

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 467

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 467

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Chapter 466 Officially Invite Your Excellency on behalf of My Father, the Marquis of Lanno (1/5)

"Lord Lan Che!"

Milton was surprised and delighted.

So you are here…

Listening to the meaning of Lan Che's words, it seems that he made a special trip to find him.

Although he didn't know why, Milton couldn't care about "intimidating" Lu Sheng any longer.

"I was going to find your Excellency, but I didn't expect Your Excellency to come first…"

Milton raised his chest and put a smile on his face, regaining his stance as the son of the earl, the noble elite.

He took the initiative to reach out to Lan Che and greeted him with a smile.

Milton has already planned in his mind how to greet Lan Che next, then introduce his sister Qiaoqiao to Lan Che, and then find an opportunity to send the spacecraft control key that he has prepared a long time ago…

Lan Che's next sentence made his outstretched right hand and the smile on his face freeze at the same time.

"Who are you?"

Lan Che glanced at Milton, frowned slightly, and said.

Who are you?

Who are you?

Milton looked stunned,

"Ge… Your Excellency didn't come to me?"

Milton was stunned.

Lan Che didn't speak, just shook his head, passed Milton gently, and walked straight to Lu Sheng.

"Immortal bloodline, even in the main star area of the Serpent Galaxy, is rare…"

Lan Che's tone was complicated, and then quite formally handed a lavender card to Lu Sheng, and said solemnly: "The Yamu Star District won't hold you for a long time. When your Excellency comes to the main star district, I hope you can come to our Lan family as a guest."

After speaking, Lan Che added another sentence.

"This is my official invitation to Your Excellency on behalf of my father, the Marquis of Lannor."


As a big man who came from the main star area, Lan Che has always been the central figure of the banquet hall since he appeared on the stage, and I don't know how many eyes followed.

When he walked to Milton's side, there were already many people watching secretly.

When he said such words to Lu Sheng, the whole banquet hall was immediately blown up!


It was no less than a nuclear bomb thrown into the crowd, causing bursts of uproar.

All of a sudden, countless pairs of eyes converged on Lu Sheng.

Immortal class!

Immortal bloodline!

It turns out that they have been speculating, exploring, and trying their best to get a little bit of news about the immortal-level extraordinary life physique owners one by one.

This is the one in front of you!

Even Lan Che had to initiate a formal invitation in the name of the family to win over him.

Even call him one by one Your Excellency.

Is there any more convincing evidence than this?

In an instant, the entire banquet hall was in commotion.

Countless nobles and ladies rushed here.

And our poor hog rider Milton is now completely petrified in place.

He stared blankly at the handsome, calm-looking young man in front of him, his mind seemed to be rumbled by countless meteor streams.

Completely bewildered.

He has always looked down on him, believing that he deliberately approached Jojo several times and tried to climb the big tree of their Sith family.

In the spaceship store, and just now, he was warned and threatened twice in a row.

In the background, there is only a mud leg from the country planet of Farr, a small enforcer

Turned out to be the real protagonist of today's celebration dinner one by one

That legendary mysterious immortal bloodline owner, a super genius born every million years in the subjupiter region? !

buzzing one by one

Milton's body trembled violently, his head was dazed, his legs were weak, and he almost collapsed on the ground.

this attack

It's far more terrifying than "pig cavalry", "scholar" and "150-year-old god of war".

If his father, the Count of Sith, knew, not only did he not have a relationship with this one, but he also severely offended the other party.

It is estimated that what awaits him is not a grounding, but a direct interruption of his legs.


Being directly deprived of family inheritance is very likely.

"No wonder the old foxes will hold Farr in the center…"

Milton remembered the strange phenomenon of seeing Farr being admired by all the stars, and at this moment, he suddenly figured it out.

He was in a trance, as if he had lost his soul.

Not only Milton, but Jojo at this time also covered her mouth with her small hands and stared at Lu Sheng with wide eyes.

She met Lu Sheng several times, but she just felt that the two were destined, and Lu Sheng was good-looking.

Never thought…

The identity, origin and talent of the other party are so scary.

Surrounded by countless eyes, Lu Sheng felt slightly uncomfortable.

Just because he was afraid of such a situation, he declined the proposal to enter the venue with Dunlop and others.

But it was unexpectedly exposed in the public eye.

Even the impression of Lan Che in front of him was a little bad.

However, Lan Che was full of sincerity, and he didn't want to reach out and hit him in the face, so he could only take the card that Lan Che handed over and nodded, "I'll consider it."

"Thank you."

Lan Che showed the good cultivation of a top noble child. After releasing his goodwill to Lu Sheng, he no longer bothered and took the initiative to step aside.

Then Lu Sheng saw those well-dressed starry sky nobles rushing towards him like fat hungry wolves.


Lu Sheng secretly rubbed his brows and began to cope with all kinds of helplessness.

".~ Your spaceship is parked at Pier 284, just go and collect it yourself with the voucher…"

"Thank you."

At the entrance of the law enforcement department in the sub-jupiter district, the gray-haired Zhao Lin took the spacecraft control key from a member of the law enforcement department.

The members of the Law Enforcement Department who escorted them out nodded slightly, turned around and went in without saying anything.

Lan Chen, who was standing beside Zhao Lin, looked extremely ugly.

"They treated you like this, and you said thank you to them?"

"They've been nice to me."

Zhao Lin blinked and said with a look of surprise: "Except for not having the right to communicate with the outside world, all treatment is the highest standard."


Lan Chen was shocked and couldn't believe it, "You said that you received the highest treatment when you were incarcerated?"

"No. Don't you?"

Zhao Lin was puzzled.

Lan Chen took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and nodded, "Yes, me too."

Yes, Lan Chen also enjoys the highest treatment.

But it is the "highest treatment" for criminals.

Compared with Zhao Linyi, it is completely a heaven and a hell.

The more Lan Chen thought about it, the more angry he couldn't help but say, "No, this matter is not over. I must complain to them when I go back."

"forget it."

Zhao Lin patted Lan Chen on the shoulder, looked away and comforted: "We can be released, which proves that everything has been settled.

It's pointless to think about it now. "

Zhao Lin's words just hit Lan Chen's sore spot, Lan Chen said with an unwilling face: "How can you not care.

A Huiyue-level, maybe even a super-genius Qing at the Lunar-level.

The first one I unearthed was taken away by the people in the subjupiter area!

If it is reported normally, how much benefit can we get from it?"

"Be more open."

Zhao Lin comforted: "Perhaps Lu Sheng's talent is not as good as we thought.

Luminary level is not so easy to achieve.

The loss of a Kaguyuki-class talent… is not so unacceptable. "