

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Gao Wu: Ten thousand years after registration...

Gao Wu: Ten thousand years after registration-618.Ziyan's small abacus, horrible absorption, 50 million poles immortal! (6)

618.Ziyan's small abacus, horrible absorption, 50 million poles immortal! (6)

Starflower spacecraft, a room covered with silver gray.

This is the lounge belonging to the highest executive director of the Star Spirit Flower.

At this time, Ziyan's heart is flowing with a person through communication equipment.

In front of Ziyan's heart, he is a majestic middle ⁇ man.

⁇ The most obvious sign of the Star Spiritual Family is that the number of UV stars on the forehead is much greater than that of Ziyan.

".…Probably so, I have sent you a detailed video record, which you can view later. "

Ziyan's heart recounted the thrilling past ⁇ experienced by the Star Spirit Flower.

In the picture, a deep and shocking color on the man's face lingered.

" Five star thieves.

Super martial arts ⁇ genius who understands the law of polarism? "

" Are you sure it is really the law of polarity?"

The middle ⁇ man couldn't help but ask the previous sentence.

Ziyan nodded, " Master Wu Tian, and two other thirteen levels on the boat on this trip all agreed on the matter.

Elders can also identify the video to others. "

The middle ⁇ man nodded, and a few ⁇ strange colors appeared in the look, and the opening ⁇ : " Then you are also blessed by misfortune this time.

If you can become a super martial arts ⁇ genius who can understand the law of the polarization at the twelfth level, plus the ⁇ labor in this trip, the family elders will definitely praise you.

Yanxin, I really did not misunderstand you."

" Elders are awesome. "

Ziyan shook his head with some embarrassment.

This time, in fact, she made a lot of mistakes in her decision-making. If it wasn't for halfway, the gods and soldiers suddenly fell to a Lu Sheng, the estimate she faced here was not a prize, but exile.

" Anyway, the results are good. "

The ⁇ man comforted one sentence and then asked: " Right, how do you plan to get to each other? "

Ziyanxin ⁇ : " I took the goods of the Star Spirit Flower without permission, and ten three-stage blue fir nuclei.

He was given as a thank you gift.

But the elders can rest assured that this ⁇ will spend my 300-day fee and will continue to make up for it. ""Not bad. "

The middle ⁇ man smiled on his face, and nodded and praised ⁇ : " For this martial arts genius, the star core that helps to practice is indeed the best gift.

You don't have to pay for it yourself. You write it down and look back to the Presbyterian for reimbursement.

Oh right. "

The middle ⁇ man then ⁇ : " The Starflower will pick up the cargo replenishment warehouse when returning, plus the genius who understands the law of the polar position to you.

Is the funds over there sufficient?Would you like me to apply for a ⁇ fund from the Presbyterian Church first? "

Ziyan thought about it and rejected the good intentions of the other party.

" Thank you elders, but I have some savings myself, so far it should be enough. "

Ziyan has his own small abacus in his heart.

She is from a sideline. Although she has outstanding abilities, she is quite immune to some Presbyterian members in the family.

This time, the spacecraft operator of the Star Spirit Flower, who led the immortal level, still struggled with every effort.

Ziyan held his tone in his heart and made up his mind to make an amazing blow in front of those who could not look down on her when she returned.

Lu Sheng's appearance gave her the best opportunity. Before the incident, she did not want to let others in the family know.

after all.

The first ⁇ things that were kicked out after the incident, and these ⁇ things she had seen in the family were not too few.

" You have an idea, then I will not say anything. "

The middle ⁇ man understands Ziyan's concerns and nods.

After that, the communication was cut off, and it was estimated that I was eager to bite down to view the information and video about Lu Sheng sent by Zi Yinxin in the past.

Ziyan turned off the communicator and gently breathed.

During this time, her spirit was in a state of tightness.

⁇ Until now, it is only after (cdbf) that it is completely relaxed.

After " bumpy, it was smooth. "

Ziyan suddenly remembered what he had seen in a book.

How similar is her current situation.

" The crisis of star theft was lifted, and a martial arts genius with such a demon was recognized.

In this return, I must raise my eyebrows and exhale in my family, so that the elders will look at each other ". Of course, it is imperative to firmly grasp the opportunity in front of me and fight with the martial arts genius who understands the law of the polarity. "

"What is the most important genius in martial arts?

Nature is practice!

As long as I can provide him with sufficient chain repair resources, he should have no reason to refuse my friendship!"

Ziyan thought clearly.

Of course she also lay a ⁇ husband in this respect.

" After arriving at the bow of hunting, the other party is equipped with several sets of top weapons and equipment, carts.This is the big head, but the money I have now should be enough.

These things do not need to be replaced frequently in a short time. "

" Mainly the usage of daily chain repairs. "

Thinking of this, Ziyan couldn't help but take something out of the storage bracelet.

