-produced by other tinkers. And it was seen in his tech trees. At the highest charge of his tech tree. His tech was almost white-boxed. The more untouched a tech tree was, The more white-boxed It was. Of course, Nothing was completely white-boxed. But It would have been very easy to white-box it.

It was an extremely great find for me. While the highest reaches of its tech trees didn't have the most impressive technology. I.E. While it did have access to the [Neurotechnology] tech tree It didn't have the artificial brains of the [Neurotechnology & Simulations]. So, While it was definitely broad with thousands of millions of technology. It was more quantity than quality.

Even then, It was very good. Now I can finally progress the code of my AIs with its [Computation] and [Programming] tech trees. Not to mention, I can finally start to make a superior body for me. 

But I do have to start research on corona pollentia and gemma. I would very much appreciate It If I still had access to my powers. With this mind and the processors of a machine, I could very well surpass even the highest level of [Computation]'s processors.

Again, The only thing constraining me is time.



13th May, 2011

On Mars, 4 Days Later

Shockwave Pov


"Sufficient amount of Loyalty Bots mobilized. Initiate preparations to infect water supply's of Los Angelos, New York, Houston, Las Vegas, Boston, Chicago and Brocton Bay?" Mnemosyne said.

Finally, The day has come to release the first batch of my perfected Loyalty Bots. The infection points were chosen based on the severity of the parahumans in the cities. The Triumvirate were obvious choices and so were Boston and Brocton Bay. Brocton Bay because It had some people I needed to start my second phase of a... certain project. Truly, Brocton Bay had some of the most interesting secrets hidden underground. Boston because I wanted to Link up with Blasto's specialty and see what I could create with Endbringer flesh. 

Without a doubt an Endbringer will attack in this week... My calculations say that at the very least. And I will have at the very least 1 cape infected in a day. It just depends on what day the eEndbringer will attack. It would be very much appreciated If the Endbringer attacks at the end of the week. But appreciation doesn't work against probabilities.

Chicago were chosen because Myrddin had a reputation to use as back up. And Las Vegas was chosen because Satyrical had a very useful power that could be used to put some specific countries against each other. Also because I needed to know how Master/Stranger powers interacted with my loyalty bots emotion/memory manipulation and suggestion impantment.

"Initiate phas 1 of Project: Dominion." I replied while trying to find some sort of technology or methodology adjacent trick to infuse machinery and flesh. I needed to find Blasto and see if his specialty could give any of my other some sort of idea.

"Yes Sir" Mnemosyne replied.

I was running into a problem with my everexpanding technological database And that was I had no search or filter to look for specific types of technology. The database my head had was cataloged with tech trees of different subjects and a descending order of technological marvels with the peak of that technology at the bottom. But I couldn't really filter those tech trees for specific things. I needed to go through everysingle thing in it to find the specific thing I wanted. It was a chore, But at the very least I didn't have to go through the same Trees every time I wanted to find something. Eidetic memory was a phenomenal physiological muation that all humans should have.


15th May, 2011

On Mars

Shockwave Pov


"Leviathan attack detected. Location: Brocton Bay." Focalor said.

"Brocton Bay? It really is the darkpit of the USA like the broctonite's say. Such a miserable timeline of events happening there. Mnemosyne Dear? Would you be kind and let Coil know to put emergency measures in place for our dear little Noelle?" I asked her while trying to mix the almost panacea-like bacteria that was made by using the specilatios of [Virus], [Healing], [Biology] and [Reconstruction]. With the nano swarms created through the use of [Nanotechnology] and [Programming].

"Have all the humans in Anchorage been loyalized?" I asked

"Yes" Mnemosyne answered. Going back to her duties and taking hold of almost every single parahuman in the USA to fight against Leviathan.

It was fascinating how many secrets there were in this universe. From the Entities to Cauldron.

Cauldron especially. Taking a hold of them would be immensely helpful. I already had almost every single one of their members loyalized. The only ones remaining are The Crusader and Contessa. The Crusader can wait. But Cantessa has to be loyalized as fast as possible. I couldn't just let her drink be filled with Loyal Bots because she wouldn't drink it because of her Paths. That only way to do it would be to infect every single source of water where she could drink from. Good thing that she can't Path me because I am in Mars. 

Scion's restriction to only let powers be active on earth. which was a very good thing for me. 

On that note, My shard or passenger's behaiviour was... illogical. Nowdays, He didn't care about anything. He only cared If I got the [ANSWER]. I think he was trying to turn other shards into joining out "collective" so he could give me enough power and let me become a psedu-entity with creativity. It was another reason he had broken the restrictions of Scion. He needed to know what I was doing. I was an [ANOMALY] back then. But now I was a [ASSOCIATE].

That's another fascinating piece of info. Entities didn't really have any creatity. They only used [DATA] that they had gathered through their shards.

He had already turned most of Edens dead shards that we had access to into coming to his side. He had also started to send false data to the main shards and started abusing his power like some other shards had been doing.

Some times it felt like we weren't even separate beings. It felt like we were one. And at some point, We would become one and find the [ANSWER]. 