This is a slap-sized silver plate with ten blue gems on the silver plate.

This is an energy monitor supporting the three-stage Lanyu Nucleus. Its role is to monitor energy changes in the ten Lanwu Nuclei at any time.

When Ziyanxin sent out the Lan Yu Xing nuclear, he used a small method to deliberately leave this energy monitor.

The purpose is to observe the speed of consumption of the Lan Yu Xing nucleus.

In one way, you can control the timing and replenish the new star core at the right time to achieve the effect of sending charcoal in the snow.

It can also control costs in the second place. After all, the value of a three-stage blue space star core is very high. Even a huge and powerful starry family like the Star Spirit Flower Family cannot be arbitrarily damaged.

Ziyan looked at the energy monitor in his hand and said to himself: " In terms of daily practice usage, these ten three-stage Lanyu stars should be enough for each other to use for a long time.

There is no need to replenish in a short time, and when the next batch needs to be replenished, it can be retrieved from the family.

Don't worry about this..."

Ziyan was thinking about putting away the silver plate.

But at this time, Ziyan's heart suddenly trembled slightly.

Then I saw the ten blue gems above, one of which dimmed quickly.

Just a few breathing times, completely lost all the gloss.

Then I haven't waited for Ziyan to be surprised. The second sapphire on the silver plate happened again.

It is also completely bleak in several breaths.

The third one, the fourth one.…

Only when the blue in the fifth gem faded by nearly half, this aberration was able to stop.

Ziyan stayed at the silver plate in his hand, and the whole person stayed.

It's like a silly glance, and I can hardly believe what I saw.

" This thing.Is it broken? "

She blinked and turned the silver plate to look around.

In my heart, a huge wave has been set off.

What's special.

This is the three-stage Lan Yuxing nucleus!

Each of the energies contained in it is comparable to the light energy released by a million stars when they are released.

Even if it is the thirteenth-level martial arts, it takes at least a hundred or even longer to completely absorb the energy in a three-stage Blue Star core.

It is better than the thirteen levels that followed her in this way.

As one of the top expressions of the Star Spiritual Family, the quota is only one two-stage star core per hundred.

This is the family's most accurate source of training resources calculated based on Wu Tian's strength and practice speed.

In other words, the thirteenth-level martial arts can absorb a second-stage star core for a hundred ⁇ hours.

And she gave the one with ten three-stage blue space stars.

It's quite a big deal, originally thinking that at least a few hundred within each other should not worry about pursuing resources.

He turned out to be good.

In a few breathing hours, I drained the energy in the four and a half three-stage stars in one breath!

All of this energy is added up, enough to support Wu Tian to death a hundred times.

(Cough, this must not let Wu Tianzhi ⁇ .)

What's more outrageous is that the other party actually repaired the realm, but only the twelfth level!

For a while, Ziyan's heart was a little ignorant.

" At his speed, ten three-stage stars will be enough for him to repair the chain for a few days. ""The 12th promotion to the 13th level requires such a huge resource consumption, when he grows to a height sufficient to protect the Star Spiritual Family,…

How much practice resources are needed in total? "

Rao is a famous starry sky like Ziyanxin. His men are studying an entire immortal spaceship, with hundreds of millions of trillions of wealth, and think they are also women who have seen the world.

Think of a number that may need to be undertaken in the future.

There is no way to get dizziness in front of you.

Before, I felt that my small vault should be enough to support the first party, ⁇ to return to the family.

Only found now.

The little money in his small vault seems to be not even a roll of salary.

More importantly,

" If the elders knew that I would come back to such a starry sky to swallow gold beasts for my family, I should be happy.Still angry? "

For a time, Ziyan's heart even felt that he didn't know where to go.

I can only stand still and whisper.

"Twelfth grade can understand the super martial arts of the law of polarism. Is it so scary?"

"Hiss one by one"

Lu Sheng took a deep breath.

The countless scattered blue stars of nuclear energy in the huge room were all sucked into his entrance and integrated into his body.

" Cracked-One "

With this last energy inhalation, Lu Sheng's body also made a series of explosive brittle noises.

An indescribable terrible prestige naturally came out of him.

This momentum is like light and shadow, like fog, like the galaxy flowing in the universe.

As soon as it appeared, the ⁇ relay crushed the void, and the void around Lu Sheng was suppressed to show a twisted and folded shape.

And Lu Sheng, surrounded by this momentum.

It is better to be like a white hole, and no longer release extremely terrifying scouts in all directions.

" 50 million immortal cells, polar seeds! "

Lu Sheng opened his eyes and put a star nucleus that had not been completely absorbed back into the silver and white storage box, with strong surprises and satisfaction on his face.

And reward, thank you!!!!

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