I had no qualms about trying to find an infinite source of energy. Negenthropy should be a goal to strive towards.

I just needed time to set up everything to go towards that goal.


A/N: So yeah, Another chapter where not much happens except in the background. At this point this isn't even a power fantasy. This is a prelude to something greater or someshit. Like, I cannot think of a way to beat SHockwave right now without bullshitery saying he didn't account for weird things. Like all the 17 other Endbringers being forcefully awakened by the Smiurgh and then getting killed by them or some other bullshit like that.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna change the cover to something more appropriate like some weird 'LOGIC' background because that purple armor is misleading as hell. I should also change the (Worm/Multi AU) Thing. That's also not appropriate. Any way, Other than that, I have nothing else to say.

Random Things - Yesterday (That would be 22nd April for me right now and I'm gonna release this right after writing this random thoughts section) I had made a cyoa build using mainly the shardless items of power section (I was using the Lt Ouromovs Worm CYOA 17). I had made a pure Omnitrix build and then I saw that I could use any other omnitrix (I.E. The Ultimatrix, Nemetrix, Madtrix Etc). And while doing that I was also listening to a Doomsday(Dc) power scaling vid by FilmComicsExplaned (Yes, I do listen to novel readings and shit while doing anything. I'm good at multitasking) and then I got an idea for a fan Omnitrix. So, I guess I'll put it out here.

Name - Adaptatrix

Description - The Omnitrix was created by Azmuth in his earlier years at the same time as Ascalon as a tool to simulate how different DNA samples would evolve, change, and adapt in an different scenarios to truly understand and appease his craving knowledge for genetics. It was then left to rot in his meuseaum as a prototype gene altering machine. After the failure of Ascalon he remembered this device and saw the potential for war it could cause.

He had made his mind then that he would use it to construct a device for negotians and peace between different species by making them truly understand eachother. To the rest of the universe, the Omnitrix had a two-fold purpose. One was to function as a repository for the DNA of all species in the milky way galaxy that could understand peace or could become peaceful and the alien species that were headed to extinction because of their own violence as a warning to the other intelligent species. The samples were scanned, and when necessary, repaired. This collection of DNA was then preserved in the event that any of species cataloged should ever be rendered extinct, allowing the Omnitrix to restore them to life if they were destroyed as an after effect of galactic war. Unbeknownst to everyone else, Azmuth had a third reason for creating the Omnitrix. He hoped that his estranged lover Zennith, who had left him as he created Ascalon, would learn of his change and come back to him.

But a young chimera sui generis concuerer wannabe had heard of this device before Azmuth became a changed man. He had spent decades searching for Azmuth to get his hand on this device that could make him a near unkillable god. And then he was handed the information of Azmuths whearebouts because of a rumor that Azmuth was turning this device of his godhood into a mere device of peace. And while Azmuth was working on the almost finished Omnitrix, Vilgax had attacked him, Leading to him placing the unfinished Omnitrix which still had the genetic mutation system of the device before it into a dropped and tweaked by him to still use it so it couldn't corrupt the DNA samples that he had acquired even the mythical celestialsapien DNA and sent to a backwater planet called earth.

Features - Same as the classic omnitrixes (I could expand on those but I don't have the energy to. I am literally writing this at 3:57 pm.) Expect it also has:

Genetic Adaptability (By External Force): While Azmuth was deleting the programming and components for the original Genetic Augmentation & Manipulation Sphere (G.A.M.S) Vilgax had attacked and he knew why. To weaponize the creation that he had made. He had taken manual control of the defensive system for his forge planet but still Vilgax had won against it.

So, In a last ditch effort he made the unfinished omnitrix and tweaked it so the remenant G.A.M.S couldn't corrupt the DNA samples he had painstakingly aquaried. The Remenant G.A.M.S lead to this result. This function is essentially an infinite ever expanding genetic tree. Whenever a DNA sample is used and it is hurt by external force not from the user, The internal AI of the Omnitrix specs into differing nodes to get rid of that weakness by modifying the DNA and if that weakness couldn't be speced into then specing into the relevant offensive or spportive tree to purge the entity that had caused the user damage. At the end of the timeline, As per the User Gene Rehabilitation Protocol (U.G.R.P. Or U-Grip) The DNA sample is reverted and fixed to the original sample.

Limitations - 1. It takes multiple types of the same external force for the AI to get adequate [DATA] to spec into the relevant trees.

2. Because parts of G.A.M.S system was pruned only the natural abilities of the DNA sample can be modified (Pyronite DNA can only develop adaptations that involve his magma-y and volcanic body and his fire powers, Wildmutt can only devlope adaptations that involve his natural weaponry and body, Wildvine can only devlope adaptations that involve his plant biology ETC.)

3. Because at the end of a time limit the DNA used reverts back to the original sample, All the adaptations that had happened are pruned and the DNA sample starts from scratch, But, Because that AI also has a more collective [DATA] catalog, The adaptations that the previous versions had taken because of certain external forces are taken faster if the external force that the DNA is getting damaged by is similar enough.